It's going on 9 am, that's Chelsea and Reese just up so I made then gave them breakfast, then they went for a shower after they finished eating, and I left out clothes for them to get ready. Chelsea, and Reese both came downstairs, walked into the living room dressed, they only have a few clothes with them so I put the clothes they had on them, and Chelsea looked at me.
"Auntie Kelly where are we going?" She asked me so I looked at her, and gave her a smile.
"We are going shopping to get you both new clothes, also to get you a bed" I told her in a gentle voice, Chelsea nodded at me then Reese Spoke.
"Auntie can we get a McDonald's while we are out?" Reese asked me in a soft voice, and I nodded at Reese.
"That sounds good, since I am kinda hungry" I said to him.
We got to the bus stop then went into town, we went into clothes shops first where I got Reese, and Chelsea clothes. They tried their clothes on to make sure they fitted them, then bought the clothes after buying them clothes we went into a bed shop, got Chelsea a bed also new bed covers for Reese. When we were done I took them to McDonald's, after that we came back home, I put the cartoons on for Reese, and Chelsea while I was putting their clothes away in their bedroom. I put new sheets on their beds because we got Chelsea's bed delivered about 5 minutes ago, when I was finished I went down stairs, and sat down on the couch.
"Can we make cookies?" Reese asked me.
I nodded at him, then went into the kitchen before I got the ingredients, and we started to make cookies. I am trying my best to keep them occupied rather than think about their dead mum, and I know their thinking about her just like I am.
"Is that them ready to go in the oven now?" Chelsea and Reese asked me.
"Yep. Why don't you two go, and get washed up then watch t.v" I say smiling at the two of them.
"Okay" they both said.
They walked away from the kitchen as I put the cookies in the oven, done the dishes before drying, and putting them away. I sat down on the couch while Reese, and Chelsea were watching t.v on the chairs. My phone goes off so I looked at the caller ID, and it's Aidan so I answered it.
*Phone call*
Aidan: "Hey Kelly. I am calling to let you know that my boss as well as his wife, and two sons are coming over for dinner. It's about me getting promoted."
Me: "Okay. What do you want for dinner? I will make it since you will want to go for a shower, and get dressed once you come in from work."
Aidan: "Make spaghetti, and meatballs because it's something simple."
Me: "Okay. I will need to go to get Reese, and Chelsea enrolled into a school here tomorrow."
Aidan: "Yeah that sounds good, how are they copping with not having their mum around?"
Me: "I have been trying to keep them occupied all day so they don't think about it as much."
Aidan: "Yeah. I need to go Kelly so see ya when I get in okay."
Me: "Yeah, see ya later."
We hung up, then I went to check on the cookies since they are ready, I took them out of the oven,and placed them on a plate so they can cool down for a bit. I turned the oven off before I went back into the living room, and Reese looked at me.
"Auntie Kelly are the cookies ready yet?" He asked me, and I looked at him.
"They are just cooling down just now so you can get some later" I tell him.
He nodded then went back to watching t.v along with Chelsea, I looked at the times its only 3:00 pm, I will start dinner about 4:00 pm, and Keith will be home soon. Chelsea looked at me, and smiled.
"Auntie Kelly can I get a hug?" She asked me, I looked at her while nodding my head.
"Come here" I told her.
Chelsea gave a big smile while coming over to me for a hug, I got up after I gave her a hug to see if the cookies were cool, and they were so I took them through to the living room.
"The cookies are done, remember to share them" I told Reese, and Chelsea.
They both nodded at me while grabbing a cookie off the plate that I sat on the table, the front door opened then I looked at the clock it's 3:30, I thought to myself Aidan's home early but Keith walked into the living room then grabbed a cookie off the plate, and smiled at the kids.
"Hey" he muttered to Reese, and Chelsea.
I have made dinner, I am just setting the table while Keith is playing the Xbox with Reese, and Chelsea. Aidan is up stairs getting ready since his boss, and his family is on they're way here. Keith looked at me, and gave me a questioning look.
"Have your parents called you?" He asked me, and I looked at him with a confused look.
"No. I don't really care if they do or do not call, what are they gonna say anyway?" I tell him and ask him.
Keith nodded at me then went back to playing the Xbox while I went into the kitchen to put the food on the plates, and the door bell went.
"I WILL GET THE DOOR!" Keith shouted while leaving the living room to get the door.
I put the plates on the table to where all the people were sitting, and Aidan's boss looked at me with a stern look.
"One of my sons will be joining us a bit later since he's held up right now" he tells me in a polite manner, and I nodded at him.
"It's not a problem. I will just cover it" I tell him.
We were all half way through eating when the door bell went, Aidan answered it there was people talking before the front door closed then Aidan walked in, and sat down.
"Sorry I am late. I got held up" said a voice that I knew to well, I looked up to see Ryder, and I gave him a shocked look.
"It's fine" Keith, and Aidan say.
I went into the kitchen then put Ryder's plate in the microwave to heat it up, I then took it through to him.
"Thanks. Kelly" he says in a soft voice, and I have him a fake smile.
"No problem" I said to him, and Chelsea looked at me.
"Auntie Kelly I am full, may I go to my room to watch t.v?" She said, and asked me.
I nodded at her, gave her a small smile before I looked over to Reese who has ate all of his dinner.
"Sure you can. Reese do you want to go, and watch t.v too since you have finished your dinner?" I told Chelsea, and asked Reese.

Moving in with my cousin
RandomI am putting the rest of my stuff in the car because I am moving in with my cousin. My name is Kelly, I am 17 and I live in a small town in scotland. I am also quite tall, long brown hair with brown eyes... I am only staying with my cousin became my...