Chapter three -

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''Let me get this straight, the famous bad boy of teen boy band sensation has never been in a serious relationship? Ha, that does not surprise me,'' I scoffed taking a sip of wine as i stared amused at the blonde boy next to me. Both our bodies were turned to each over as we talked, so we could listen more intently.

''Like its a big deal, your nineteen and has never had sex, i see that as much worse darling,''

''I've had sex! Just not over a billion times, darling'' The darling announced a sarcastic tone to my voice as i mimicked him, he rolled his eyes before topping up both the glasses. I looked around for a clock, hoping it wasn't too late or i do believe my arse would be in for a good booting when i got back to the flat from Mattie. Settling on the Small one on the mantle piece i sighed realizing it was only half eleven, giving me another good hour or two before Mattie would even consider going home. ''My turn to ask the question, why are you such an arse?''

He laughed a the comment, before looking directly into my eyes and replying, in an almost whisper, ''Because your a bitch,'' I couldn't help but have a small smile on my lips as he winked and stood up to throw the empty bottle away. I'm sure he thought the way he tensed was attractive to me and would make me weak at the knees. News flash Niall, I've seen muscle before, so ha, i win. ''Something wrong,'' He turned and stared at me contently as his back lent against the wooden door frame, splitting the kitchen from the living room. I shook my head as i sighed and got up, grabbing my shoes and placing them on in the process, his stare went from content to confused in a good two seconds flat. ''Your leaving?''

''Have to, i have work tomorrow and i don't think my flat mate would be to eager knowing i was in a guys apartment instead of ours, especially a guy i only met today,'' I smiled weakly, something was odd. I felt at home here, yet, i was too scared to stay any longer. I didn't know if it was him that intimidated me or something else. Oh, who was i kidding of course it was him, i mean he wasn't exactly harmless, nor innocent with girls like myself.

''Stay.'' Was all he said, his voice turning demanding again, my legs froze as i heard him follow me to were the lift was on the far corner of the room. I hadn't heard him get close until i felt hot breath down my neck as i heard him repeat him self. ''Stay.''

I turned around to look at him, well up at him, his height suddenly a lot more impressive now that i didn't have heels on. I was tiny compared to him, muscle and height, i was a tiny person in general to him. He was Niall fucking Hoaran for god sake, of course i was nothing.


''What did you just say?'' Although what he said was a question i almost felt  to scared to answer, especially now that i was enclosed with the wall hitting my back and Niall pressed up extremely close against my chest. A lump lodged in my throat as his hands placed themselves firmly on the wall above my head, blocking any entrance of escape, once again he needs to really stop with this, its becoming creepy.

''I said no,'' I replied through gritted teeth, my anger beginning to take control and without  found myself running as fast as i could under his arm and out the door to the stairs. Great Cassie, you've opted for the cat and mouse chase, fucking great.

My name was yelled behind me, well when i say yelled it was more a loud, almost growl from Niall as he began chasing me down the stairs, my heart began thumping against my chest as a i felt myself beginning to fall down the concrete steps. Now your going to die, wow your on a roll tonight Cas you really are.

As my feet gave way i prepared my self for the fatal blow to my head when it ht the concrete below me, but, nothing. No sudden pain, nothing. Just strong arms lifting me back up to safety. Niall stood there, holding me tightly, panting for breath, obviously from running not long before.

''Your fucking stupid, you know that right?'' He asked between breaths. Of course i knew that, id been calling it myself for years now. ''Now come on, I'm taking you home.'' His voice much softer this time but still demanding enough to get me to listen. Slowly i walked with him the rest of the way down, not taking my eyes off each step , praying to god i didn't have another fall.

the ride home was silent, not the enjoyable silence either, but the defeaning silence that held tention you could cut with a knife. Due to us both having a drink Niall had a driver take me home, he was a celebrity afterall, however this made no help with the awkwardness twards eachover, we were both in the back, once again alone due to the tinted windows cutting us off from the driver in front.

''Why did you follow me?'' I finally broke the silence, Niall never turned away from the window, but clenched his jaw, signalling he had heard. Without turning he answered,

''Because your not the only that's stupid,'' I didn't know why, but the tone of his voice almost sounded defeated, hurt. And for another weird, strange reason, for a quick moment before i realized how stupid it sounded...i was hurt too.


once again i apologize for the short chapter, however they should be a few uploaded either tonight or tomorrow due to a strike going on at my school giving me the day off, WOO!

Anywaaay, DUN DUN DUN, TENSION. Ha i kid, but seriously i know its going abit fast between the characters but trust me it will work better this way so your not constantly waiting for something to happen and your practically crying over the screen because you just want them to be together, trust me i feel you and I've been there and its cruel, however I'm a bit of a cow and do like cliffhangers so be prepared for alot of them *evil laughs*

any ideas you people want to throw at my in box about what you would like to happen/dramatic events that should happen send me, never know i might use them and dedicate the chapter to you for giving me such a cool idea ^_^  Plus if i start getting allot of reads and fans over this i might do some competitions about maybe a story part for you :) however in order for me to do this i need votes/reads/people that actually care if i continue writing, I'm gonna write anyway it would just be nice to know i have support x] ANYWAY sorry its a long note but i needed one to fill you all in ^_^ BYE BROCHACHOS xxx

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