Chapter seven -

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I flinched every time i watched Niall take a hard blow to the head. If that had been me id be dead by now, but he kept his ground, throwing even harder punches back at the guy. The bell went signalling round one was over, relief flooding over me. Niall walked back to his corner before making eye contact and gesturing me to walk over with his index finger. Harry nodded and i walked over to wear Liam and Zayn were prep talking Niall. His smile evident as i lent on the rope next to him.

''Scared princess?'' He looked over, smiling as he saw the fear in my eyes as i took in the blood smeared across his face. ''Its fine, I'm just tiring him out, its a basic strategy with a guy as big as him, ill be fine, promise,''

The words relieved me slightly, but the constant thought of him laying defeated on the floor never left the back of my mind as winked and stood up, showing off every muscle he owned.Every tattoo he had on his arms just made him look even more attractive. His toned, chest breathing in and out as the bell signalled and he replaced his mouth guard. Liam looked over and gave me a smile, trying to calm the obvious fear that had spread through my face again.

''Sit here if you want, you get a better view,'' I heard Zayn shout to me as he patted the corner of the ring, were Liam and Zayn were both sat as they watched the match carefully, taking in every move by each opponent. My mouth dropped and tears pricked my eyes as i watched Niall fall back to the ropes, then springing back and throwing a swing before missing. Zayn and Liam were shouting for him to stop swinging and take it until he slows down. Niall must have heard because i watched him just raise his arms and block as much of the force as possible.

After was felt like hours of watching him block himself Niall finally took one of the hardest swings I've ever seen and laid the other guy flat out. Niall just stood there, his breathing heavy from exhaustion. The countdown had begun, i didn't understand why though, it was obvious he wasn't getting up anytime soon, everyone knew that, even the announcer who was the one counting. Finally the bell rang signalling Niall had won, everyone erupted with cheers, including myself. I couldn't explain myself, but i hadn't known known him for more than three days and i could already see myself standing here every fight he had. I wanted it. As obsessive as that sounds it was true. A small part of me had always wanted him as soon as he kissed me the first time, even when it ended badly, i found myself tossing and turning in my bed wishing it hadn't ended that way.

After the photos and hand shakes all six of us were back in the changing rooms, well five, Niall was taking a short shower. ''Did you see that i mean did you fucking see that! See Cassie you had nothing to worry about, hes a fucking machine!'' Louis laughed as he nudged me just in time for Niall to walk in with just a towel wrapped around his waist, causing me to become suddenly shy and blush. 

''I'll leave you guys alone while Niall gets dressed,'' I mumbled, trying to hide the heat in my cheeks as i quickly walked out before Niall took the towel off. They all laughed, besides Niall of course who smirked. Although his smile was heart melting, that smirk was fucking annoying. Every time i saw it i knew it was directed to me, that smug look silently questioning me, judging me. What a dick.

I sat on the same corner i did while the match was happening, this time completely alone in the giant room. My body got the better of me as i found myself slipping between the ropes and standing in the middle, spinning slowly, taking in every part of the room.

A voice behind caused me to jump almost out of skin, turning around much quicker i came face to face with Niall, he was still shirtless but had his jeans back on and his shoes. Thank god. he was leaning on the ropes with his arms as he watched me. ''I like it here too,'' His voice is quiet, and low, still tired from the fight. ''Strange isn't it,'' He started slipping into the ropes and walking around looking around him then back to me. ''How one place can be full of people one second, then completely silent and deserted the next.'' He took a few steps towards me, beginning to close off the space. My eyes gazed at his before i noticed how swollen his cheek looked from the fight.

''Why did you bring me here?'' I asked sitting down in the middle on the ring, Niall followed and looked up at me, although his eyes were tired they still shone a captivating blue.

''Because you needed to know more about me,'' He sighed, scooting closer so our knees were nearly touching. ''This was one of the best ways,''

I couldn't help but smile slightly, like i was happy he admitted to wanting to get me to know him. He acted like it was a big deal to him, at first i thought it wasn't but realized for a celebrity maybe it was. ''Why did you kiss me?'' The question left my mouth before i could stop it, Niall looked back up but he didn't answer he just remained silent like he didn't have a good enough answer. ''Niall?'' I pleaded, begging to actually know why he kissed someone who he barely knew. Even more importantly why did i kiss back?

''I dont know, it felt necassary i guess,'' He mutters. His words hurt slightly, but i knew he didnt mean them, something about the look in his face told me that exactly. He looked scared to tell me, to be quite honest i was scared of him telling me too.

''If you love birds are ready can we eat?'' I heard Liam shout across the room as he chucked Niall a dark red  polo shirt and head for the door, a small glint in his eyes. The rest of the boys followed him, leaving me and Niall alone once more.

Niall stood up and lifted the shirt over his head before pulling down, i was surprisingly upset when he was no longer shirtless but figured he couldn't exactly go out without one on, not in this weather anyway. A sudden rush of hatred towards the November British weather dawned on me. Stop it Cassie, its only a body. A well toned, extremely hot body...okay seriously stop.

We both walked out the door to were the boys were all talking, they turned and clapped and cheered at the fact we were finally here and ready to go eat.

''Met us at the small restaurant twenty minutes away Ni,'' Zayn spoke up before walking away with the rest of the boys and getting in a black range rover that i assumed belonged to Harry as he stepped in the drivers seat. They sped off down the road, leaving me and Niall alone once more and heading towards the car.

Me and Niall stepped into the car before shortly following were the range rover had left tire marks. A silence filled the car, it wasn't awkward, or tense, yet for some weird, peculiar reason it wasn't exactly comfortable either.


Im so sorry i havnt uploaded in a while, ive been really busy :( But i promise tomorrow there will be a new chapter aswell as this one to make up for not uploading one in ages :) Thankyou for reading and please keep voting and giving me a reason to write :D Love you all!

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