Get to Know Them

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You looked around at the kitchen, you were right now standing inwhile you were wearing a white apron. He had wanted to bake cupcakesand you had offered to help him which he had taken. You were nowwearing normal clothing of jeans and a simple (favorite color) top.

As you were pulling out some flour you gasped as something fell andorgans fell out; a liver and a heart. "What in the world?" Yougasped as he saw and gasped.

"Oh dear poppet! Are you okay?" He asked shocked and you noddedlooking at that.

"What is going on?!" You asked and he picked it up throwing awaythe organs that had touched the floor.

"Why they are ingredients; they make the cupcakes taste moist."He said with a big grin as you froze looking at him and put the bowlyou had been mixing down. "What's the matter, don't you likeorgans?" He asked as you shook your head in the negative.

"N-no." You whispered taking a step back from him, you didn'tmind staying with them but you did have your knife in easy access. "Idon't want to eat human flesh." You whispered as he frowned and putit away.

"Okay then, my brothers don't either." He said frowning puttingthe organs back. "Oh dear!" He said seeing a bit of flour thatwas on your cheek. The napkin was blue with pink initials stitched inbeing OAK. You guessed it was Oliver Kirkland, but what did A standfor?

More than likely it was his middle initial, what was it then? Aiden?Arno? Alexander?

"Thank you Oliver." You said and he smiled happily putting thehandkerchief back in his pocket.

"Any time poppet! Now let's get back to baking, shall we?" Heasked you kindly.

"Let's." You agreed with a nod of your head and went back. Youdid watch what he did like a hawk but he didn't do anything bad.Flour, sugar, eggs, butter, and all other cupcake things. He didn'tadd anything bad and you smiled putting away the dirty dishes andjumped, turning to see him there with the spoon.

"Would you like to lick the batter?" He asked and you smiled athim taking one and licking the spoon, offering it to him as well asyou shared. It could be taken as sexual but he was so innocent, aswere you, and the two of you were innocent as the house smelt of thewarm (favorite flavor) of cupcakes.

Here we are, abit short but I hope you guys like it.

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