Chapter 46: Thomas's POV

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"Iris" I shouted down at her. Her eyes were rolling back into her head and she started to suddenly shake. She was losing too much blood. I turned to Ezra. "We need to get her out of here before Byron sees her." I warned him.

Ezra lifted her up into his arms. I turned to see Taron's sister, Amelia being hugged by someone. Their mother had been killed.

"We need to get her out of here too." Ezra told me. There was a sound of anger and we turned to see Taron standing over the Chancellor's fallen body. "and him."

"No, I'm staying. I'll deal with Byron. You go and take my sister with you. Eric go with them."

"I'm not leaving my mom." Amelia lifted her hand. Taron went to her and lifted her up. Eric rose to his feet.

"Get out of here. I'll send for you when you can get back." Taron pushed her into Eric's arm. "Take care of her." He wiped his face and went to the Chancellor and picked up his sword. "We are ending everything tonight." He took off. Ares perched himself on my shoulder. I listened to what he was telling me.

"You are Rima's son." I turned to Eric who was consoling the grieving girl. "Ronald and Rima's son."

He nodded, not answering. He put his arms around the girl.

"Let's move." Ezra told me, as he adjusted Iris in his arms. "She needs care, fast. We need to get out of here." Young came through the door and behind him was Byron. We stopped horrified. I stepped in front of Ezra and Iris.

"Where is Taron?" his eyes fell on the Chancellor's body.

"I don't know but maybe he went to find you."

Byron looked at the area.

"Your Highness." Byron nodded at Amelia. "Young bring the girl in."

"She has nothing to do with this." Eric stepped in front of her. "You want Taron but he isn't here. I don't think he will be going anywhere so you will find him."

"Eric is right" I told Byron, trying to keep my position. Byron stepped towards me. "Who is that?"


"My friend." Amelia was sobbing cleaning up her face. I turned to Iris, she now had blonde hair and different features. Ezra and I locked eyes. "She needs help. I'll go with you but you have to let them take her."

"He doesn't need anything with you. He's just being a dick." Ezra motioned for them to follow him. "Amelia is coming with me. Thomas can stay with you. She just lost her mom and now a brother. Eric is Rima and Ronald's son. You can't arrest him."

Byron's head snapped in Eric's direction but didn't say anything.

"Go, but report to me." Byron's jaw twitched. He turned and left.

"Sorry, I was trying to keep him from you." Young apologized.

"Doesn't matter." I turned back to Iris who was back to normal. I glanced at the girl. "Thanks for that. Nobody can find out that she is alive, yet."

"I figured. I heard the rumors." Amelia hiccupped. "I know a place we can go where she can be seen." Eric took her hand and we followed her.

"I need to stay here. Byron will get suspicious if one of us doesn't stay here to clean things up. I also need to make sure he doesn't kill Taron."

"Good idea. Young come with me." Ezra adjusted iris in his arms. They all left.

I went searching for Byron, most of the battling had stopped within the castle walls but I could hear yelling outside the walls.

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