I put the t.v on up the stairs in my room so Reese, and Chelsea can watch t.v. I made my way back downstairs where I cleared away the table since everyone was finished eating, and I was doing the dishes when Keith came in.
"What's with that guy that keeps staring at you?" He asked me with annoyed look, I gave him a confused look while smiling at him.
"No idea, anyway I am busy doing the dishes so you can go, and sit with Aidan" I told him.
Keith looked at me with a weird look but went through to the living room while I dried the dishes, I was putting them away when hands went on my waist so I turned around to see a smirking Ryder, and I glared at him.
"What the fuck do you want?" I asked him, and Ryder's smirk got bigger.
"I want you. You know Kelly I miss you, and I know you miss me too" he tells me, and I raised my eyebrow at him.
"Oh you might miss me but get this through your head I don't miss you" I told him, and Ryder let out a laugh.
"Come on Kelly, you think that Alex really cares about you, he only wants to sleep with you that's why he's being pals with you" he stated but I shook my head, and rolled my eyes.
"Well Connor, Alex, and I aren't friends anymore" I tell him.
I finished putting the dishes away then went into the living room where Ryder, Ryder's brother, and Keith were sitting.
"Where is Aidan?" I asked Keith, he looked at me before smiling at me.
"Oh he went somewhere with his boss, and his boss's wife" he tells me, I nodded my head at him, and gave him a smile back.
"Why are they here then?" I asked Keith again, he looked at me with I don't know look so I just sighed, and sat down on a chair.
"Kelly. Ryder has told me so much about you" Ryder's brother tells me, I looked at him, and mentally sighed.
"That's nice but did he tell you that we are over as well?" I asked him, Ryder's brother looked confused at me, and shook his head.
"No. I never knew that, what happened?" He asked me so I looked at him, and gave him a small smile.
"Why don't you ask your brother since he's right there" I tell him, and Keith looked at me with a shocked look.
"You used to date him" he said, and I nodded my head at Keith.
"Yeah, we broke-up two days ago" I told Keith, and he gave me a questioning look.
"Is he the guy Aidan was telling me about? How he wanted to break-up because he has feelings for someone else?" he asked me, I nodded at him, and then looked at Ryder's brother.
"There you go you know why we broke-up" I stated, Ryder looks pissed off, and I just smirked at him.
It's just went on 10 pm when Aidan came home, he was looking around the living room, and I gave him a confused look.
"Where are Ryder, and his brother?" He asked me.
"They are away home, anyway where were you?" I asked him while answering his question.
Aidan looked around the living room avoiding all eye contact with me, I am quite not sure why, Keith looked at Aidan, and then at me.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" He asked breaking the silence, and Aidan shook his head.
"I need to get some sleep. I start work at 6:30 tomorrow" he tells us, Keith nodded his head, and Aidan walked out of the living room.
"What about you Kelly,and do you want to watch a movie?" He asked me so I nodded at him, and smiled.
"Long as it's a good movie" I tell him, Keith looks at me, and smiled back.
"Well I just bought ride along two so do you want to watch that?" he asked me.
I nod my head at him, then he puts the movie on, and then we watch the film in silence. The film ended so I got off the chair, turned Keith to find him sleeping so I walked over to him, and shook him awake then he looked at me.
"Is it morning already?" he asked in a sleepy voice, I smiled at him.
"It's going on 1. I thought instead of leaving you to sleep on the couch you could go to bed" I tell him.
He nodded at me before he sat up then stretched, and got up. We both went up stairs, he went up to his room in the loft while I went into my bedroom, and see that Chelsea is lying in her bed sleeping. I went to check on Reese, he's lying in his bed sleeping as well so I went back to my room where I got changed into pjs then got into bed, and fell asleep. I was woken up with Chelsea crying so I went over to her, noticed that she was sick all over her bed so I took her pjs off changed them, got a basin so she could be sick in that, and I changed her bed sheets. Chelsea looked at me, and gave me a questioning look.
"Auntie Kelly can I sleep with you?" She asked me, I looked at her then nodded my head.
"Just tell me when you're going to be sick okay" I tell her.
Chelsea just nodded her head before she lay down, and went back to sleep. I woke up at 9:45, went for a shower, did my daily routine afterwards I got dressed into a pair of blue faded denim shorts, along with a top with a dream catcher on it, and I made my way downstairs to see a note on the fridge.
"Hey, Kelly I called the primary school so they know your coming today to enroll the kids."
I put the note in the bin, then started to make pancakes for Reese, Chelsea, and I. I was in the middle of making them when my phone went off, and I looked at the caller ID it was Keith so I answered it.
*Phone call*
Me: "What's up?"
Keith: "Aidan told me to call to let you know that Reese, and Chelsea's dad called."
Me: "Did Aidan say what he called for?"
Keith: "Aidan told me that their dad wants them for weekends so he can spend time with his kids."
Me: "Oh okay. Thanks for telling me."
Keith: "No bother. Are you okay?"
Me: "Yeah. I am fine, I am just making pancakes."
Keith: "I want pancakes but instead I am working ugh."
Me: "I will get off the phone so you can get back to work."
Keith: "Okay, bye."
Me: "Bye."

Moving in with my cousin
DiversosI am putting the rest of my stuff in the car because I am moving in with my cousin. My name is Kelly, I am 17 and I live in a small town in scotland. I am also quite tall, long brown hair with brown eyes... I am only staying with my cousin became my...