【Normal people don't do that!】

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"How did I get myself into this sort of mess!?" You rhetorically yelled as you sprinted down the bank of the rapidly flowing river. You leapt over a few mounds, holes and other random obstacles as you ran.

You looked across the river to see people yelling "over there!" and pointing diagonally across from them and almost directly in front of you. You yelled back a thanks and then came across what they were yelling at.


There, bobbing about in the river, was a pair of legs. "Totally not a give away..." You sarcastically thought as you flung your jacket onto the ground and threw yourself into the water.

After a bit of a struggle in the water and a lot of struggling to get out of the water you managed to haul both yourself and the bandaged up idiot onto the nice, safe grass.

You rolled over onto your back, after you dumped Dazai down, and you panted heavily trying to regain your breath from the vigorous running and then swimming.

You turned your head to the soaked through man laying next to you and saw that he coughed a little and opened his eyes. He sat up and looked over to you and you have him a look of utter disappointment and disgust.

"You are so lucky that I love you enough to throw myself in a river after you..." You scolded the brown haired man and he pouted at you.

You both just stared at each other for a few seconds until, as you expected to happen, Dazai broke the silence. "I would appreciate you saving me (y/n) chan, but I was trying to commit suicide and you interrupted me..."

"Of course I interrupted you, you dumbass!" You raised your voice at the chocolate haired man and sat up with your arms folded. "What normal person stops randomly on a bridge with their friends and goes 'ooo that's a nice river' and jumps in??!"

You could practically see steam evaporate off of your body from how frustrated he made you sometimes. God you hated him but you loved him so much at the same time.

You let out a violent noise of frustration and heaved yourself up. Water dropped from your clothes and the wind was blowing fairly harshly, biting at your skin. Your tall boyfriend stood up and walked over to you placing a hand on your waist.

"I'm sorry for causing you trouble (y/n) chan." He smirked at you. Despite his facial expression you could tell that he was being genuine. There was a certain look in his eyes that he gave you and had no control over when he was genuinely sorry about something.

"You're an asshole you know that?"

"Oh really?"

"Yes really. You are an asshole. But-" You giggled and gave him a peck on the lips and began to walk away, "- but I love you anyway~"

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