Chapter 43

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"How is Charles not a Guardian?" I asked, shaking my head at them. Henri had stopped pacing and had a look of clarity on his face. He wasn't saying anything.

"I don't know. My mom told me many years ago that Charles wasn't a Guardian. I don't know if he didn't pass the Trials or just wasn't a Guardian. If Langston was trying for the throne, he might have put his kid in through the Trials."

"I don't think anybody can mess with the Trials. I went through them and to me he was different. I don't think he was human. At least, not anymore."

"I don't know. I really don't know much of anything else. Byron may have an idea."

"Did you know King Wonder?" Henri rolled his eyes, lifting his lips with dislike. Ares chirped, he seemed to be laughing at Henri's joke.

"Yeah, we took some classes together. I'm older than he is so I left to become an Ambassador before he became your Keeper." His eyes snapped over to me. I wondered what else he knew? "I liked him. If that is what you are asking?"

"That's cause you don't know him. He's a backstabbing asshole."

I glanced at Henri so he could calm down. He put his hands up and sat down.

"Just saying. Anyway now that you are here, we need your help."

We told Eric everything that had been going on. We included details about me faking my death.

"Wow!" he nodded, appreciatively. "My poor mother was devastated when she found out you had died. I understand why you did it. So what's the next step?" he asked, rather enthusiastically.

"One, we need to get out of here. Ares could you check where we are?" Ares nodded and immediately left. He disappeared from my lap. "And we need to get the Chancellor to get you out of here, Iris. We need him to want you." Henri met my eyes and I nodded. It was game-time.

Ares came back within a couple of minutes from what he was showing us we were in some tower. There were other prisoners in here but none on our level. We were also near the castle. Ares hadn't been able to locate Taron but that was fine. We didn't hear anybody else for two days. Food was dropped us everyday but it was a small amount for three people.

"This is gross." Henri pushed his plate away. It was some kind of soup with large chunks of something in it. They also had brought one pitcher of water. We were rationing the water.

"Well I've been living off of this for months." Eric was eating. Henri and I were watching him with disgusted faces. "It grows on you after the first couple of weeks."

"Yeah, well the plan isn't to be here that long." Henri was running his hands along the walls looking and listening. According to Ares, we were safe to talk in here. Nobody was eavesdropping on us.

"Do you think they are asking some kind of ransom?" Henri asked me on the third day.

"I don't know." It was starting to become increasingly frustrating that the Chancellor hadn't came out to see us. Not only that but within a couple of days they were giving us less food and water. The smell was nauseating. It took some time for me to get used to smell through my nose. Worst of all was that I had never gone this long without showering.

"Do you think they are onto us?" Henri asked me. It had been almost a week and a half. We were finally eating. The smell of the place and the watery soup was enough to make me throw up. I needed to have some strength.

"No, I think they would have killed us. They are trying to weaken us." I told him. It was a good tactic. "I think Ares needs to get out of here." I looked at him and he chirped sadly. He knew I was right. "Before they do figure out what we are up to and figure out he is here. Just keep an eye on us. If things start to go bad, notifiy Ezra and Thomas." I warned him. Ares rubbed his head against me. I hugged him tightly, afraid that I would never see him again.

"I love you." I whispered to him. Ares pecked my cheek once and he left. Another week passed by and it was getting worse. I felt weak and light-headed.

The door was opened, and Taron came in with his brother.

"It smells in here." he covered his mouth. "So how are you three doing?" he looked over each of us. Taron was also covering his mouth but not meeting any of our eyes. "Bring the girl and the advisor. You will stay in here." he nudged Eric with his toe.

"He comes too." I told him, rubbing my eyes. "If you want us, he comes too."

"You are not in a position to be negotiating." He snapped at me.

"You have no clue who he is, do you?" I smirked at him. The Chancellor turned to Eric and back at me. The Chancellor dropped his hand and took a step towards me. I held my position as he walked slowly to me.

"Guardian, are you going to risk your neck for some poor fool?" he leaned towards me, wrinkling his nose.

"Yes." I didn't blink staring defiantly into his eyes. I was not in a good mood. I was smelly and hungry. If he got closer- I was going to rip his throat out.

"Fine." he leaned back and laughed. "Bring him too. Shower them and give them clothing. They fucking smell." Three soldiers came in and grabbed each of us. I was yanked upwards and led out. The amount of sunlight was making my eyes water and I couldn't help cowering from it. The Chancellor and Taron were walking behind us. I wanted to look back but I kept my eyes forward.

"Watch her hands. All of their hands." The Chancellor advised them. We were taken into separate rooms but the Chancellor and Taron followed me.

"Is this what you were fucking?" the Chancellor lifted up my face. "I thought you had better taste than that brother?" he wiped my hair from my face. Three soldiers took off my clothing and I couldn't help feeling humiliated. Not only that but the water that was being thrown at me was freezing. The Chancellor approached me, and tilted my face up to him by grabbing my hair.

"It is her." Taron told him. He approached me and he jerked my arm upwards. He showed the Chancellor my scars and tattoos. "Don't you think I wouldn't know the Guardian? I fucked her a couple times." I turned and glared at Taron. "Huh, sweetheart." He grabbed my face and squeezed it.

"Asshole." I spat in his face. Taron lifted his hand and slapped me. I fell backwards but the Chancellor yanked me up by my arm. That had been a little too hard. I grasped my face as my eyes started to water. The soldiers finished throwing water at me and they handed me a large blue dress. I put it on quickly wanting to hide myself.

"Bring her to my room when she is dry." Taron told the soldiers. "Can't you give her something else? She looks terrible."

The Chancellor threw him a look but nodded.

"I remember you from your ceremony. You were a pretty thing. When you are done bring her to my room."

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