Chapter nine -

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By the time we had gotten back to Niall's flat i was knackered, my eyes were drooping from heaviness that had followed the tears. Maybe i should have gone home. Shut up Cassie we both know that's a stupid idea, Mattie was on nights at her station, and would be busy due to her being a police officer and it being Saturday. Maybe it was a good thing i wasn't alone tonight.

''If your tired take my bed, ill sleep here okay?'' Niall pointed to the oversized sofa and i nodded slowly, i wasn't in the mood to argue, not now anyway. He showed me to his room before closing the door behind me. Tonight's memories whizzing through my head like they were in a cat and mouse chase with each over. Shit i have nothing to wear, maybe i could just sleep in my underwear. No, stupid idea if Niall walked in that would be awkward.

''Niall?'' I called out hoping my quiet tone was enough for him to hear. It must have been considering a few minutes later he returned, only this time shirtless, exposing his tattoo covered arms and extremely toned chest, i hadn't noticed how perfect he actually was until now. Fuck sake Cassie get a grip.

''Whats wrong?'' He asked, taking a step closer to me, i forced myself to stop checking him out and make eye contact. Big mistake considering his eyes are better than his bloody body.

''I...i have nothing to wear'' I mumbled as he let out a light chuckle and headed over to a set of drawers in the far left corner of the large room. He chucked a black t shirt and a pair of plaid shorts that were obviously made for some sort of pajamas. I smiled at him as he returned the favor.

''Anyway you need sleep, see you in the morning princess,''

''Princess?'' I asked, suddenly aware of his new pet name for me. Usually i would hate pet names, but they way the word rolled off his tongue intrigued me.

''Yea, it suits you,'' He shrugged before closing the door behind him. Once again i was left alone, alone with my terrifying thoughts of earliers activity. Shuddering i stepped into the clothes Niall offered me and smiled slightly at the size of them both. The shirt alone came to my mid thigh, covering my bum just enough to not need the shorts, which i was grateful for considering they didn't stay up anyway. Trust me i tried.

I hoped into the double bed, the duvet and pillows taking me in as their own. Although it was evident i was tired, my body and mind refused to let me sleep. I was still scared, okay i wasn't scared i was shitting myself. What if he came back to look for me and hurt someone? Nope, cant do this i need someone here with me tonight. Surely i couldn't ask him. That would be weird. Little reminder you have kissed him three times now, my conscience piped into the conversation in my head. It was right like usual although i didn't appreciate the blunt attitude. Sighing i stepped out of the bed and tugged the shirt as far down as it would go, and headed for the door. I twisted the handle slowly, thinking y action through before sighing and carrying on, making my way down the hall i heard the television. A sigh overwhelmed my body as i realized Niall was still awake, giving me less guilt than if i had to wake him up. I really hope I'm not over stepping the boundaries. He did say he wanted to protect me, well this is going to help. Isn't it?

''N..Niall?'' I stuttered before walking into the living room to wear he was sat up on the sofa flicking through channels His bottom half just covered by quilt. He turned around and looked straight up to me, his eyes widening slightly as he realized i was only wearing the shirt.

''Fuck...i mean whats wrong?'' He shook his head trying hard not to look at me, to give him some respect i was barely dressed and he was an average male so go figure he would have probably looked anyway.

''I cant sleep, because, well I'm still scared, and was kind of wondering...never mind it would be stupid i mean we haven't even known each over for that long,'' I laughed nervously, this was such a stupid idea. Stupid. Stupid, Stupid with a cherry on top. I began walking away when i heard him stand up and follow.

''Of course ill sleep with you,'' He whispered behind me, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist and stomach before lifting me over his shoulder.

''Put me down!'' I half shouted half laughed, the laughing beginning to take over my body. Niall did nothing but slap my bum.

''No can do, princess,'' He chuckled kicking his bedroom door open and laying me down on the bed, himself hovering over me. ''We really should stop finding each over in this position, wouldn't want me to think you were after something,'' He winked, causing me to flush a deep shade of red. He lifted himself off before climbing under the sheets and patting next to him. ''Joining me or what?''

I climbed in next to him, creating as much space between us as possible, two days Cassie, and your already in bed with him, surely you have more sense than that.

''You still scared?'' He asked quietly staring up at the ceiling before glancing at me. I wanted to say no because, well i wasn't scared of what had happened earlier today anymore. But i have a feeling that's not hat he was pointing to when he asked.

''Of?'' I asked.

He paused for a moment, debating whether to ask me or not until he finally broke the silence. ''Me,'' He mumbled turning his body to face mine. I couldn't quite make out the look in his eye, but something wanted me to believe it was worry.

''No,'' I half lie, watching him fight ill admit, was never something i thought he was capable of. But, seeing him and the damage he did with one hit, id hate to see him hen hes angry and not working.

He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes, instead he lifted up his hand and placed it under my chin, tilting my head upwards. I hadn't realized how close he had gotten until now. His hot breath tingling my ear as he reached over and whispered.

''Your the first one to not be,'' He sighed and leaned back over, his hand caressing my cheek. I gulped before inching closer to him, who cares if its been two days? Im an adult. Adults do this sort of thing all the time.

Before i could stop myself i kissed him, his hand going from me cheek to neck, deepening the kiss. Butterflies and fireworks erupted in the put of my stomach as i moved my hands to his hair, running my fingers carelessly through his soft locks. My kiss became more heated as he lifted the hem of the shirt i was wearing up slightly and traced his fingers over my bare skin, making a circling motion that seemed to heat my skin up so much i thought i was on fire. He pulled away causing me to frown.

''Sleep, before i cant stop myself from taking advantage,'' He kissed my nose softly before spinning me round so my back was facing him. In my head i was thankful it hadn't gone any further but a part of me had wanted it too. Surely i was being clueless, i mean i didn't even know him besides he was famous and he was also a part time boxer, and he was utterly, truthfully the most cockiest, hottest, tattoo'd up guy i had ever laid eyes on.

What have i gotten myself into?


HELLOOO!!!!!! Okay new chapter ^_^ i havnt been at school today and needed to pass time haha, ANYWAY, i hope you like it, like i said before i know im going abit fast with it all but it will make sense later on ^_^ BYEEE DONT FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT! xxx

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