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I hope you guys all had a fantastic Easter! (If you celebrate it!)
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'He's not even given a gun anymore.'

Brinley turned to Miller who was looking where they'd last seen Jasper with narrowed eyes.

'I didn't realise how much of an impact Maya's death would have on him, I-'

'Why would you?'

The snarky reply came from Bellamy who had a hard expression on his face as he stared at Brinley, preparing for her usual sarcastic reply, ignoring Gina's wide-eyed expression all the while.

But to Bellamy's surprise, Brinley's retort never came.

Instead it was Miller's words that caught Bellamy off guard.

'Octavia never told you about Jasper then?' Miller ignored Brinley's warning look as he spoke to her.

'Octavia? Why would my sister tell you anything?' Bellamy had tensed, the hand that had rested on Gina's waist dropping to his side again.

'Because Octavia's known where Brinley has been this entire time.' Miller sounded like a sulky child as he spoke, ignoring Brinley's narrowed eyes. It was clear that Brinley's lack of contact had hurt Miller more than he'd initially let on.

'Of course she has.' Raven rolled her eyes. 'That's why she was going outside the gates so much, even without Lincoln.'

'You need to stay away from Octavia.' Bellamy was in defensive mode, moving so he was closer to Brinley, and though his form towered over her, somehow, he felt significantly smaller as she turned her dark eyes on him.

'Haven't we had this discussion before?'

Miller and Raven exchanged a wary look, able to see the ticking time bomb waiting to explode between the former couple. Gina had a frown etched onto her face as she watched her boyfriend confront his former lover, with much more passion in his voice that she'd ever heard in the entire time she'd known him on the ground.

'I mean it this time.' Bellamy growled out.

'Oh give me a break Bellamy! We both know Octavia does what she wants regardless of what either of us say. You have no reason –'

'No reason to what?' Bellamy's voice became dangerously low. 'No reason to want you to stay away from her? I'd have thought the answer is obvious.'

Brinley forced herself to meet Bellamy's gaze, suddenly aware of how much closer he was to her. If she stretched out her arm she could almost-

'-You could end up killing her in a moment of selfishness. Octavia thinks she can rely on you, but she can't. None of us can. You've already left us once, what's stopping you from doing it again?'


Brinley ignored the hurt that Bellamy's words caused, and though she knew his words were true, there was no way she would let Bellamy Blake get to her. Not again. Not with Raven, Miller and Gina waiting anxiously to see how the argument unfolded.

Bellamy hated the bitter taste the words left in his mouth, but he hated the unchanging expression on Brinley's face more. His words hadn't touched her, and her expression hadn't changed even slightly. She was entirely emotionless towards him.

He hated it.

He hated her.

Or atleast, he wanted to.

'Here's a piece of advice Bellamy; human beings are the most unreliable, selfish creatures on the planet. You have to learn to expect the lowest of people, even the people you think you can trust. I have never claimed to be reliable, or trustworthy or even a remotely decent person, I never claimed to be anything other than myself and shame on you for ever believing otherwise.'

War of Hearts 》Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now