【Caught in the act】lime

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You walked into your bedroom to find the brown haired man hanging his undercoat up on a hanger and you walked up behind him, wrapping your arms around his middle and leaning your forehead on his shoulder.  "Rough day?" He asked slinking his arm backwards and and rubbing your bicep.

You nodded into his pale baby blue shirt, "yeah..." You confessed and Dazai responded by shifting in your arms to face you. He brought his hand up to your ponytail and gently pulled out the hairband, letting your (h/c) locks drape down he ran his slender fingers through them. The feeling calmed you.


"Yes sweetie?"

"You like me don't you?" You asked. Your emotions were fragile due to the overwork throughout the month as people didn't really consider your feelings when you worked and you were constantly tormented by other men. You pulled back and looked sadly into Dazai's deep brown eyes and he smiled down at you.

"That's a question you already know the answer to (y/n) chan~"

You continued to watch his eyes. They were cheerful and honest but there was concern swimming within them as well. He sighed, "Of course I like you (y/n), I love you. More than anything." He began to fiddle with the buttons on your shirt, sensing that you craved his skin contact.

"...Dazai.." You breathed out as he lowered his head down nipping at the skin on your neck, grazing his lips up and down the tender skin he placed butterfly kisses around your sensitive area. "How about... I make you feel better... And... Take these feelings... Away...?" He mumbled in a low voice in between kisses until he placed his forehead on yours.

You swallowed nothing but air as you closed your eyes, "please." This was all he needed to hear before he slammed his lips into yours, pulling you into a hungry, passionate kiss. He poured all his love into it making sure you felt wanted.

You parted for a brief moment but soon Dazai's tongue was freely exploring your mouth. Moving your hands up to his hair you tugged on it slightly causing a loud groan to sound from Dazai's mouth. That was enough to turn you on completely, a warm and tight sensation flooded your stomach and the feeling of want for him overwhelmed you.

Not breaking the kiss once, Dazai bent down, moved his hands down to your thighs and lifted you up. You wrapped your legs around his hips and manoeuvred you over to the bed. Laying you down he climbed on top of you and moved his lips to your neck again.

He moved his lips randomly in soft kisses and then he suddenly bit down on your most sensitive spot and sucked on the bite mark. You writhed underneath him, gripping onto his shirt you let out a gasp which earned a smirk from him.

He stroked his hand down the middle of your shirt and then trailed his fingers down the inside of your thigh. His eyes were fixed on your face, watching your ever changing expression of pleasure. Your head flung backwards when you felt his finger press down on your clit.

"A-ahh" You moaned out, twitching with pleasure. "D-Dazahh!" You moved the back of your hand up to your mouth to muffle the sound of the moans but apparently, Dazai didn't like this. He stopped his master work with his hand and pried your hand away from your face and his shirt pinning them above your head.

"Tch tch (y/n), we can't have you doing that now can we?~" He sang in a low seductive tone while looking straight into your eyes. "Bu-Mnmnn!" He stopped you mid sentence by grinding his hips into yours. He brought a hand down again and hooked his fingers around the top of your panties and tugged them off your hips.

"Dazai!" He stopped in his movements as his name was yelled from down the hallway and both of your heads snapped to look at your open door. "Shit." He cursed out and then, the single most embarrassing moment of your life occurred.

Kunikida walked round the corner and looked up at yours and Dazai's position. Dazai looked horrified, you became a blushing mess and Kunikida almost had a heart attack. "Wha-uh...I...you...ssorry I'll umm leave you to it!" He spluttered out turning around and quickly slamming the door behind him.

You both took in the situation and then looked at each other before bursting out into laughter. Dazai removed himself from above you and plopped himself at your side. "That was so embarrassing!" You whined but continued to chuckle.

Dazai wrapped his arm around your stomach. "Way to ruin a mood huh?"

"Pfft yeah."

"No matter, we can resume our little activity later~"


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