We Need Help

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Thanks to -Voidpyschodoll for the picture of Diamond! It's awesome!


Barry walked into the Lab the next morning after a restless night. He was unsurprised when he saw that Snart wasn't there.

"Hey Caitlin, do you know when Snart left?" Barry asked with a sigh.

"No, he was gone when I came in this morning," she responded looking up briefly from her computer screen and continued, "Gaige must've helped him, he was pretty beat up."

"I'll call her," Barry sighed and pulled his phone out.

The number dialed and Gaige picked up, "Hello?"

"Hey, did you take Snart?"

"Uh..." there was rustling on her end, "Would it be bad if I said yes?"

"Just, bring him here, we're going to figure this out."


"See you soon,"

"What are you thinking, Barry?" Caitlin asked.

"We have to find what this 'connection' that Wells said was between Snart and Gaige," Barry paced.

"And what do you think it is?" Caitlin set down the pen in her hand.

"I don't know, maybe they can fill in a few blanks," Barry sighed.

Joe walked in hurriedly, "What happened?!"

"Uh, what are you talking about?" Barry asked knowing exactly what he meant.

"You went after the Reverse Flash? With Mick Rory?"

"Joe, Snart was captured, he wanted to help and I needed it," Barry sat down.

"But he's a criminal! Just like Snart! Why did you let them go?"

"I didn't have much choice, Gaige and Snart will be here soon," Barry sighed.

At that moment, Iris, Cisco, and Eddie showed up, only hearing what Barry had just finished saying.

"Great! We can arrest him then!" Eddie said.

"No one's arresting anyone alright? We need his help," Barry said grudgingly.

"He has a point," Caitlin agreed.

"But how do we know that Captain Cold isn't just going to turn on us?" Cisco questioned.

"Wells tortured him, I'm pretty sure if he was going to turn on us, he would've done it," Barry explained.

Gaige walked in holding up Snart saying, "This better be good, Barry, multiple broken ribs and a bunch of bruises means you stay off your feet for a while."

"I'm fine," Leonard muttered and removed his arm leaning against the wall.

Eddie and Joe had their weapons drawn on Snart which caused him to laugh spitefully, "Yeah, I'm real dangerous when I can barely lift my arms, I'm not sure what use I am to you in this condition, Barry."

"You can help us figure out what the Reverse Flash wants with you, what did he say?" Barry leaned against the table.

Leonard cleared his throat, "Well, he wanted my gun, something about me being connected to her," he pointed towards Gaige, "and him wanting to get home."

"Why was he torturing you?" Caitlin questioned.

"I don't know," Leonard lied.

"That doesn't make any sense, I'm sure Wells would have a reason for it, I mean he doesn't just torture people for no reason," Cisco sat in his chair.

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