Another Problem

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If it's not exactly how they closed the singularity please tell me, I don't really remember and I can't find the episode so, bear with me.
And of course Leonard is still beaten up.


"What does that mean exactly?" Leonard asked looking at each of them in turn.

"The singularity could suck in the entire city, possibly the entire earth!" Stein explained hurriedly.

"That's bad," Diamond muttered.

There was loud banging and crunching coming from outside causing them all to run out. The singularity circled overhead making them all take a step back.

"How the hell are we going to close that?" Diamond started to panic, still weak from earlier.

"If you can run around in it, you possibly could stabilize it, Barry," Stein suggested.

"That's very dangerous though! He could die or worse!" Cisco exclaimed.

"I have to try," Barry turned back towards the hole.

"Good luck, Barry," Leonard said as Gaige leaned against him as she ran out of strength.

"Yeah, good luck," Caitlin gave a glance to the two of them.

"I don't like this," Joe mumbled as Barry prepared to run.

He shot off jumping from pieces of debris to the center of the breach, running around and around the centre. Barry spiraled down stabilizing it.

"It worked!" Caitlin exclaimed excitedly holding onto Ronnie's arm.

"Now we just need to close it," Cisco commented.

"If F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. separates in the middle of the singularity, we could close it, its very dangerous, but we don't have much choice," Stein took a step towards Ronnie.

"No! You could die!" Caitlin burst out, clutching Ronnie.

"It's a risk we have to take," Ronnie gently pulled her arm off and gave her a kiss.

Diamond was immediately glad she wasn't in that position and caressed Leonard's arm around her, he was thinking the exact same thing.

The two merged and flew up leaving Caitlin with tears in her eyes. In a few moments a large explosion happened and the breach shut with Stein falling from the sky. Barry ran up and caught him bringing him safely down.

"Ronnie?!" Caitlin yelled hysterically.

"Caitlin I'm so sorry," Cisco gently touched her arm, she pulled away and ran back into the Lab with Cisco behind her.

"That was extraordinary," Stein panted, he looked around, "Ronnie?"

"He's not here," Barry told him sadly.

"Oh, oh no," Stein almost fell, Barry held him up.

Diamond collapsed on Leonard at the same time causing him to say her name, "Diamond?!"

Leo held her face, gently patting it, urging her to wake her up.

"What's wrong with her?" Barry hurried over with Stein.

"I don't know," Leonard said with concern.

He picked her up letting her arms drape around his neck as she mumbled something. Joe was giving a disapproving stare towards Leonard, but he ignored it. They hurried back into the Lab finding Cisco trying to comfort was not working.

"Dr. Snow I believe for a moment you must push down your grief, something is wrong with the young engineer," Stein caught their attention.

Diamond mumbled Leo's name as he set her down on the table.

"It seems she's sustaining more injuries than before she met Snart," Joe commented disdainfully.

Leonard started to get a little angry, yes he was a criminal, yes he robbed people, but no he wouldn't hurt Diamond, not intentionally anyway, he was struggling with that fact already.

"She's seems to be in a coma," Caitlin expressed worriedly.

"What do you mean in a coma? How?" Barry stepped closer.

"I don't know, her body just seems to have gone into a state of hibernation, almost like she is shutting down for repairs, but their is nothing to repair," Caitlin informed taking Gaige's vitals again.

"Is there a way you can wake her up," Leonard still held onto her hand.

"I don't know yet, Professor Stein do you have any ideas?" Caitlin turned towards Stein as he looked over her condition.

"I'll need more information, what happened down there exactly, did she use her powers?" Stein questioned.

"The only way I can describe it is that she erased Thawne from time, like his body just shattered into blue squares," Cisco explained.

"I haven't had much time to study Ms. Sellis' powers, but I hypothesize that when she uses her powers to that extent it makes her brain think that her body needs to shut down and heal, there is no telling if she will wake up on her own, we will have to do some tests," Stein told them.

"How long will that take?" Leonard gently stroked Gaige's hand.

"We don't know," Caitlin glanced over to Stein.

Snart looked down at her unconscious body, she wasn't warm anymore, her hand was ice and he hated it.

"We'll take care of her Mr. Snart, I suggest you get some sleep, you have shown you aren't just a common criminal by helping us, you've done more than enough," Stein tried to reassure.

Leonard just shook his head and walked out, he couldn't do anything for her now which bothered the hell out of him. When he got outside he watched the fire trucks and police calm the situation, removing debris, helping the trapped people, he tried to distract himself as he walked, a sickening feeling rushed through him.

What if she doesn't wake up...

That nauseating thought ran around in his head. In his distracted state he didn't realize someone behind him till it was too late and darkness consumed his vision.

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