Chapter 33

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Tarah POV

We got to the rink and the team was doing laps

"Alright team, get over here!" yelled Coach

"Great practice team, you worked hard! Hit the showers!"

Everyone skated off and I walked onto the ice

"Tarah, what are you doing here?"

"The twins wanted to see everyone"

"How's Bentley?"

"He is doing better!"

Bentley looked at coach and smiled

"Uh thank you for the day off"

He smiled

"I'll see you back on the ice tomorrow right?"

"Of course!"

He skated off and I walked into the locker room. I opened the door and everyone looked to see who it was

"Tarah, what are you doing here?" said Charlie

I got Bentley out and he crawled to Charlie

"How's Bentley doing?" said Charlie in a baby voice

Bentley smiled

Leah started to get fussy because I didn't get her out

"Let her out T" said Adam

I unstrapped Leah and she started to walk

"Tarah, Leah can walk and Bentley can't?"

"Um yeah, I made an appointment with the doctor to check with his joints in his legs, he is old enough to start walking but he hasn't and it's worrying me"

"Well let's see" said Charlie putting Bentley down

Bentley sat there and stared at everyone

"Come on bud, let's walk"

Charlie stood him up on his feet, he let go of his arms and Bentley just stood there

Bentley looked at me and sat back down, everyone groaned

"Maybe he's not ready yet" said Connie

"Well I better get go" said Dean grabbing his stuff

Everyone started to leave

"Charlie you can out Bentley in the stroller"

"I'm okay, I'll hold him" he said with a smile

Adam was holding Leah and I was pushing an empty stroller


5 years later!!!

It was been awhile since I've seen the team. Goldberg, Julie, Luis, Russ, Kenny and Averman are now playing in the major leagues. Dean and Fulton are wrestling now, which is weird. Connie and Guy had a little boy a couple months ago named Brecken. Charlie never got married or even dates after he graduated college, so he lives next door and helps with the twins. Coach Bombay lives next to us also which is nice.

Leah and Bentley are now 5 years old and they are going to start kindergarten pretty soon
(twins pic at age 5 above)

"I'm home!" said Adam walking through the door

"Daddy!!" yelled the twins

Adam picked them both up and kissed there cheeks

I got up slowly and walked over to Adam

He's Having My BabyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ