It's the end of the day, I am waiting on Connor, and Alex coming out of their classes so we can walk to my house together. Then they finally come out of the school building, which made me happy so I can finally go home, and get food since I haven't eaten anything all day.
"Sorry for making you wait for so long" Alex said to me, and I looked at them.
"It's fine" I tell them as we start walking to my house, and Connor looked at Alex.
"I can't believe we got a punishment exercise for fuck all" he says quite frustrated, and I gave them both a confused look.
"You guys got a punishment exercise. What for?" I asked them, Alex looked at Connor, and then at me.
"I know we got a punishment exercise for fuck all, that's why I am not doing it. We got it for disrupting a lesson which is bullshit" he tells me
We made it to the house, we were walking up to the front door when I noticed that Connor, and Alex were looking at me with a confused look.
"Erm. Kelly this isn't the house we went to the last time" Connor says to me.
"Yeah I know. We moved house" I tell him, and Alex.
I walked in the house, I was going to close the door until I realized Connor, and Alex were still standing outside.
"Well are you coming in or not?" I asked them,and they both nod.
They walked in, then I closed the door before we went through to the living room, I sat on the chair while Connor, and Alex sat on the couch.
"Help yourselves for food as well as drinks. I am going up stairs to get changed out of this uniform" I tell them.
Connor and Alex gave me a nod, then got up from the couch before going into the kitchen I, and they started emptying the fridge along with the cupboards. I went upstairs to my room to get changed into a pair of sweats, then put on a top before I went back downstairs to see Connor, and Alex with a lot of sweets, crisps, juice, and other stuff on the table. I shook my head with a smile on my face, and Connor looked at me.
"Hey, you told us to help ourselves remember" he tells me with a slight smile, and I nodded.
"Yeah I did" I say.
I went into the kitchen then got three glasses out of the cupboard, then put them on the table, and then went back into the kitchen where I took pizza out of the freezer. I put it in the oven to cook then I went back into the living room.
"Guys don't eat all of that, I have pizza on for us" I tell them, and Alex looked at Connor.
"Kelly. We can eat this, and pizza so don't worry" he says, and I sighed but nodded at them.
I was putting the pizza on the plates when the front door opened before it closed again, I could here Keith, and Aidan talking about how boring their day was. I took Connor, and Alex's pizza into them, then sat down to mine when I started eating when Keith, and Aidan walked in. They sat down next to Connor, and Alex. I gave them a glare, and they both smiled at me.
"How was your day?" They asked Connor, Alex, and I.
Connor,and Alex both looked at me with confusion but I smiled at them while giving Kieth and Aidan I warning look.
"It was alright I suppose" Connor said to Keith, and Aidan.
"Kelly, you never told us how your day was" Aidan stated, I sighed then took a bit of pizza.
"It was great" I tell him sarcastically, Keith looked at Connor, and Alex.
"What did you do today?" He questioned them, Connor, and Alex were about to reply when I butted in.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS 21 QUESTIONS!?" I shout at Keith, and Aidan which made them both look at me with a weird look.
"Kels what's up with you?" Keith asked me, I just looked at him then Aidan looked at me.
"Kelly, can I speak to you upstairs?" He questioned me, I gave him a nod then went up stairs.
I went upstairs to my room, then Aidan walked in, and sat down next to me on the bed.
"What's u...What the fuck happened to your wrist?" He asked me.
I just shrugged at him because I can't really be bothered telling him, Aidan sighed while he kept looking at my bruised wrist, and I don't understand why he's making a deal out of it.
"Was it one of the guys downstairs?" He asked me again, and I gave him are you stupid look.
"No" I tell him then Aidan sighed before he went on his phone for two seconds, then locked it again, and I gave him a question look.
Alex POV
We were sitting eating pizza when Kelly's cousin, and his friend came in. They were asking us questions when Kelly started shouting at them, I sat there shocked like I don't mind getting asked questions so I don't understand why she's getting mad, and then Kelly, and her cousin went upstairs to talk which left Connor, Kelly's cousin's friend, and I sitting down here. I looked at the guy sitting next to Connor, and gave him a questioning look.
"What's your name?" I asked him because I can't keep calling him Kelly's cousin's friend.
The guy was about to answer me when he got a message on his phone, he looked confused then he looked pissed but he put his phone on the table, and looked at me.
"My name is Keith. I want to know why Kelly has a bruise on her wrist" he tells me, and also states.
I looked at Connor, he nodded at me for me to tell him then I sighed why do I have to be the one to do this, and I looked back at Keith.
"I know you're probably blaming Connor, and I the now but we never did it. It was Kelly's ex Ryder today at lunch okay" I tell him.
Keith looked at me for a second then looked really pissed, he picked up his phone, and then text someone. I sat there in confusion while Connor was stuffing his face like always, and I rolled my eyes.
"Why did you want to know why Kelly has a bruise on her wrist?" I asked Keith, and Keith looked at me as if I was stupid or something.
"She's my friends cousin, she wouldn't tell him so he text me to ask you, and your friend okay" he tells me, and I nodded at him.

Moving in with my cousin
RandomI am putting the rest of my stuff in the car because I am moving in with my cousin. My name is Kelly, I am 17 and I live in a small town in scotland. I am also quite tall, long brown hair with brown eyes... I am only staying with my cousin became my...