Chapter six -

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The phone call was short but sweet, we both asked how each over was and small talk. Normally it would be boring with anyone else but Niall found a way to make it music to my ears.

''Go out with me tonight?'' He suddenly spoke up, sounding eager but curious also. My mouth gaped slightly as i stumbled to find an answer. Of course i wanted to see him, i had so many questions to ask him, so many thoughts for his perspective. ''Cas?''

''So-sorry, id love to, but, i have work tomorrow,'' Stupid fucking work, suddenly my once love for this place became annoyance and intolerant towards the shop i had abandoned quickly to talk to Niall round back, giving me much more privacy than what me and Harry had.

''It wont be late i promise, please? Don't make me beg Cassie, i never beg,'' His voice turned low again, like he was becoming impatient, sighing i gave into defeat and gave him the answer he wanted.

''Okay but i want to be back for midnight,''

''Done,'' you could almost see the smile on his face as he talked, his tone suddenly so chirpy and happy, like a child with a new bike on his birthday. ''When do you get off work?''

''In an hour,'' I replied heading back in and quickly taking the money off the customer and mouthing a thank you to her as she told me to keep the two pound tip.

''Great, because I'm on my way to your work,'' My brow furrowed at his sudden interest to see me so soon, it was only three o'clock after all, which to me was a bit early to go 'out'. Before i could answer him and tell him it was a bit early i heard the other end of the phone hang up, leaving me alone to my thoughts.

Suprisingly buisness picked up speed, meaning the hour didn't seem so long. By the time Niall walked through the door i was just packing up and putting on my jacket. ''Ready?'' He asked and smiled a crooked grin at me. I had to admit, i could get use to that smile. I nodded and smiled back before walking up to him, his long, muscular arm reached around my lower back as he walked me out the door, a sense of safety rushed over me as i embraced the warmth of his body close to mine. Wow, i needed to stop thinking about this.

''Any hints on were your taking me?'' I quizzed as we walked up to the familiar car that i had recently been escorted to the night before.


Great i thought,  for all i know he could be taking me to the middle of no were and leaving me as payback for running away from him last night. I shuddered at the thought of him actually doing something terrible and slowed down my walking slightly. Niall stopped completely before turning to me, his arm now left my back and were folded over his torso.

''Im not going to bring up last night, im over it, so theres no need to worry,'' He spoke, his tone nonchalant as it could get. Relief flooded over me as he said this, giving me some hope that today would be a fresh start. ''If you must know were going to a boxing match,'' He sighed grabbing my hand softly and pulling me towards the car. My brow furrowed in confusion as i stepped in the passenger seat and waited for him to get in.

''Who's fighting?'' And how did he know i loved boxing? Had he done his research? Why did he sigh as he said it, shouldn't have he been happy?

He stared in front for a while, ignoring me, i knew he had heard though, he had stiffed up when i asked, his hands had gripped the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles were white. Everything about that one question made him look lie he was ready to kill. Finally as we pulled away he took a deep breath and answered my long awaited question. ''I am.''

My mouth gaped open so much i thought i felt my jaw hit my thighs, Niall a boxer? Sure he had the look, and the strength, but were boy band members even allowed to do something like this? ''Don't look to surprised,'' He laughed turning a corner s we drove into unfamiliar territory. ''I've done it for years,'' Even with this reassurance i couldn't help but feel scared, what if he got hurt, wait, why did i care?

My heart raced as i thought of him lying on the floor, lifeless from the fight, i couldn't bare it. I didn't know him, i didn't feel anything towards him besides the heat of our kiss last night and yet i found myself worrying like i was his girlfriend or something. My attention was drawn to the large hall in front of us, we had parked but i was to zoned out to realize until i heard Niall cough from outside the car. He walked round and opened the door for me, i hoped out my hands shaking as Niall closed the door behind me. I went to walk when i felt to hands grip my waist and pin my against the car, my back hit the cold metal of the car door as i sucked in a breath, scared what he was intending to do. His face was still soft but his eyes showed signs of amusement. ''What?'' I breathed out, preparing myself for whatever he threw at me.

''Your hot when your nervous,'' He whispered in my ear, his warm breath burning my neck as he placed a feathery kiss to my jaw line and looked back up to me, his eyes never leaving mine.

''I'm-I'm not ner-nervous,'' I stuttered, mentally punching myself for not sounding more cocky, he knew the effect he had on me, and he played with it to his advantage. He left out a quiet laugh before backing away from me and grabbing my hand, gesturing me to follow him into the building. He stopped half way before turning around and facing me again, this time with a large smirk on his face.

''You should be,'' He laughed before pulling me again towards the hall, his accent ringing in my ears as we made our way through the crowds of people and into the changing rooms at the back. ''Sit, and hold these, '' He commanded, pointing to a bench in between two long lines of lockers and handing me a pair of gloves. I heard voices come from the back of the room, out of the corner of my eye i saw four boys walk in, all laughing. Three of them stopped as they saw me sitting there, crossed leg holding Niall's gloves, Harry was the only one to smile at me and walk over. The other three shared the same confused look.

''Cassie!'' Harry shouted towards me sitting next to me and nudging shoulders. ''Excited?''

The other boys were now crowded round Niall helping him prepare. I couldn't help but feel scared for him. ''More scared,'' As i said this Niall looked up and walked over to me, holding his hand out to me, initially i gave him the gloves but found myself surprised as he placed them back down and lifted me up by my hands and wrapped his arms around my waist. He hugged me tightly, and i hugged back, my arms wrapping around his neck, the four boys i noticed had gone quiet but continued to not look. I thank who i think was Liam for that one as he smacked the other threes head quite hard to get them to look away. Niall lifted his head and nodded for the other four to leave, as soon as they did i felt Niall turn back to me, his gaze much more softer and sweeter than before at the car. I had never really noticed until now how blue they were, they ere almost clear they were that bright. He inched his face closer to mine, never thinking about moving his hands at all. Why did i want him to kiss me so badly? I barely knew him, and yet i found myself so incredibly drawn to him. His lips were millimetres away from mine now, i could smell the peppermint off his breath as he looked into my eyes one more time and moved the last little space and connected his lips with mine. Unlike before the kiss was soft, almost like he dare'nt kiss me any harder in case i would break. After a short amount of time we pulled apart, his forehead resting on mine.

''Good luck,'' I whispered as he removed his hands and tied on his gloves. He laughed before walking away towards the entrance of the match. He turned to me and smiled, a genuine smile, not a smirk.

''I don't need it when your in the crowd,'' As he said this he turned and walked out, leaving me alone to try and die down the feeling inside my stomach. Harry walked in a moment later and lent against the door frame, gesturing his head for me to follow. I obliged and walked out with him towards the ring, were i was sat in between Harry and Louis. My heart raced as i heard the announcer introduce Niall. The crowed roared and cheered as he walked through them and into the ring. Zayn and Liam by his side. He scanned over the audience before locking eyes with me and smiled, i loved his smile. He shot me a wink before being distracted by the announcer to walk forward and hit gloves with the other fighter.

I couldn't help myself but to whisper to myself two words he had denied before.

Good Luck.


hehehehhehe twist! If i dont upload one more tonight then ll make sure one if written for in the week ^-^ Anyway, how do you guys feel about tattoo boxer Niall? I like it...alot :3 please keep reading and voting :) xxx

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