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You had gotten a job to bring some money into the household, theothers had told you before there was no need to but you had gotten ajob anyway. Not just to bring in money but to have somethingproductive to do. You loved to read, to (write/playmusic/draw/paint/etc), and even make clothing from time to time, andyou absolutely adored baking with Oliver.However you needed something structured and if it brought in a bit ofmoney than that was a bonus.

So you had gotten a job in a bakery, of course the treats had nothingon Oliver and your baking. You were just the one who worked at thecash register and handing out the treats to people. You were on abreak having your lunch that Oliver had packed for you. He had madeit before you came to the kitchen to make your lunch and he had givenit to you with a smile and it was so sweet.

He had packed some little tea sandwiches, a thermos of tea, somefruit cut into cute shapes like stars and triangles and the like anda thermos of tea prepared just as you liked it with the perfectamount of (sugar/cream/lemon/etc).

You were enjoying your lunch when you gasped seeing a man slap thewoman he was lift. You glared with hard (eye color) pools and he gotin the car driving away and you memorized the license plate, writingit down on a napkin.

When you got home you kissed Oliver, "thank you for the lunchOllie, it was delicious." You thanked as he smiled.

"You okay Name, you seem kind of tense." Matt asked, you viewedhim, Allen, and Louis as brothers; Louis was the older brother whowould mess with you but if you were ever in need of him he'd bethere. Allen was the younger brother who youwould mess with but would be there for him if he ever needed you.Matt was like the brother you were closest to; possibly because youboth had an affinity for animals.

"I saw something during my lunch break; I have a new victim." Yousaid with a smirk that was quiet evil but your (eye color) orbs wereinnocent. At this Matt chuckled and Oliver, being strangely turnedon, blushed.

It took a week and you smiled as you found his schedule, he left tohang out with his friends and get drunk. While he was on his way homeyou came by walking normally. He sneered at you; who were you as achubby girl to be wearing such revealing clothing. As you passed byhe made a mooing sound and with a smirk you turned quickly shovingyour knife into his side.

There is a struggle and you don't mind; it'd be unfair to give yourvictims no chance to fight back. None had yet but they had a chanceto do so. He actually managed to make the knife cut your cheek butthat only fueled your fire as you killed.

It did take quiet a while and as you were making sure none would everknow who he was Oliver came. You turned worried, you wouldn't killand innocent but how could you get away without them finding who youare but you relaxed as you saw it was Oliver.

"Oh Ollie, you scared me." You said standing and stretching,"what brings you here?"

"I was worried poppet, you were taking a while." He said and yousmiled and nodded.

"Yes, this one was quiet the challenge." You agreed and Oliver'seyes widened and he rushed over to you, cupping your face in his palehands.

"Oh your hurt love!" He gasped watching you as you nodded a bitthat you could move. He sighed and licked your cheek lovingly. He wasangry; if the man wasn't already dead he would kill him all overagain. The lick burnt but at the same time it felt good. "Your sosweet cupcake." He whispered and you gave the cannibal Englishman alook.

"I am not on the menu darling." You added kissing him soundly andhe hummed.

"I'd never eat you; your far too sweet to turn into a cupcake."He promised holding you close, "your my love, not food."

I hope you guyslike this, the fact that 2p!England is a cannibal I had to addressit.

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