There was a knock on the front door, I got up so I can answer the door when I opened, and it was the delivery guy so I paid him.
"Keep the change" I tell him.
I close the front door then went into the living, I sat on the couch watching t.v while eating, I had just finished eating when Aidan, and Keith walked in.
"I thought you were going to see Reese, and Chelsea today" Keith said to me, I looked at him, and smiled at him.
"I am going to see them tomorrow. I face-timed them earlier" I tell Keith, Aidan sat down on the sofa, and gave me a confused look.
"Did you buy me anything?" He asked me, and I shook my head.
"No. I never why do you want me to order you something?" I asked him, Aidan nods, and looked at Keith.
"Are you wanting anything?" He questioned Keith, and Keith shook his head.
"No " he said back to Aidan, I picked up the phone then looked at Aidan.
"What are you wanting Aidan?" I ask him, and Aidan looked at me.
"12 inch pizza" he tells me.
I gave him a nod before I dial the number then press call, ordered Aidan's pizza then I got up off the chair, and walked towards the front door.
"Where are you going?" Aidan asked me I looked at him, and smiled.
"I am going to the beach" I state, Aidan nods at me then gives me a warning look.
"Don't be any later than 11:30 alright" he tells me.
I nod at him then put my earphones in, walk out of the house before I make my way to the beach, it was about a 20-25 minute walk, I was listen to my music, and it got cut off with a call coming through. It was Alex number, I was debating to answer it or not, and I answered it.
*Phone call*
Alex - "Kelly, you answered."
Me - "Yeah. What did you call for?"
Alex - " I want to know what Connor, and I did for you to hate us."
Me - "Aidan threatened to kick me out if I never stopped hang around with you, and Connor."
Alex - "Why did he threaten to kick you out for?"
Me - "Because you,and Connor get drunk and high."
Alex - "That's all?"
Me - "Yeah."
Alex - "You know Connor, and I can stop if that means we get hang out with you again."
Me - "You being serious?"
Alex - "Yeah because your fun to hang around with."
Me - "Okay, well I will see you tomorrow then?"
Alex - "Yeah, bye."
Me - "Okay, bye."
We hung up, I sat on the rocks watching the water hitting off the rocks, and it started to get cold. I decided to head home, I was lost in my music that I wasn't watching where I was going which caused me to bump into someone, and I looked up to see Ryder you have to be kidding ugh.
"Hey Kels" Ryder says to me which made me glare at him, and sighed.
"It's Kelly dickhead" I say to him, Ryder looked at me with a confused look before he smirked.
"Why are you being like this Kelly? I love you" he tells me.
"No you don't. Now fuck off" I started to raise my voice, and walked away from him.
I am about five minutes away from my house, I walked in the house then went into the living room, and I sat down on of the chairs.
"Aidan?" I asked him which made Aidan look at me then gave me a slight nod to continue, I looked at him, and sighed.
"Well see when I was at the beach Alex called me, asked me what they did for me to hate them so I told him that it's because you didn't like me hanging around with them because they get drunk, and high. Then Alex told me that Connor, and him would stop if I got to hang around with them again so can I?" I told then asked Aidan, he looked at me as if he were thinking everything I told him over, and he finally spoke.
"Only if they stop getting drunk and high. I am only giving you, and them one chance" he tells me, I gave him a smile then nod.
"Thanks, love ya. I am going to bed night" I say to him, Aidan nods then smiled.
"Yeah. I love ya too, and night" he tells me.
I went for a shower then got my pjs on, went into bed where I went through all my social media, and I went off social media before I turned over then closed my eyes slowly drifted to sleep. I was woken up with my alarm going off its 6:30 am, I went downstairs made myself a coffee, then got dressed into my uniform, and also I curled my hair then put it up in a bun. When I finished doing my hair it was going on 8:15, and I grabbed my bag before going downstairs.
"BYE GUYS!" I shout to Aidan, and Keith before I walked out of the house.
I had my earphones in then made my way to school, I thought about how I bumped into Ryder last night, and how awkward it was. I got to the school gates then made my way to registration, and the bell went as soon as I walked into the class room.
"Morning" the teacher said to me in a cheery voice.
I just smiled at her before sitting down, pulled my earphones out when Connor, and Alex walked in. When they seen me they both pulled a chair over to sit next to me, the class look confused, and I don't blame them cause one minute we friends then we aren't. It's now interval so Connor, Alex, and I are sitting in the common room talking about random stuff when Alex looked at me, and smiled.
"Kels who was that guy that came in yesterday?" Alex asked, I knew he was taking about, and I smiled back.
"Oh that was Adam he's my nephew, and niece's dad. He needed my keys so he could get their stuff" I tell him then Alex nodded, and Connor spoke.
"Why was their stuff at yours, and not his?" He asked me, and I looked at him.
"My sister took the kids to England two years ago, then they recently came back, they were staying with me, and now their staying with their dad" I tell them trying not to go into too much detail.
"Alright" Connor says, I nod at him then the bell goes I am at history while Connor, and Alex are at tech.
"Bye guys, see ya next period in P.E" I say to them then Alex, and Connor nods.
"Yeah. Have fun in history" they both said, I gave them a slight nod, and then made my way to history.

Moving in with my cousin
RandomI am putting the rest of my stuff in the car because I am moving in with my cousin. My name is Kelly, I am 17 and I live in a small town in scotland. I am also quite tall, long brown hair with brown eyes... I am only staying with my cousin became my...