Chapter two -

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The club was packed full of wannabe VIP's, actual VIP's and of course the odd one or two groupies due to the few celebrities in here. It was London and a big club so it was natural to think there would be well known faces passing by. Mattie was already at the doors by the time i had stepped out the car, i saw her wave towards me as i ran towards her and a large man in a black suit holding open a rope for us. I guess there was some perks, i thought looking behind me and seeing at least a good half a mile long line of people scowling at me.

Walking in i took in everything around me, the smell of alcohol and desperation filled my nostrils as i made my way over to the bar. ''What can i get you love?'' A tall, dark haired boy called out as he rested his hands on the bar in front of me, the music wasn't so loud here as towards the back were everyone was dancing. I looked over his head at the menu before replying with the one thing i knew would make me feel less anxious.

''Ill have a sambuca, in fact ill have two i have a friend,'' I smiled, causing the bartender to raise an eyebrow before nodding his head and pouring two shot glasses with the strong alcoholic liquid. I paid him and walked over to a table were sat Mattie sat talking to a couple familiar faces. I recognized one of them to be the owner, Daniel and the other to be his girlfriend, Amy. I liked them both so had no trouble sitting with them making small talk.

''Now mattie you can't scream,'' Daniel began as he took a sip of his pint, Amy and i had been talking but stopped as we heard Daniel begin.

''Why would she scream?'' I asked looking around for an answer, i looked to Amy who just shared the same look as i did.

''Because, as you know there's a lot of known faces here tonight and five of them happen to be Mattie's favorite band members,'' Daniel winced as Mattie let out a deafening screech causing the people around us to look like we had just shit on their bed. ''Calm down!''

Mattie breathed and eventually stopped screaming causing the three of us to sigh in relief.

As i i looked around to make sure we weren't the centre of attention anymore i spotted someone looking over in our direction. Someone i knew the face of due to Mattie's obsessive need to save pictures on her phone of the five twats that were now taking over not just her life but unfortunately mine as well. His stare was strong, but held something i couldn't quite make out. Maybe it was the lighting or the alcohol had finally got to my head like i had planned it too, but I'm sure i almost saw him smiling at me. Which was stupid because...why would Niall Horan be smiling at me?

After an hour of small talk i found myself dancing. Not exactly a favorite hobby of mine but if it meant me getting away from Mattie gossiping about that stupid boy band i was for it completely. I had a good amount of alcohol buzzing around my veins to not be embarrassed, yet not enough to not know my surroundings.

Suddenly i felt two strong hands around my waist being pulled to the side of the club were noone could see unless you were going to the toilet.

''What the fuck are you playing at!'' I hissed as my back hit the wall, in front of me was a man, still gripping me tightly, holding me in place. So running away wasn't an option, oh joy. I looked up to see a pair of dark brown eyes glaring into mine before instantly becoming scared, my hands took control as i threw a hopefully strong enough punch to his cheek. Nothing, he just glared harder, this time though with  smug smirk on his face.

''Now, now gorgeous wouldnt want to give me a reason to ruin that pretty little face of yours now would we,'' He whispered as his hand cupped my chin so i looked at him again.

''Fuck off pervert,'' I heard someone shout as my waist was freed from his grip, an extremely tall, well built what looked like body guard appeared out of now were and practically saved me, slinging the man out by the scruff of his neck. '' My names Paul darling and your coming with me, i have someone who wants to meet you,'' His voice was low and calm, for some weird reason although the demanding tone i still felt no fear as i walked around the club to the small table in the far back with him. My head tilted to the side in confusion as i saw five boys and a girl sat there. All of them very familiar, but due to the drunkenness i couldn't lay my finger on how i knew their faces. Not yet anyway.

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