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Btw I slightly updated The Next Day, please check it out!!!
Fun fun fun!!!! *insanely giggles*


Gaige watched him run down the hall, his voice still playing in her head. After a moment she came to her senses and ran to Barry.

"Are you okay?" Gaige asked with an unusual amount of coolness.

"I think I'll be okay, I'll get us back to S.T.A.R. Labs," Barry panted and ran them back.

"What were you doing there Gaige? You could've gotten yourself killed!" Caitlin frantically ran towards them as Gaige helped Barry on the hospital bed.

"I just wanted to...I don't know...it doesn't matter," Gaige answered a little lost for words.

His voice was so...fluent

Ah! That's another reason why we love him!

What?! No, not love, just...just interest...

You keep saying that but wait till you legitimately meet him then you'll fall into his arms!

No, he's a criminal I woul---

So what?! Love knows no bounds!

You know, I'm getting real tired of your shit so just shut up!

Fine! But you'll find out soon enough!

While she had this conversation she didn't realize that she was back at her computer looking at the video tapes. She watched Leonard pull the manager down to the vault, the way he walked looked as if he really didn't want to be there. She thought she was just imagining it. The video played where he shot the Flash and he stopped after that and looked off camera, where Gaige had been. She continued staring as he smiled, said 'That's me', and ran down the hall way. She replayed him saying 'That's me' and was glad she had gotten good earbuds. Someone tapped her one the shoulder and she whirled around.

"Hey, what're you doing?" It was Cisco.

"I'm just going over the footage again," Gaige blushed slightly.

"I think I may have a way to disable his cold gun, I need your engineering expertise," Cisco said

She smiled and stood up, "Okay, what did you have in mind?"

"Some sort of projectile to land on his gun that when he fires it the gun will overload and be destroyed," Cisco excitedly explained.

"Will it hurt Leon--Snart?" Gaige questioned, doing her best not to sound to worried.

"No, probably not, his hands slightly, but his gloves will most likely block it anyway," Cisco gave a look and then they both started down the hall to his work shop.

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