【 I know that voice 】

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Listen while you read~ the feels from this song kill me from my Noctis X reader T^T

You sat on the edge of the bed in the infirmary trying to adjust to the new reality that was recently forced upon you.

A few hours ago, the port Mafia had released a surprise attack in the middle of a street in an attempt to catch Atsushi again. While you were trying to keep everyone safe Akutagawa managed to single out the waretiger.

As if on instinct you threw yourself at the younger boy and shoved him out of harms way but, in doing so, you got hit by Akutagawa's attack... Across your eyes.

You had been blinded.

Your eyes had been bandaged up for a  little while and you were still in quite a large amount of pain. You couldn't stand not being able to see. It made you feel useless, your ability would be meaningless without your sight to see where your targets were.

You clutched the bedsheets tightly as thoughts streamed through your head as you wondered if you'd be allowed to stay with the agency or not. Kunikida certainly wouldn't want you getting in the way.

You wanted to cry. Though, you weren't entirely sure if it was because of the pain or the emotions you were feeling but then something pushed the deciding factor over in your head.

"What's Dazai going to say? What if he can't stand the fact that I can't see anymore? What if he doesn't love me because I can't see him? I won't be able to help him, or-"

Your thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and closing and the sound of footsteps coming towards you. You tensed a little through not knowing who was approaching you but  you knew, whoever it was, they wouldn't want to hurt you. Or so you hoped.

"W-who is it?" You asked the person who was currently walking slowly towards you.

"It's me..." He responded.

You stood up immediately slightly wobbling but stayed up right. " I know that voice... Dazai? Is that you?" The footsteps came to a halt in front of you and you reached out gently placing your hands on the man's clothes.

You traced up his torso and then came to find his neck tie and the Jewel that was wrapped around his collar. "It is you..." You said as your hands continued to move upwards. You wanted to find his face.

Your fingers lightly glided up his shoulders and neck to reach his chin. You gently stroked your thumb across his lips upon finding them and you grasped hold of his head, your fingers muddled in his hair.

You felt his hand go up to caress yours and he held it tightly. You felt a slight jolt of pain and you winced moving the spare hand down to hold the most painful eye.

"How are you feeling?"

"It hurts a little but I'm fine." You said with a small sad smile.

"I didn't mean physically... How are you inside?" Your breath caught in your throat as you went over the answer in your head. The next thing you did surprised you as you planned against saying anything.

"To tell the truth, terribly... I'm not sure what to do. I'm completely useless now, I can't walk properly, I can't help anyone, let alone use my ability in combat. I can't see Dazai. I can't see you and it hurts..." His grip tightened on your hand as you continued.

"It hurts so much and I can't cry about it. It's physically impossible for me right now... I can't see you smile anymore, I can't see your stupid face when you get excited about something... I probably won't be able to stay here with you and you know what hurts the most... The fact that I'm terrified about the fact that you-"

You stopped suddenly when you came back to reality and realised what you were about to say. "That I what Hun?" Please tell me so I can help you..." You could hear his voice cracking but you quietly whispered the last few words loud enough that he could hear you.

"That you might not love me anymore..."

"That's ridiculous (Y/n). Why would I not love you because you can't see anymore? And more so, the agency would never get rid of you because you got injured. (Y/n), I know this is going to be hard to deal with but we are going to work together and get through each day one by one okay? And do you know why?"


He placed his forehead slowly and gently to yours and whispered:

"Because I love you."

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