Glad I Met You: Casey + Pj

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To: KicktheZelda
From: CaseyKat13

So u kno how I was talking about RWBY?! There’s a convention coming to London next week! I’m going, u should go to so we can meet! If u do, don’t forget to dress up! Xxx

I closed my laptop and spun around in my computer chair trying to think of costume ideas. I’ll probably go as Blake. She’s simple but stylish… and the bow on her head makes her look like she has cat ears… Just saying. [Pic on sidebar]

I stood up and went into my closet, rummaging through my clothes. I should get the outfit at least kind of picked out. I found a white pair of shorts and tank top, along with a black vest. I’ll have to go shopping for the purple tights, black ankle boots, and arm warmers, plus, you know, the sword, but other than that I think I have everything. I laid the clothes I did have on my bed and looked at them, nodding.

A ping noise came from my laptop and I spun back in the chair, opening up the device.

I saw that I had a new message from KicktheZelda and smiled as I saw his reply.

To: CaseyKat13
From: KicktheZelda

Hey! That’s sounds exciting! I’ll have to go so I can meet you! Who’ll you be going as? Let me know so I know who to look for!

I smiled and started to reply, delving into an intense conversation about the anime web series RWBY.

Pj’s POV

I sat back in my desk chair and ran my hands through my curls, trying to keep up with the conversation. To be honest, I don’t know much about RWBY. It’s not that I don’t like it, I just haven’t had time to look into it.

“Well, you’ll have to make time…” I muttered to myself, pulling up the Rooster Teeth website and going to the videos, starting with episode one of RWBY. If I want to hit it off with this girl, I’ll have to know what I’m talking about…

Day of Convention

Casey’s POV

I walked through the doors of the convention center and smiled at all of the cosplayers, every character from RWBY walking around and going to different booths. I saw at least a dozen Blake’s and got worried about KicktheZelda, I don’t know if he’ll be able to find me…

There were only a few Lie Ren’s, he wore a green diagonal buttoned long sleeve suit that’s red on the inside and pink on the cuffs. It looked very Japanese and I loved it.

I pulled out my phone and went found his username on it, sending him a message. I drifted away from the crowds and sat on a little bench, looking around the massive room. It really is ginormous, I had no idea so many people watched RWBY…

After a couple minutes my phone buzzed and KicktheZelda said that he just walking in. I told him where I was sitting and looked up, seeing a cosplayer as Lie Ren enter. His hair was dark and curly on his head and almost covered his eyes, though I couldn’t see what color they were. He suddenly pulled his phone out of pocket and read something from it before looking around until his eyes landed on mine. I gave him a shy smile and waved, standing up as he approached. I never thought I’d be this nervous to meet him! I mean, we’ve been messaging constantly for a few months now.

He slowly walked up to me and held his arms out. I smiled wider and gave him a hug before pulling back, “It’s nice to finally meet you, as you know I’m Casey!” I laughed, noting that his eyes were bright green.

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