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'Jasper?' Brinley hissed, trying to locate her friend. She was sure they would be somewhere near the drop ship, having hidden their makeshift still.

'Brinley?' Monty's head appeared as he peered over one of the bushes.

'Brinley!' Jasper's head appeared beside Monty's, a huge grin on his face. 'Happy unity day!'

Brinley laughed despite her general dislike of unity day. 'Happy unity day guys.'

'Come to find the moonshine?' Monty smiled at her, and she knew his high spirits were due in part to finally being able to talk to his parents again.

'Maybe.' Brinley smirked, almost squealing as Jasper's hand shot out as he pulled her into the bush with them.

'Why are you hiding in a bush?' She questioned incredulously.

'Just incase Bellamy wanted to search our tent this morning, there wouldn't be anything to find.'

Brinley laughed. 'Smart, but I don't think he'll give us any trouble, besides, he doesn't know that the two of you are resourceful enough to make something from nothing.' She teased the two.

'So it's safe to go back into the tent then? Cause I'm kinda cold.' Monty admitted, Jasper nodding at his side, his goggles sliding down his face slightly.

'Go, while everyone is distracted.' Brinley nodded and the three tried their best to make their way to the tent without drawing too much attention to themselves.


'Fuck.' Brinley groaned, almost pushing Monty and Jasper into their tent as she spun around.

'What can I do for you Blake?' She smiled innocently up at him.

'What are you doing?' He questioned, crossing his arms.

Brinley sighed. 'Visiting Jasper and Monty.'

'Oh okay, if that's all, you won't mind me joining you?' Bellamy went to walk forward and Brinley blocked his path causing Bellamy's face to break out into a smirk and Brinley's expression to fall as she realised she'd given the game away.

'Come on Bellamy, let us have this.' She almost pleaded.

'You really think it's a good idea to give alcohol to a bunch of teenage criminals while the grounders are out there waiting for us to slip up so they can kill us?' Bellamy asked sceptically.

'One night Bellamy, one night won't hurt. Once the Ark gets down here, we'll be back living under their rules.'

Bellamy considered her words and he opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off by a loud cheer as Jasper snuck out the opposite end of the tent, towards the delinquents watching Unity Day on the Ark.

'Monty strikes again! Hey, call this batch unity juice! Who's thirsty?'

Brinley could hear the cheers in response and she smirked at Bellamy who narrowed his eyes at her. 'One night. That's all I'm asking for.'

'Fine. Just tonight, that's it.' Bellamy gave in, looking annoyed.

'Who knows, maybe you'll enjoy yourself.' Brinley smirked as she walked away from him. 'Hey Jasper! You better save me some!'


Throughout the day, everyone had begun to get progressively more intoxicated from the time the sun hit its highest peak onwards. Octavia had disappeared and Brinley knew that she was most likely with the grounder – Lincoln. Brinley couldn't help the stab of worry than ran through her and more than once she had to remind herself that Octavia was more than capable of taking care of herself.

War of Hearts 》Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now