I walked into history with my earphones in, made my way to the back of the class where I usually sit before I took my jotter then a pen, and other stuff out my bag so I can start doing my work. I was doing my work when the teacher shouted me, and I looked at him with a questioning look.
"Kelly. Mr Danson wants to see you in his office" he tells me.
I gave him a confused look, I haven't done anything so why would the head want to see me I thought to myself, and I nodded at the teacher.
"Okay" I tell the teacher.
I made my way to the heads office, when I reached the heads office I knocked on his door, and then waited for him to answer.
"I will be with you in 5 minutes" he tells me through the shut door.
I sighed to myself, well at least I have my music to listen to while I wait, and it's been over 5 minutes since I came down to the office. The head still hasn't shouted me in, if he's any longer I swear I am just going to walk away but the door finally opened well finally after waiting for like 5000 years I thought to myself ,and okay maybe not that long.
"Come in Kelly" Mr Danson tells me.
I gave him a slight nod before walking into his office, sat down on one of the seats across from his desk, and I gave him a questioning look.
"Why am I here sir?" I asked him then he sat down in his seat, and smiled.
"Don't worry Kelly you're not in trouble" he tells me in a calm voice,and I gave him a slight nod.
"Okay but why am I here?" I asked him again, and Mr Danson looked at me.
"Are you okay with History?" He questioned me, and I looked at him with a weird look what kind of question is that.
"Yeah. Why?" I asked him quite confused, and Mr Danson sighed.
"Your history teacher came to me a couple of hours ago, told me that you have been lacking in his class" he states, and I looked at him like he's fucking stupid.
"Look sir with no disrespect but I am not lacking in any class. Mr Parker is lying okay?" I tell him.
I walked out of his office after I said that to him, why the fuck is my history teacher talking shit because he knows I am not lacking in class, and I made my way up to history. I walked into the class everyone turned to look at me which made me glare at them because first I pissed off, and second I am not a people person. I walked to my seat then packed all my stuff up because the bell is about to go, I want to get out of this class when the bell, and I made my way to P.E so at least I have Connor, and Alex. I went into the changing room where these three girls came up to me, I mentally sighed since I want to be left alone but that doesn't seem like it's going to happen, and I gave the girls a fake smile.
"Is it true you,and Ryder are dating again?" One of the girls asked me, and I was going to speak when the blond one out of the three spoke.
"If you guys are I want to let you know that he's probably going back out with you for your tits" she tells me with a smirk, and I looked at her.
"Well isn't it nice to know that your concerned for me also for your information Ryder, and I aren't dating" I say mockingly.
They glare at me then walked through to the gym hall, I walked into the gym hall to see Alex, and Connor.
"KELLY!" they shout while running towards me, and I laughed at them.
"What's up guys?" I asked them, and Alex looked at me.
"Haven't you heard?" He questioned me, and I looked at him with a serious look.
"Heard what?" I questioned him, and Connor butted in.
"Ryder is telling everyone that you guys are back together" he tells me which made me look at him then to Alex, and Alex nodded.
"WHAT!?" I shouted at them.
It's lunch, I am getting changed into my school uniform while Connor, and Alex are waiting outside the changing rooms for me. I grabbed my bag before making my way to get Connor, and Alex.
"Do you guys want to go to the skate park for lunch?" I asked them, Connor looks at Alex, and he nods.
"Okay, then let's go" Connor says.
We walked out of the building, headed to the skate park which is a 5 minute walk when we got to the skate park we had to wait in a line, and the line wasn't that long which is alright. I looked at Connor, and Alex.
"Do you guys want to come over to mine after school?" I asked them.
"Sure" they both say so I nodded, and text Aidan.
*Text message*
To Aidan
"Is it okay if Connor, and Alex come over after school?"From Aidan
"Yeah, only because I want to meet them for real."
To Aidan
"Ugh okay 🙄"From Aidan
"😒... Love ya too"It was my turn to order, I looked at the person the person while trying to think about what I want, and then I decided to have my usual.
"Can I get a half pizza with chips also a can of Rockstar as well?" I asked the woman who was serving me.
"Sure. That's £3" she tells me.
I gave her a smile then give her the money, Connor and Alex ordered their food. When we got our food along with out drinks before we started walking to school, we reached the school gates when someone came up from behind me, and hugged me. I got a fright which made me drop my food then I removed the persons arms from me, I turned to see Ryder so I gave him a dirty look, and then give him a mad look.
"You owe me a pizza, and chips" I tell him, Ryder looked at me then smiled.
"Sure babe. How about tonight for a dinner date?" He asked me, and I glared at him.
"No. Why the fuck are you telling people that we are back together for? You dickhead" I ask him then stated, Ryder did his lip-bite that I used to love, and now I just want to slap him for it.
"We are back together Kels" he tells me.
"No we aren't you fucking dimwit" I said starting to raise my voice, and Ryder grabbed my wrist.
"Kels you know you want me just as much as I want you" he tells me, and I gave him your delusional look.
"RYDER YOUR HURTING MY WRIST PLEASE LET ME GO. I DON'T WANT YOU!" I yell at him, Ryder grabs my wrist tighter, and I am positive it's going to leave a bruise.
"Kels. I will get you back, when I do I am never going to let you go" he whispers in my ear before he let's go of my wrist, and walked away.
I glared at him as he walks away fucking dickhead, I rub my wrist where you can see it's slightly staring to bruise, and I mentally sighed.

Moving in with my cousin
RandomI am putting the rest of my stuff in the car because I am moving in with my cousin. My name is Kelly, I am 17 and I live in a small town in scotland. I am also quite tall, long brown hair with brown eyes... I am only staying with my cousin became my...