Preparing for the Party : Amber + Phil

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“Amber-Bamber!” I laid on my bed and laughed as I heard Phil call down the hall.

“Whaaat?” I called back, my eyes glued to my computer screen. I was currently watching a video by MaddieMarshmallow. She was ranting about how she always tries to make people happy but she can’t seem to do the same for herself. It was really kind of sad. I went into the comments and told her to look up danisnotonfire, thanks to Phil, I found him, too, and he’s really good for cheering someone up. He could be really good for her.

“Amber!” Aaand that was Dan, speak of the devil.

I threw my head back against a pillow, “What?!”

They’re kind of like a mother, you know? They call for you, you respond, they don’t answer, they call for you again. This repeats until you actually get up and go talk to them, which honestly, seems like a lot of effort.

“Aaaaamber!” Phil, again.

Oh my goshness.

I put my laptop on the bed and got up, dragging my feet down the hall. My jaw hung open when I saw the state of the kitchen. Flour and sugar everywhere. I leaned over and saw a cracked egg on the ground, as well.

“What are you two doing?” I asked, trying not to laugh at the flour that lightened Phil’s hair.

“We’re making cookies for the Christmas party tonight!” Dan said happily, holding what looked like cookie dough in his hands. Aaah, yes. I almost forgot that we were hosting a small [I hope] get together for a few of our Youtuber friends.

“It’s gone terribly wrong.” Phil laughed, looking at the deformed mound in Dan’s hands, “I mean, look at that!”

“Wait, no, no, we can save it, right?” Dan looked back to me. Me? What can I do? I can’t bake!

“Uhh, yeah. Sure.” I smiled and walked into the war-zone, making sure not to step in anything wet. I stopped in between Dan and Phil before noticing the camera that was sitting on a tripod behind the counter.

“You’re going to show everyone your massive fail?” I questioned, looking at Phil.

He smiled and nodded, bending down for a second to plant a soft kiss on my cheek, “It won’t be a fail much longer, right?”

“Right.” I smiled, hoping it was true. “What did you put in them already?” I looked between the two, but both of their faces where blank.

“Uhhh. Ahumm. Eh.” That was Dan with a constipated look on his face.

“Flour, there was definitely flour.” Phil said after a moment.

“Yeah!” Dan agreed, looking at his laptop that sat on the one clean part of the counter. “And sugar. Phil spilled that in the sink.” I laughed and looked at him.

He just shrugged with a grin, “It didn’t go how I expected.” I laughed and leaned into him, his arm going around my waist as we watched Dan continue skimming over the recipe.

“And eggs. A few are on the floor…”

“A few?!” I looked around again and, low and behold, there were at least two or three more scattered around the floor.

“Dan tried juggling.”

“Okay, okay! I know how to juggle, right? It’s just, they were a little slippery.” He defended, looking away from the laptop and facing us.

“Sure, Dan, sure.” I smirked, watching as he looked around the kitchen.

“Okay, see this?” He grabbed a few apples before turning towards the camera, “I can juggle. Watch.” He tossed a few apples in the air and juggled fairly well until all at once he missed and they all his the ground.

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