【 We're gonna die! 】Horror AU

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".... (.../n) (y/n)! Wake up! Can you hear me? Open your eyes!" You slowly drifted back into reality to being shaken quite harshly. You groggily opened your eyes and looked up to see Dazai on his hands and knees in front of you with a panicked expression on his face.

You went to sit up and move your legs but you couldn't due to the fact that your ankle was chained to the wall. You span your head back around to the chocolate haired man with fearful eyes, you then looked over to his ankle to see he wasn't chained to the wall.

"D-did you manage to get it off?" You croaked.

He shook his head. "I'm chained to you instead..." He lifted his arm up, to which your arm had to follow and the sound of chains echoed around the room. You looked down to find that there were blood stains all over the floor. "Oh my god..." You covered your mouth and a violent shiver went down your spine.

"Dazai... Do you know where we are? Is it the Mafia?"

"No sweetheart, I don't. But, I know that this isn't the mafia's torture chamber... Whoever put us here has the intention to mess with our heads before killing us." His voice was dangerously low and serious. It was rare to hear your boyfriend speak like that these days.

You both remained in silence for a while, both of your backs against the wall. You hugged your knees close to you, which meant that one of Dazai's arms had to rest on your knees. Said man sat beside you trying to figure out how to get out of this wretched building.

Two thoughts suddenly sprang to mind and your head shot up making Dazai jump slightly. "What is it?"

"Have you still got your gun?"

"Ummm yes and no..."

You raised an eyebrow at his answer. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's hanging over there..." He pointed to the window of the door in front of you where you could see a pistol hanging in the next room. "Oh... There goes that idea then." You said sarcastically.

You then proceeded onto your second idea. Your reached your hands up to your hair and pulled out a hair grip. You moved your hands down to your ankle and began to try and pick the lock. After about five minutes of trying with your amateur skills you finally thought you'd unlocked it as the grip felt looser until:



You pulled another grip out of your hair and went to try it again but Dazai stopped you. "Give it here.." He said holding out his hand and you placed it in his palm. "Sorry..." You apologised.

"Why are you apologising? You didn't do anything wrong." He spoke as he fiddles around with the buckle around your ankle.

"Because I'm loosing my cool and it's probably frustrating you because you're trying to think and I'm just generally being useless." When you finished your sentence you heard small clang on the floor by your foot and you looked down to see that Dazai had picked the lock.

He then got to work on the one around your wrists. As he was tampering with it he replied to you. "You aren't being useless (y/n), I didn't think of trying to pick the locks with hair grips."

"But you picked the locks..."

"...true but, without the idea in the first place we'd still be sitting here sulking wouldn't we?"

You sighed, "I guess so... Thank you Dazai." He looked up and smiled at you as he unlocked the cuff around his wrist and moved onto undoing yours. As you heard your cuff fall into the floor you looked back to the door with the gun hanging down to have your face pale and fear run through you.

"Ther-" You stopped Dazai mid sentence by gripping onto his coat. "What's wrong?"

"There's someone in the doorway."

The brunette turned his head to look at the doorway to see a figure standing in it. There was blood dripping from its mouth and it was splattered down the front of its clothing. The figure started to limp towards you and Dazai. "Do you think you can hold your own against it?" He whispered to you.

"If I can take on Chuuya I think I'll be fine fighting this... However, Chuuya is definitely more appealing to look at than it." You added on whispering back and Dazai scoffed. The creature suddenly stopped and Dazai slowly stood up, pulling you up with him.

"On second thoughts you get the gun and I'll hold it off." Dazai almost commanded you but you knew it was because of the situation. You began to panic a lot and babble until the thing screeched and launched itself in your direction. "(Y/N) RUN!!" Dazai yelled but you were completely frozen in fear.

You screwed your eyes shut preparing to be eaten alive by a cannibalistic, psychopathic, humanoid creature, only to hear another screech sound from its mouth and when you opened your eyes you saw Dazai give it a violent kick to the side of the head sending it flying into the wall to the side of us.

Dazai turned back around and grabbed your hand and dragged you full pelt to the door. He grabbed the gun turned around, pulling you into his chest, and fired at the creature that had regained consciousness and was limp running towards you.

He fired the entire magazine at the creature but it just kept running. You ran forwards and slammed the door locking it and grabbed Dazai's hand again before you continued running. You flew out of the door on the other side of the new room you entered and found yourself in a long corridor.

You heard the door you locked smash open and the creature screeched again and ran after you through the room nearing the corridor you were in. "Dazai!!"

"Just keep running!!"

You picked up the pace and held onto Dazai's hand tighter that ever before in your life. You turned the corner and saw another door, with a bars across the window, and it lead to the outside. Light poured through the gaps in the bars as you neared it and as Dazai went to open it you both ended up just running into it.

"It's locked..." Your Boyfriend growled and you gasped turning around to watch the hallway. The creature hadn't caught up enough yet, the gunshot wounds must've taken their toll. Dazai attempted to kick the padlock off the door but it was taking a while. "Please hurry Dazai..." Your voice cracked as the creature turned the corner.

It began to run and scream as it ran down the hallway. "We're gonna die!" You panicked.

"Think positive!!"

"We're gonna die quickly!!" You yelled as The creature leapt at you again and Dazai booted the lock one last time and flung the door open. He grabbed your collar and practically threw you out the door as he ran out after you and evaded the creatures grasp.

It began to writhe and burn in the sunlight eventually coughing up blood and dying on the floor in front of the both of you.

Dazai span around to face you. "Are you alright??!" You asked in unison and he then brought you into a protective hug. Tears filled your eyes and you cried into his shoulder gripping his coat. He stroked your hair and murmured comforting words into your ear.

You never wanted to let go of him again after that.

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