Chapter eight -

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Niall's POV

As we pulled up to the small restaurant a few miles down from the fight i couldn't help but smile slightly at her. She hadn't judged me about the fighting, i really thought she would have. Why i keep kissing her I'm still unsure of, its been two days and I'm surprised i haven't slung her to the curb like the other one night stands, but, that's the problem with her. She doesn't feel like a one night stand, she feels to vulnerable, innocent to be such a thing.

I stepped out the car and walked around waiting for her to get out herself. A few seconds after she did and jumped out from the low seated car. She smiled at me before walking through the doors with me and heading over to the boys. They were all seated in a large booth, already drinking, besides Harry of course, i still found it amusing how he agreed almost every time to be their personal driver.

''Sit down with these twats while i get drinks,'' I laughed, causing a smirk to grow on Cassie too, wow she looked good smirking.

I walked over to the bar before ordering a...shit what does she like? Beer, who doesn't like beer!? Girls that's fucking who you stupid wanker. My conscience butted in causing me to roll my eyes, i looked over to her and shouted her to come over.

''What do you want?'' I asked, handing a twenty pound note over to the bartender for the order, she looked over at the vary of alcohol before laughing.

''Budweiser please,'' My mouth dropped slightly as she thanked myself and the bartender and walked back off, the bottle of beer in her hand. I could actually feel my conscience jaw dropping too.

I walked back over with a shandy knowing I'm driving and sat down next to her. Before i could think my words were ahead of me. ''What normal chick drinks beer?''

She looked at me and raised an eyebrow and took another sip of the alcoholic beverage i had known to love over the years. ''The kind that are hard to find,'' Her smirk was actually perfect. Better than perfect.

Courtney's POV

What girl drinks beer? Ha, fuck off love, this girl does. I couldn't help the smirk rise on my face as he returned the gesture. Something about the smirk was oddly attractive to me, not as amazing as his smile but still good enough.

The hours went by quickly as we all engaged in conversation, Nialls eyes wandering to me on frequent occasion as i sat talking to Harry and Liam mostly. Louis was talking to Niall and Zayn was constantly distant as he typed away at his phone.

I don't quite remember how many beers i have had, but i do remember laughing till my jaw and stomach hurts at Harry and Louis trying to twerk on the dance floor, which suddenly came to my attention, we were in the night club from last night, when the fuck?

''Dance with me,'' I heard Niall whisper from behind me as his hand trailed from my waist to my wrist, pulling me strongly but gently to the dance floor, as we reached the dance floor i couldn't stop myself from just dancing forgetting Niall was even there before i felt his hands attach to my waist again and push me up against him, my back facing his front. Heat rose in my cheeks as i suddenly realized i was grinding against him. Well that was until i turned around and noticed Niall no longer standing there but another guy, instantly i flew away from him, refusing to believe i had just rubbed against a complete stranger, although Niall wasn't much better, he would have still been better to grind against than that guy.

 I ran out the club, making sure that guy was no were near me, my instant reaction was to go near one of the boys cars, but my head took the better of me and i found myself heading towards the back of club, hoping this would be a more secluded spot and he wouldn't find me.

I got out my phone and began dialing Niall when a large pair of hands threw the phone out of mine and grabbed my wrists. Shit, it was him, okay panic, panic alot.

''I love a good chase,'' He chuckled pinning me against the wall, his crotch pressed up against me.

''Get off me,'' I hissed as his head neared closer, the smell of cigarettes and alcohol invading my breathing space as he laughed once more, but this time more of a cackle came out.

''What fun would that be?'' His eyes darkened as one hand removed from my wrist and travelled down to my thigh, keeping me in place of the wall. I winced as the concrete and brick slammed against my body, and tried hard to fight back the fear in my eyes, even though i was almost positive it was evident at this point.

I heard footsteps before snapping my head towards five dark figures standing a few feet away. Thank fuck for that.

''Get off her now, before i put you out for good,'' The voice was clearly Niall's as the figures neared. His thick accent buzzing through my ears like the best song i had ever heard.

''Or what mate? Besides not like you can't get another little slut, this ones mine,'' He hissed again this time being thrown off of me shortly after the words left his lips, if i looked closely i could see were the cold air still hung a pale white from when he had spoken. My knees became weak as i watched four out of the five chase the guy down the alley way.

''Shit, please be okay,'' It was Niall, his dropped down to his knees so we were facing each over, his strong hands covering almost all of my upper arm as he pulled me up and wrapped his jacket around me. ''I should just go fucking kill that bastard,'' He growled, still holding me up but looking to wear he had ran off. I shuddered at the thought of what Niall was capable of if i did let him go.

''Please don't,'' I whimpered, my eyes glued to his terrifying blue ones. Never could i have imagined his eyes to go from captivating to dangerously scary in a matter of seconds.

''Then say something to stop me from fucking going after him and ripping his throat out,'' His words pierced through my ears as he went to pull away, my grip around his upper arms tightened as i puled him nearer me, his eyes never leaving mine.

''Because i want to you to stay,'' I almost whispered, finally letting the salty tears run down my cheeks, his eyes lightened back almost immediately before wrapping me into a hug, his head burying into the crook of my neck as he lent down. We stood in each overs embrace for what felt like an eternity before pulling away, well at least i did, his arms never left my waist.

He looked down at me this time, his height making him almost tower over my body completely, his eyes poured into mine before he inched his face closer, his arms wrapping me tighter to his chest. I could smell the aftershave he was wearing, the smell heavenly as his lips hovered over mine. Kiss me already! Wait, did i really just say that? We've kissed twice before now and I've only known him two days, wow Cassie, you need help.

He seemed to read my mind on the first part as he closed off the inch between us, his lips had the faint taste of alcohol but was overwhelmed with peppermint, which by the way was really starting to become a favorite flavor of mine. The kiss was different to the others, it was meaningful, caring. Like he didn't dare kiss me harder in case he broke me into a million pieces, which with his strength could have been possible. Butterflies erupted in my stomach as his tongue glided over my bottom lip begging for entrance, before i could think straight i had already given him access, our lips moving in perfect rhythm with each over. He pulled away slowly before resting his forehead on mine and a soft smile appeared on his lips. ''Stay with me tonight'' He whispered almost too quiet for me to hear. ''Let me protect you,'' And with that i nodded. Something about Niall made me feel safe, after only two days of knowing him i instantly felt more than i ever had done with anyone else in just one kiss. One kiss was all it took off him for me to realize i knew there was more behind heart throb boy band member Niall James Horan, so much more. And i was determined to make it my goal to find those things out.


Hello my people of the interweb, i would sincerely like to apologize for not uploaded in a billion years but ive had alot of homework not to mention some sad happenings in my life i don't wish to discuss over the story and ruin my chapter :)

Anyway thankyou for reading my story and i promise to upload more by the end of the week :D Love you all so much!!

PS: Who expected this to happen ^_^ i didn't until i actually found myself writing it xD Anyway hope you enjoy the drama!! Byee xxx

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