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Today was the last day of school. After all the anticipation and restless night it was going to happen. Only about a quarter of the school showed up. I had passed all my finals with over an eighty five. I sat in my seat next to my friend Lily and all the kids came together to countdown the final seconds of school. Lily grasped me tightly and screamed. 


The bell rang and we all threw our papers up into the air. Kids ran into the halls shoving each other out of the way towards the exit. He was the last one out. Taking my book bag and saying goodbye to my homeroom teacher. I did a little countdown myself. Counting down the seconds till leaving the building. Counting down the seconds till my new life.


"Wait!" Said a voice, grabbing my shoulder from behind. I turned around only to see the last person I ever wanted to see. Adam.

"What the fuck do you want?" I snapped, putting my hands on my hips. My flight was leaving at ten and I had no time for this shit.

"I want to talk." He took my wrists.

"I'm going to be late!" I cried out, trying to get out of his lock. He was too strong.

"For what? It's summer?" He said quietly, whipping me around so I faced him. He was scaring me, no one was around to help.

My eyes went wet. "To see my dad!"

He went quiet. Letting go of my wrist. I rubbed them and he had left a nasty red ring around them.

"Who is it?"

I smiled slightly. "You'll find out." And I proudly walked away. Out of the building, into the bright sun. That was last time I saw Adam. I didn't see him again for a very, very long time.


My mom and I were frantically packing. I was shoving clothes into my suitcase, making sure my phone was fully charged, printing out Google maps and such. My mother had rented out the house to a couple from Kansas but she was leaving in two days. We dragged my suitcase down several flights of stairs and rushed towards the taxi. 

Once we got in the car we took a breath. 

"Are you nervous, Olly?" My mom asked.

"Of course."

"You know it's not to late, we can still change your ticket for Maine. Don't feel pressured to go all the way to-"

"Mom, it's fine. I'm really excited. I've waited a long time for this."

She gave me a kiss on the cheek. 

There was a lot of traffic around five to get to the airport. I worried that we would be late. I looked out the window. All the kids were staying out late, laughing and smiling because they had two months of freedom. Today was just the beginning. 

We got to the airport around six thirty. I shifted around in my over sized sweater and waited in various lines. My mom waited with me, helping me carry around my monster suitcase and tried to calm me down. The truth was I was shaking furiously.

By the time we got the the gate I felt like crying. I was scared to death. I put my head on my mother's knees.

"I want to go home, mom. Please. I'll go with you to Maine. I promise. I can't do it."

My mother sighed and lifted my head up.

"Olive Mallery. You are such an incredible, beautiful, smart, confident girl. You sounded so brave in the car and I know you can get through this. This is it, Olive. And I am so proud of you. You can make it through." 

She hugged me and cradled me until I stopped crying. I whipped my eyes and smiled.

"I love you, Mom."

"I love you too, Olive."

The clerk called out first class boarding. 

"Love, It's time for you to go."

"What do you mean?" I scratched my head.

"William and I bought you a first class ticket! Can you believe it!?"

I laughed and thanked her. I took my backpack and slung it over my shoulder, getting on line.

"I love you, Olive Mallery!" She called out.

I blew her a kiss "I Love you too!" And made my way to the walkway in between the plane and airport.

I counted down the way to the plane.


No turning back now.

I found my seat. Luckily it was a window seat next to a business man.

I quietly said hello and he gave a strange glance. I think he was pretty bummed out about sitting next to a teenager on the plane. I threw my bag underneath the seat.

The seats in first class were almost double the size of coach. They went back further and you had your own personal TV. I could get used to this opulent life style.

I shoved in my ear buds and pumped up some Beatles, trying to doze off. It was over an hour before the plane took off and tried not to stress myself out about the ride.

I woke up feeling the plane dashing through the runway, ready for take off. I smiled and pressed my face up against the window. It was pitch black outside except for the runway lights that guided the plane. Up and up we went until the city lights were barley in sight.

As we cruised, I dozed off again and leaned back in my seat.

An hour later a flight attendant nudged me awake to ask if I wanted anything to eat or drink.

I rubbed my eyes.

"Isn't that like... extra money?"

I stared hungrily at a bag of chocolate chip cookies and warm green tea.

The flight attendant giggled. "No honey, this comes with the business class ticket."

I internally thanked my mom and got the tea and cookies. 

Not much happened on the flight. I just slept and ate and tried to pass the time with Candy Crush until my eyes glazed.


I woke up with the early morning sun. I saw LA below us and tried not to squeal because the man in the suit would probably get pissed off. The captain warned us that we will be landing in ten minutes.

The plane cruised a little more before crashing down to earth. We skidded across the runway. Everyone got up to stretch their legs and take their luggage. Because I was row three I got out early and realized how fucking hot it was in LA. I sweated out sweater and ran to the bathroom to freshen up.

The first time meeting my dad I didn't want to smell like shit. I searched my carry on for a fresh tee and found a plain gray one.

I held up my shoulders, smoothed out my sandy hair and proudly walked out into baggage claim. An older man helped me pick up my awfully heavy suitcase and I made my way to the waiting area.

I knew how William Vie looked but I felt scared that I woulnd't recognize him. I stood there fumbling around looking, texting my mom I had made it there okay.

I felt like giving up until I found him. There he was. Wearing sunglasses, brown hair combed back perfectly. Big muscles and tall as hell. Just standing there. I felt like throwing up.

I walked up slowly to him and felt my knees wobble and fail to hold me up.

I stood in front of him and he looked down at me. 



He took a second and grabbed me into a hug. Everything felt right. I wasn't scared anymore. I just hugged him, and never wanted to let go.


A/N: FINALLY! so it's starting! she met William. So excited to write the next part. yay! vote, comment, follow!!!

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