Kelly's POV
I watched as Aidan took out his phone when he got a text off of someone, he looked at the screen for two seconds, and he already looks pissed off damn someone upset him fast. Aidan put his phone away in his pocket, and looked at me with a concerned look.
"Ryder was the one who left the bruise on your wrist" he tells me, I looked at him how does he know, and who was he texting I thought to myself.
"Erm who told you that?" I ask through a nervous laugh, and Aidan shook his head.
"Kelly it doesn't matter who told me. What the fuck gave him the right to hurt you?" He tells me, and questions me.
"Ryder was pissed because I shouted at him telling him we aren't together, to stop telling everyone we are then he got mad and grabbed my wrist as I was about to walk away" I tell Aidan.
We are sitting downstairs, turns out Aidan text Keith to question Alex, and Connor that's how he found out about Ryder. I could have probably guessed since Connor, and Alex since they were there at the time. We are all going to put on a film, I wasn't really caring what we watched then my phone dinged letting me know I have a text I looked at it, and it's from Adam.
*Text messages*
From Adam
"Hey. Kelly is it okay if I bring Reese, and Chelsea over for a bit because they really want to see you?"To Adam
"Yeah sure, sorry I never came by earlier I have friends over."From Adam
"It's fine. I know you need to live your life as well, and don't sweat about it😎"To Adam
"How long will you be?"From Adam
"Not long about 10 minutes."To Adam
"Okay. See ya in 10."I looked over to the guys who were watching Deadpool on Netflix, never noticed me looking at them but I[m happy that Reese and Chelsea are coming over since I miss them.
"Adam is bringing Reese, and Chelsea over because they wanted to see me" I say to Aidan, he looked at me then nods.
"When is he bringing them over?" He asked me.
"He will be here in 10 minutes" I tell Aidan.
"Okay" he tells me.
I just gave him a nod then went upstairs to get Reese, and Chelsea coloring in books. I got them the other day, I then got pens along with pencils out for them to use, and I went back downstairs to Connor, and Alex looking at me.
"Are we going to colour in?" Connor, and Alex asked me in confusion.
"No. It's for Reese, and Chelsea so they don't get bored while they are here" I stated the obvious.
I made my way into the kitchen then went onto the cupboard where I kept the cake mix, when they are over we can make cupcakes, and I was getting everything out for the cupcakes when the door bell went so I went to the front door, and answered it.
"AUNTIE KELLY!" Reese, and Chelsea shouted.
"Hey kiddos" I say back while bending down to give them a cuddle, and I stood back up.
"I was thinking we could make cupcakes, and then colour in afterwards" I tell Reese, and Chelsea.
"Yeah" they both said getting really excited, and I smiled at them.
"Go wash your hands, then we can start" I tell them, and Adam looked at me.
"I will pick them up about 9" he tells me, and I nodded at him.
"Okay. See you later" I say to him, and Adam looked at me.
"Yeah, see you later" he tells me, Adam was about to walk away, and I shouted him.
"Adam. I just wanted to say thanks for letting me have them for a while" I tell him truthfully, and Adam gave me a smile then walked into his car.
I went into the kitchen where Reese, Chelsea, Connor, and Alex were all waiting for me. I looked at Connor, and Alex.
"You guys are helping too?" I asked them, Connor, and Alex nodded.
"Yeah because we like to make...frozen cupcakes" Connor says while picking up the cupcake box to see what type of cupcakes we are making then Chelsea, and Reese laughed at Connor.
"You are funny" they both say to Connor. Alex looked at Reese, and Chelsea.
"Don't you mean he's funny looking" he says to them which makes them laugh even harder.
I smiled at how well Connor, and Alex are getting along with Reese, and Chelsea. We were making the cupcakes,and Connor burned his hand off the oven.
"You see Reese, and Chelsea that's why you should always wear oven gloves" I tell them while looking smugly at Connor because I did tell him to use them, I looked at Reese, and Chelsea.
"Why don't you guys go into the living room to colour in while I make the icing" I say to them.
They both nod then walked into the living room, and sat down and started coloring in. I looked at Connor, and Alex.
"Hey, thanks for helping out" I tell them, and they both looked at me.
"It's fine" they say to me.
I nod at them then we finished doing the icing, then took the cupcakes out of the oven, and turned the oven off then left the cupcakes to cool. We went into the living room then Reese, and Chelsea looked at me.
"Are the cupcakes ready yet?" they asked me.
"Yeah, they are but there cooling but once there done cooling you can decorate them okay" I say to them.
"Okay" they both replied.
The cupcakes are done, now we are sitting watching t.v while eating them Alex, and Connor got up.
"Kelly, we better go now but thanks for having us" they both say to me.
"No bother, see you later" I tell them, they nod then walk out, and Aidan looked at me.
"Well they are nice" he comments, and I nod at him.
"Yeah they are" I said agreeing with him.
There was a knock on the front door, I went to open it, and seen Adam.
"Hey. I am here to pick up the kids" he tells me, I looked at him then nod.
"It's 9 already?" I asked him, and Adam nodded.
"I guess you were having fun then" he says, and I nod at him.
"Reese.Chelsea your dad is here" I shout them.
"Coming" they shouted back, they got to the front door, and gave me a hug.
"See you later auntie Kelly" they both say.
"Yeah see you later" I tell them giving them one last hug, I watched them get into the car, and waved at them when they drove off.

Moving in with my cousin
AléatoireI am putting the rest of my stuff in the car because I am moving in with my cousin. My name is Kelly, I am 17 and I live in a small town in scotland. I am also quite tall, long brown hair with brown eyes... I am only staying with my cousin became my...