It's the end of the day, Connor, Alex, and I are walking to my house. We were just talking about random stuff like always, we finally arrived at the house, and we walked in.
"I AM HOME. WE HAVE TWO GUESTS!" I shout so that Aidan could here me from his room.
We walked into the living room, Connor, and Alex took the couch.
"Do you want a drink?" I asked the both of them.
Connor, and Alex both nod at me. I went through to the kitchen to get us cans of Irn bru out of the fridge, and there was a note on the fridge.
"Hey, Kelly I had to go to help Keith out so we won't be back until late, Adam told me to tell you to call him."
Love ya bye Aidan xx
I scrunched the note up then put it in the bin, got three cans out of the fridge, and walked into the living room.
"Here you go" I say giving Alex, and Connor their cans.
"Thanks" they tell me.
I just nod at them then gave them the remote so they can put what ever they want on while I went on my phone, and call Adam.
*phone call*
Me: "Hey. Aidan said you wanted me to call you?"
Adam: "Yeah. I need you to watch the kids while I go on a date."
Me: "Sure, when do you need me to watch them?"
Adam: "I could bring them over the now."
Me: "Oh okay."
Adam: "Thanks, Kelly I owe you one."
Me-: "Yeah sure, see you in a bit."
Adam- "Yeah, bye."
Me- "Bye."
We hung up, I sat my phone on the chair beside me, I noticed that Connor is looking at me, and I gave him a confused look.
"Who was that?" He asked me.
"It was Adam, he's bringing over Reese, and Chelsea so he can go on a date" I say, and Connor nods.
"Is it going to be like that every time the Adam guy goes on a date, he just dumps the kids on you?" Alex asks me, and I looked at Alex.
"I don't mind looking after them. I love seeing them" I tell Alex, and Alex nods.
"Kelly but you don't have to feel like you have to watch them, I get it you love the kids but what if we were planning to go out then would you patch us for the kids just because he has a date" Alex said, and I gave Alex a confused look.
"We weren't going out so I don't understand why your bring this up" I state.
Alex sighed but never said another word, I just went on my phone just waiting for the kids to show up, I was going through to the kitchen when my phone went off letting my know I just got a text, and I went over to the chair then got my phone. I looked at the text it's from Adam.
*Text messages*
From Adam
"Hey, you don't need to watch the kids anymore my mum is doing it."To Adam
"Why the fuck would you ask me then go, and ask your mum?"From Adam
"My mum wants to spend time with her grandchildren, it's none of your business anyway they are my kids."To Adam
"Oh wow I am so fucking sorry that I care about my niece, and nephew."From Adam
"Yeah. Kelly you know what, I think you should stop seeing the kids, and don't contact me ever again..."To Adam
"You can't fucking do that I am their auntie."He never text back, I sighed then flung my phone down on the chair, and I can't believe that he's acting like a dick.
"What's up with you?" Alex asked.
I glared at him, then walked into the kitchen to make Alex, Connor, and I something to eat. I was looking in the cupboards, fridge, freezer for something to eat, and there was nothing to eat. I went through to the living room then looked at Alex, and Connor.
"Guys. I am going to the shop, I won't be long" I say to Connor, and Alex.
They both nodded then went back watching t.v, I walked out of the house while thinking about what I did to make Adam to make him not let me see Reese, and Chelsea anymore. When I got to the shop, I went to all the isles looking for something, and I ended up buying stuff for tacos. I went back to the house when I got near the house I seen Keith, and Aidan's cars. I walked into the house Aidan was sitting on the couch with Connor, and Alex. Keith was sitting on the chair that I was sitting on, and Keith seen me.
"Hey. Kelly" he said.
I just nodded at him then made my way to the kitchen, I started to make the tacos, and they are nearly done. I have set the table, and I am just putting the food on the plates.
"Dinner is ready" I say to the guys, they nod before they came through to the dining room, and sat down.
"What did Adam want?" Aidan asked me, and I sighed.
"Nothing much" I tell him.
Alex was looking at me confused but I just ignored the look, started to eat when we were finished eating I washed, dried, and put the dishes away. Connor, and Alex left while I was doing the dishes. I am currently in my room listen to my music, it's up full blast I started to get bored so I looked at the time, it's going on to 7:30 so I decided to do my puni, and when I finished that I went do my bathroom then went for a shower. I got out of the shower then got dried, and then put on my pjs. I turned out my bed room light before I got into bed, and closed my eyes while my music is playing so I could fall asleep. I got texts they were from Connor, and Alex and I just ignored them. I took my earphones out then put my phone on charge, and then lay down before I fell asleep.

Moving in with my cousin
RandomI am putting the rest of my stuff in the car because I am moving in with my cousin. My name is Kelly, I am 17 and I live in a small town in scotland. I am also quite tall, long brown hair with brown eyes... I am only staying with my cousin became my...