Chapter five -

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Cassie's POV

The next morning i arose from my mountains of pillows and duvet. Matte had been to drunk to talk to last night, making this morning only the more dreadful. Moaning i stood up and covered my body with a thick dressing gown. The warm, fluffy fabric comforting in me, preparing me for what was to come next.

I knew Mattie was awake from the smell of breakfast filling the apartment, a small smiled tugged at my lips as i slowly made my way into the kitchen, careful to were i placed my feet in case i tripped like last night.

''Morning snowflake!'' Mattie yelled over the sizzling of the pan, a cup of coffee already placed out for me in my usual spot on the breakfast table. How she managed to be so upbeat at half eight, after being drunk i don't know and probably never will. She turned to me after turning down the heat on the bacon and smirked at me, as if she could read my mind. ''Do you plan on explaining to me why you got in Niall Horans car?'' I practically spat coffee every were as she confronted me, that same smirk still plastered to her face only now it had grown, and her eyebrows raised as she waited for the answer. ''Well enlighten me? Did you..''

''No!'' I almost screamed, my arms crossing over my chest, figures her to be the first to think about what my actions were last night. Shit, how did she know? ''How do you know anyway?''

Her smirk lightened up and was replaced with her folding her arms also at me and another raised eyebrow. ''Im not stupid, plus i met the rest of the boys after begging Daniel, i asked were Niall was and they claimed he left about twenty minutes ago with a blonde called Cassie, '' Fuck, i knew she would find out somehow but really? Was like this the best way? No of course it wasn't, yet here i am, explaining myself to my best friend after last nights happening. The thought of it turning my stomach.

''Well hes a dick so don't get your hopes up on anything more happening,'' I replied taking a mouthful of bacon and savoring the salty taste. Mattie frowned before throwing endless questions at me throughout morning, of course i had to answer or else id be the stupid one.

Half ten came round far to slowly as i washed up and prepared for work. I worked in a small shop about four miles away from the house, it revolved mainly around art but had a few classic novels scattered around for the customers to flick through whenever they were waiting for their work to dry. Although i had just chosen to work in the shop as a job for collage i found myself never wanting to leave. I finished collage a year ago, just before my eighteenth birthday. Well I'm nineteen now and still in the shop so i think i can safely say I'm not going any were anytime soon. Slipping on a fitted light blue blouse and dark skinny jeans i took a look in the mirror before tieing my hair up messily, making sure it was never once flat, a pet peeve of mine. I applied the usual make up before grabbing my leather jacket and black ankle boots before heading out the door, keys and phone in hand. Mattie waved me off as i began the ten minute drive to work.

All the way there i felt a strange urge to think over last nights events, maybe i had been harsh on Niall, he only kissed me and asked me to stay, it was late anyway. And he said he didn't do sex on first name basis so what was the problem? Oh right yea, the fact he was a cocky twat for how he spoke to me like i was just another one of his little things he played with now and then to ease frustration. News flash Niall Horan, your not getting a girl like me that easy.

I pulled over in the small car park next to the shop. It was fairly full today due to mostly middle aged women filling the shop and letting out the anger on a canvas before weeping over how it reminded them of their divorce. I sighed locking the car up and tugging my jacket around me tighter, blocking out the cold, harsh wind. This was going to be a long day.

A few hours rolled by before i realized i was on  my lunch break, sat in the back room drinking a cup of tea. Most of the 'inspired artists' had left now, giving me the shop mostly to myself with the occasion of the odd person snooping round. Picking myself up off the high stool i opted for the hobby i did every work shift on my lunch break. Drawing.

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