【 Sleep 】

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You laid with your hand under your head and facing towards the outside of the bed. You could scarcely feel warm breath on the back of your neck until you felt the bed move slightly and the warmth was gone.

You breathed a heavy sigh and reached over to your phone to look at the time. You scanned your eyes over the digital writing to see that it was 2:46 am. You frowned at the clock on your screen and placed it gently back down on the side drawer.

You laid silently for a few more minutes until you'd finally had enough and decided to go and occupy yourself with something until you felt tired again.

You slowly rose from your laying position, being careful not to wake the sleeping man next to you as you knew he was a light sleeper, even lighter than you most of the time. You removed the covers from your lower body and swung your legs over the bed, your feet meeting the cold floor.

As you pushed off the plush mattress to stand up a hand caught your wrist and pulled you back down. "Damn it I woke him up..." You cursed in your head as you turned to look at Dazai.

"(Y/n) Chan, are you ok?" The dark haired man continued to hold your wrist tightly as if he thought you'd be taken away from him if he let go.

"I just can't sleep that's all. It's nothing really." You quietly replied.

"Is there something on your mind?"

"Not particularly..."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

You shook your head backwards and forwards and stayed silent showing that you didn't want to go into the topic any further. Dazai tugged on your wrist again.

"At least lay with me? I won't go to sleep until you do... So please (Y/n) Chan?" You could practically feel him giving you that cute look he used on you when he wanted something and you gave in. "Ok."

He let go of your wrist as you placed the duvet back over your body and rolled over to face him. Dazai managed to wriggle his slender arm underneath you and wrapped it around you bringing you closer to him.

You placed your head on his chest and draped an arm over his torso. The brunette placed a kiss on the top of your head and drew small shapes and patterns on your back. You could hear his heartbeat flickering through his chest and it calmed you down.

Your eyelids began to feel heavy and you snuggled into him more. You felt Dazai sigh slightly as he relaxed after he realised that you must be drifting off to sleep.

"Thank you Dazai."

"Anything for you (Y/n) chan~"


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