【Medical attention】

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"Oh my god! Dazai what happened!?"

You panicked and darted out of your office chair as your dark haired boyfriend stumbled through your office door with Kunikida's help. There was blood dripping down and off of the right side of his face and for once, he actually looked like he was in pain.

"Sit him on the bed Kunikida kun." You instructed as you ran over to your medical equipment and got all the necessary tools and things you needed, before quickly wheeling your desk chair over to the injured brunette. "Do you need me to do anything (y/n)?" Kunikida asked.

"No I'm ok. You can go neck to your work now. Thank you Kunikida kun." You sweetly responded and the blonde turned around and walked out the door not wanting to bother you while doing your doctor duties.

You returned your attention to Dazai who was currently holding a hand to his head and looking up at you with the eye that wasn't being smothered by red liquid. The look on his face was an apologetic one and you sighed. "Idiot."

You stood up and moved his hand to reveal a rather deep gnash on the right side of his scalp. "Jesus Christ Dazai, how did you even manage this?" You asked removing the stray strands of hair from the open wound. Your question was mostly rhetorical and it was left unanswered by the man.

You numbed part of his head and stitched the wound up. You handed Dazai a cloth to hold on his head for s moment while you went and got s bowl of cold water. You took back the cloth, rinsed it and then started to dab around the freshly stitched wound.

You sat back down and whisper the blood off of his pale face and then wrapped bandages around his head. You picked up the bowl of water and walked back over to the sink and poured the red water down the drain and washed your hands.

You then walked back over to the slightly out of it man, and resumed your position in front of him in your chair. "Look at me Hun." You said and he raised his eyes and head to look at you. Leaning closer slightly, you shone a light into both of his eyes. His pupils shrunk at the sudden overload of brightness and then slowly grew again when you took the light source away. 

"Do you feel dizzy at all?" You asked taking his jacket off and then rolling his shirt sleeve up so you could take his blood pressure. "A little bit." He responded as you finished off checking him over.

"You need to be more careful Dazai." You scolded as you laid him on the bed and put the back of your hand of his forehead. "You've got a slight fever and you've lost a fair amount of blood, so get some sleep and I'll check up on your temperature in a few hours."

As you turned to walk away the bandaged up detective grabbed your wrist and you turned around. "..." He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. "What is it? Do you want some painkillers? Or a drink?"

He shook his head gently. "No... Just, sit with me please?" You stood there for s moment but then sat on the medical bed next to him. "Thank you (y/n)." He sounded reassured by your presence next to him.

"Go to sleep you big dork." You sighed as you reached out and gently stroked his hair and face. You watched his eyes slowly close and his breathing became steadier and deeper as he fell asleep to your comforting touch.


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