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You laid, snuggled up, against your significant other in bed. The duvet was wrapped tightly around your bodies and, in addition to the duvet, you had a protective arm wrapped around your mid back.

Your head was resting on the chest of the man beneath you, your arm was slung over his body and you fiddled with his bandages gently as you were determined not to wake the sleeping man.

You loved peaceful moments like this. It wasn't very often that Dazai had his guard down, or he wasn't speaking and usually you got loaded with a tonne of paperwork which prevented you from having any couple time recently.

You were pulled out of your thoughts when the alarm clock went off, which signalled that it was already six am, and the body you were using as your pillow and source of warmth tiredly shifted positions and flung an arm over the edge of the bed to silence the beeping.

You felt him sigh deeply and you lifted your head to look at him. "Morning sleepy head~" You purred and he tiredly smiled up at you. "Morning Hun." He mumbled tiredly back and lifted his spare hand to rub his eyes.

"You're so adorable first thing in the morning Dazai~" You giggled and gave him a closed eyed smile before resting your head back onto his bandaged chest. You drew little patterns on his chest as you heard a chuckle sound from his throat.

"Aren't I always?~" He asked with a joking tone. "Hmm maybe, maybe not~" You both laughed and then fell into a comfortable silence for a few moments. All you could hear was the steady beating of his heart beneath you.

It was calming to say the least, the steady rise and fall of his chest almost lulled you back to sleep before you were interrupted. "y/n) chan?"


"You alright?"

"Yeah." You sighed contently. "I'm just listening to your heartbeat."


You nodded, "yeah, it's just really calming y'know. I like it. It makes me feel safe."

Dazai smiled and closed his eyes leaving it at that. Knowing he made you feel safe was one of the best things ever for him.

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