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You were worried, very worried, Cupcake was sick. He was throwing upa lot and you were doing the best you could to keep him healthy. Itwas of course just something normal in about a day. Though Cupcakeate up the attention and was purring.

"Morning love, is Cupcake feeling better?" Oliver asked asyou looked at him with a bright smile stretching your (skin tone)face.

"Yes. I think he is." You said petting Cupcake who startedpurring.

"You are very maternal, poppet." Oliver said sitting down besideyou, rubbing your back and you smiled blushing slightly. "You'd bea good mum." He added causing you to squeak and drop your head totry and hide your burning face. "Do you want to be a mum, Name?"Oliver asked curiously and you shyly nodded.

"Yes. I always wanted to be a mom. Well, do you wantkids?" You asked looking away, this was so awkward.

"Yes." Oliver said with no hesitation and you looked quickly tohim shocked that he answered so fast. "Perhaps I can be the Da andyou can be the Mumsy?" He asked blushing and you nodded beforehiding your face in his shoulder.

He started stroking your (hair length) locks and back as you spoke."Perhaps we will have a boy with my (eye color) eyes and your sweetsmile? Or maybe a girl with your pretty blue with pink eyes and yourstrawberry hair and my nose?" You said with a gentle smile and hegave a giggle, "whatever children we have, I hope they havefreckles like you." You added and Oliver froze.

"What?" He asked, you had told him that you liked his freckles,he wouldn't cover them up when it was just the two of yo, however hewondered if you were being honest. Only because of kindness, tellinglies for all the right reasons of course. "You like my freckles somuch you'd want our children to have them?" He asked and you noddedwith a smile looking up at him.

"Of course, every part of you is adorable; but I think yourfreckles are the most adorable on you. And your eyes are the mostbeautiful, but it's a close race for it." You gave a giggle and heblushed holding you even closer.

"Well I hope that they will be as beautiful and strong as you are."Oliver added and you giggled happily nuzzling into his neck. "I canpractically see them now." He whispered and you smiled kissing hiscollarbone.

"Yeah, I can't wait. But we should probably wait for a bit still."You added with a giggle and he nodded.

"Yes, that sounds good. I don't think Louis, Allan, and Matt areready to be uncles yet." He added.

Here we are, Ihope you guys like this. I do think of the four that 2p!England isthe most adorable of the four.

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