I am making my way to second period since that's first period finished, I am currently making my way to Math, and there is only the 3 of us in the class. It's not that bad since I always have my earphones in, I really don't pay that much attention to the two people in the Math class, and I walked into Math then sat down in the seat I usually sit at. I sat down then Connor, and Alex came into the class, they both looked at each other then they both smiled at me, and I gave them a confused look.
"Hey Kelly" Alex said, and I gave him a weird look.
"Hey Alex" I said back while Connor just nodded at me, and I nodded back at him.
"Is it true that you, and Ryder broke-up because he had feelings for someone else?" Alex questioned.
Oh that's why he said hey, it's because he wants to know why Ryder, and I broke-up. I looked at Alex, and gave him a blank look.
"Yeah that's why we broke up. Why you asking?" I say then asked him.
"Oh it's just that Connor, and I heard some rumors. We thought we would clear it with you first" Alex told me while Connor nodded in agreement with Alex.
"Well thanks for asking me about it instead of spreading even more rumors" I told them truthfully.
For the rest of the class Connor, Alex, and I talked. We had a laugh while joking around because the teacher wasn't in, no one was covering for her, and then the bell went for English. I got up after I grabbed my bag then started walking out of the class, and Connor shouted me.
"Kelly you're in my English class right?" Connor questioned which made me looked at him, and raise my eyebrow.
"Yeah I am why?" I asked him, Connor looked at Alex, and looked back at me.
"Do you mind if you tell the teacher that the head called me down so I won't be in class for the first half? I am going for a fag instead." he asked then said.
"Sure. I will cover for you" I told him.
Connor smiled at me before he looked at Alex, then they both walked off while I went to English, and I walked into the class then looked at the teacher.
"Miss Connor is away to see the head about something, he called down last period so Connor won't be in for the first half of the period" I told her, and She smiled at me.
"Thanks for letting me know" she said.
I just smiled at her then sat down in my seat, started copping notes of the board then before I know it the bell goes for the class to end, and It's finally the end of the day. I text Aidan 5 minutes ago to tell him that school has finished but he hasn't text back or came, I decided to start walking since it was only a 10-15 minute walk, and I didn't mind walking. I was about 5 minutes away from the house when Aidan called me, and I answered it.
*Phone call*
Aidan: "Hey. Kelly I am sorry that I couldn't pick you up from school I was at a meeting, so yeah."
Me :"Aidan, it's fine anyway I am about to reach the house. I am going to order pizza do you want anything?"
Aidan: "Okay, erm get me chips with curry sauce, also get a bottle of irn bru as well."
Me: "Yeah, sure is that everything or do you want anything else?"
Aidan: "No that's everything, I need to go back to my meeting. I will be home in about 20 minutes."
Me: "Okay, Aidan. Bye."
Aidan: "Bye."
We hung up just as I was about to open the front gate, I just walked into the house because the key is under the mat, Aidan told me where he kept it last night, and I walked upstairs to my bedroom. I took off my school uniform then put on comfy clothes, I picked up my phone before I ordered my pizza along with Aidan's chips, and curry sauce also a bottle of irn bru. I was flicking through the channels but there was nothing on so I just put the music channel on, went to the kitchen where I made myself a black coffee, and the kettle just boiled when the front door opened then shut again. That 20 minutes went in fast I thought to myself, I was pouring the water into the cup, and a deep voice spoke.
"Who are you?" He asked.
I put the kettle back on the stand before I stirred my coffee, turned to look at the guy oh damn was he good looking, and I snapped out of my daze then gave him a slight smile.
"Oh I am Aidan's cousin Kelly, you are?" I introduced myself, and questioned him.
The guy looked at me for about 2 minutes before answering my question, he gave me a slight smile back, and I took a sip of coffee.
"I am Keith. I live here with Aidan, and I guess you now too." The guy who's now called Kieth says.
I just nodded my head at him before going into the living room then sat down on the couch, There was a knock on the door so I stood up to get it but Keith answered it before he paid the delivery guy, and I gave Keith a confused look when he came through with the food. Keith looked at me, and smirked.
"What?" He asked me.
"Why did you pay for it? None of that food is yours, you do know that right" I ask then told him still confused why he bought the food.
Keith shrugged at me so I just ignored it then went to get myself a plate for my pizza, I got a 12 inch, I was eating my second bit of pizza, and turned to Keith.
"Do you want a bit?" I asked him since here I am eating a 12 inch pizza to myself, and he's not eating anything.
"Yeah, sure" Keith said.
He got up then took a slice of pizza before he sat back down, we were talking about what kind of work Keith does then about how I am still at school, and we stopped talking when Aidan walked in.
"Oh so you two have met I see" Aidan said.
"Yeah" Keith, and I say at the same time it was kind of weird.
Aidan nodded before he sat down then grabbed his food which is probably stone cold, he started eating. I got full up with the pizza, and there was only 4 bits left so I looked at Keith.
"Do you want the last 4 bits?" I asked, and Keith looked at me.
"Yeah, only if you don't want them though" he said.
I walked over to him then gave Keith the last four bits, then walked upstairs where I went up to my room, and I sat on my laptop watching 'Netflix'.

Moving in with my cousin
De TodoI am putting the rest of my stuff in the car because I am moving in with my cousin. My name is Kelly, I am 17 and I live in a small town in scotland. I am also quite tall, long brown hair with brown eyes... I am only staying with my cousin became my...