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The smell of smoke from the campfires was hanging over the immediate area like a grey cloud. The smell was something she had become accustomed to over the time since she'd first stepped foot on the ground, and it had become somewhat of a comfort to her. She associated the scent of wood smoke with the promise of warmth and comfort - with home.

Only now, in this moment, the scent had an entirely different affect on her body. The smell of smoke meant fire and blood and the promise of pain and death at the hands of those who were out for her blood.

She gripped the gun so tightly that the cool metal dug into the skin of her fingers almost painfully. Her hands were slick with sweat and she could taste the metallic tang of blood in her mouth. The man in front of her leered at her, a crazed almost dangerous look in his dark eyes. He expertly swung his sword, clipping her side as she cried out in pain, her small cry getting lost in the bittersweet song of the dying.

With shaking fingers she raised her gun, trying to steady her aim as she hurriedly pulled the trigger.

The man went down without so much as another sound, the bullet lodging itself neatly into his brain.

She stumbled backwards, horrified at the scenes of violence unfolding around her.

A hand gripped her shoulder and she whirled around looking for her new attacker only to find a mess of wavy blonde hair by her side. The relief she felt was almost palpable at the familiar face, but the relief soon disappeared at the look of panic and sadness on her friends face.

'What's going on?' Her voice was hoarse from all the screaming she had done that day.

The blonde didn't answer her, dragging her towards the drop ship as quickly as their tired limbs would allow.

She allowed herself to be pulled inside, realisation hitting her as she spied a mass of people waiting inside to greet them.

'We're going to massacre them' She whispered. Clarke nodded in confirmation. The two stood by the doors as everyone began rushing inside, to the promise of safety.

Almost impulsively her eyes began wandering from person to person, looking for the familiar dark curls amongst the sea of terrified faces. Panic washed over her like a tidal wave when she realised that the person she was looking for wasn't there, and they were about to shut the drop ship door.

It was then that she caught sight of him, trying desperately to make his way to the drop ship, but unable to due to the savage hell bent on tearing him apart. Beside her, Clarke caught sight of Finn running to join the fight and her own desperation peaked as the two girls clung to one another only able to watch in terror as the two males fought bravely, though they were now vastly outnumbered.

'Stop! Finn, no! No, stop!' Clarke's voice cracked in desperation.

Her friend beside her slowly stopped fighting the people around her as the other male's dark eyes caught hers and he slowly nodded his head at her. It's okay.

Numbness consumed her and a strange feeling of detachment overcame her. It was as if she were watching a movie rather than living the scene she was watching play out.

The numbness didn't last long as the grounder aimed to deliver a killing blow to the man beneath him. A scream bubbled up into her throat as Clarke shoved her into the drop ship, before sadly pulling the lever to close the door as the grounders rapidly approached, weapons blazing. Clarke glanced sadly at those around her as her brunette friend clung to her side.

Brinley felt as though she were choking, her lips struggling to form the word trying desperately to escape her trembling mouth. It was too late.


War of Hearts 》Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now