Chapter 44

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"What?" I resisted as the soldiers tried to drag me out. "You can't do that. Don't you dare put a hand on me." I tried to lift my hands up but they were yanked to the ground by the chain. The Chancellor smacked me hard in the face. I fell to the ground, covering my face.

"Better yet, bring her to me first. Let me break her in for you." He lifted my face up. I was doing my very best to not cry. He sneered in my face and I lunged for him. He grasped me by my throat and lifted me up. I scratched at his hands. "You little bitch." He pushed me against the wall. "Get out." he ordered everyone in the room.

"What are you dong?" Taron stepped in front of him.

"Get the fuck out. I'm going to teach her some manners. Do you want to watch?" The Chancellor pushed Taron out by his head. Taron searched my eyes but he nodded. I stared horrified at him. He couldn't leave me here. My hands were tied up together.

Once the door was closed, he came towards me. He lifted up the chains and attached them to the wall.

"I'm going to teach you to behave." The Chancellor started to take off his jacket. I struggled against the chains.

"Don't you dare?" I screamed at him. "Don't do this." I screamed at the top of my lungs. What the hell was going on? Why wasn't Taron stepping in?

"Mouthy bitch." He hit me across the face. I fell backwards completely dazed. I shook my head in response as he started to unbutton his pants.

"No." he got on top of me and pinned my hands down.

"No....nooo." I screamed as I struggled with his wait. He met my lips and I bit his lips. "Get the fuck off of me." He grasped my throat and I struggled for breath. He reached down and lifted up the dress. He started to pull down his pants and I stared horrified about what was going to happen.

"Get off of me." I screamed at him. I struggled under him but I managed to wrap my legs around his waist. His hold slacked around my wrists and I brought my fists down on his head.

"Fuck you. You son of a bitch." I cursed at him, completely angry. I got to my feet and kicked him in his crotch that was hanging out. He fell over and I kicked him over and over. I couldn't even see him because tears were streaming down my face. The door opened and Taron came in. I turned on him too for not-

"You fucking asshole." I kicked him. I hadn't realized that there was splattered blood on his uniform. Taron fell to his knees grasping his crotch.

"I was kind of busy." Taron huffed at me. His eyes were shut in pain. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry, it was the moment. I freaked out." I held out my hands for him to take off the shackles. Taron shook his head at me. Tears were streaming down his face. He reached towards his brother and took off the keys. He took off the shackles.

"Did he-?" Taron couldn't even finish the sentence.

"No." I sighed with relief. "Taron you scared the shit out of me. I thought you were going to actually let him rape me."

He gave me a dirty look. He couldn't believe I had just accused him of that.

"Thank god." He pulled me into a hug. I let out a shiver as he held me tightly. "I'm sorry. I should reacted faster and not have left you in this position." He kissed the top of my head.

"Well at least your self-defense training came in handy." I took a deep breath, glad that it hadn't gone any further.

"That's my girl." He planted a kiss on my lips. "Alright, let's take my brother." We shackled his wrists and ripped part of his shirt to cover his hands. "Trust me, when he wakes up he is going to be uncontrollable." Taron lifted him up and threw him on his shoulder. "The boys are waiting for us." he told me. We stepped outside, there were bloody bodies on the ground. I ran to the other rooms to release Henri and Eric.

"Are you okay?" Henri grasped me and looked me over. "Fuck, I heard the screaming and did he?" he searched my eyes prodding me.

"No." I told him, Henri pulled me into a tight hug.

"I'm gong to have nightmaresfor the rest of my life." Henri shuddered releasing me. "But are you okay?" he asked again. He didn't seem convinced and that was mostly because I was still shaken up.

"Yes, luckily I was able to get him off." I tried to smile but it faltered. "We need to get out of here before someone realizes that-" my voice trailed off, because one of the Chancellor's personal soldiers appeared. He stopped at the foot of the stairs and raised his hands. Suddenly the ground started to shake.

"Shit, we have to go." Taron yelled, he was struggling to keep his hold on his unconscious brother. Henri raised his own hands and threw a knife, which missed the soldier. Eric raised his hands, and the ground stopped shaking.

"Go!" he shouted. Henri stepped forward first. The soldier realized what was happening and pulled out a sword. I noticed that he also had a gun on him. That would be even more dangerous since we were only trained in old-fashioned weapons. Taron wasn't joking when he said that the Chancellor was very well protected.

I took advantage of the fact that Henri was fighting with the soldier and I pulled the gun out of the holster. I threw it out the window. He probably wasn't the only soldier with a gun.

"That gun breaks the treaty." Henri huffed, giving the soldier one last kick. "The Chancellor is under arrest, Iris."

"None of us are allowed guns or modern weaponry." Taron shook his head, giving his brother a dirty look. "My brother will escape prison if we arrest him."

"You can't kill him. He belongs to the Ministry now. He broke the current treaties, Taron. If you kill him you will go to jail for interfering." Henri didn't have time to finish arguing with Taron because the ground started to shake again. Eric came running down the stairs.

"We have to go." Ericyelled at the top of his lungs. HE helped Taron take the Chancellor down thestairs. "I think those two soldiers can manipulate the elements." We turned ourheads, and water was rushing down the stairs behind us.

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