Chapter Two: Truce

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Baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo

^^ My brain every single day.



'Hey, asshole!'

Emori tensed as a voice sounded from behind her, her hands turning into fists as John Murphy stopped walking beside her, his expression pulling up into a smirk.

'Of course you'd be here.' Murphy smirked as he looked at Brinley, who had stopped in front of himself and Emori. He could see that uneasiness on Emori's face as she stared at Brinley with guarded eyes.

'Wouldn't want to miss any of the action.' Brinley's tone was even but Murphy could see the tense set of her jaw and the tense set of her shoulders – she was worried.

And Murphy knew exactly why.

'Relax, Brin. It's going to be fine.'

'Of course, what could go wrong?' Brinley rolled her eyes as sarcasm dripped from her lips.

Murphy smirked, knowing she'd appreciated his attempt to comfort her all the same. 'Nothing, absolutely nothing.'

Brinley smirked, shoving his shoulder lightly as she looked between Murphy and Emori. 'What are you guys doing here?'

'Came to check out the action.' Murphy shrugged.

'Did you get a say in this?' Brinley tried to include Emori in the conversation.

Emori said nothing.

Murphy frowned slightly at Emori, knowing Brinley was making an effort to include her. 'Bellamy's right there, let's see what's going on.'

Brinley hurried ahead, Murphy not far behind. Emori was slower, reluctant to get too close to what was happening.

'Hey.' Brinley breathed as she slipped into the small circle that included Marcus, Bellamy and Indra, Murphy not far behind her.

'Never a dull moment, huh?' Murphy said for way of greeting.

'Bellamy, pay attention.' Indra fought to keep Bellamy's attention, watching as it drifted to Murphy and Brinley briefly. 'She's part of the royal guards spies, that's why she's not marked. Very dangerous, very loyal.'

'Not to the people that saved her life.' The words slipped from Bellamy's lips before he realised, sounding far more bitter than he'd intended.

Brinley sighed, shaking her head. 'You shouldn't be doing this.'

Bellamy's jaw was tense. 'Brinley-'

'No. If you can't separate your feelings from this-'

Murphy watched the two with interest, getting the feeling that this was something they'd discussed before.

'It's fine – '

'No, Bellamy, it's not-'

Marcus held up his hand to Brinley, who snapped her jaw shut and crossed her arms.

'I know how you feel about her, but you can't lose control. You offer them technology, guns, whatever it takes to keep her talking.' Marcus spoke lowly and quickly to Bellamy.

Brinley caught the horrified expression on Indra's face before she spoke. 'I didn't agree to give them guns.'

Murphy scoffed at Indra's words. 'Well that's probably because you're not an idiot.'

'It won't get that far. Our objective is to buy time for Abby to save the king.' Marcus tried to reassure them. 'If you want to help, grab a weapon and stand a post.' Marcus' gaze drifted to Murphy and Brinley. 'Both of you.'

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