Chapter 20

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Tarah POV

That night everyone started to leave, they came and congratulated us and left

"Tarah, do you want me to take the twins so you can have room in the car?"

"Sure Connie, if you want to that would be great"

She smiled and grabbed Bentley from me and handed him to Guy while she took Leah

"Alright Mrs. Banks, let's head home" said Adam picking me up bridal style

He placed me in the car and we headed home, we decided to wait on out honeymoon until the twins got older

We got home and Connie and Guy where already there

We walked in and Connie put Leah in her bed and Guy put Bentley in bed and we all sat in the kitchen drinking some wine

"I'm so happy for you guys" said Connie laughing

We both smiled

"Guys we sign for college tomorrow"

I was nervous

"Tarah, you okay? You have that nervous look on your face"

"I'm just nervous about the twins going and being in the environment"

"You will have coach, he will help"

"I hope so"

We continued talking and everyone slowly left

"We'll see you guys tomorrow"

"Bye Connie, bye Guy" I said waving goodbye

Adam carried me into bed and we drifted off to sleep


The next morning Adam and I got ready for our signing to Eden Hall

"Who's going to watch the twins during this?" said Adam brushing his hair

"I'm hoping Casey will"

We continued getting ready and got the twins ready as well

Adam placed the twins in their car seat and we drove off

"How far is campus?" said Adam

"It's like 15 minutes away"

"Do we have to stay in dorms?"

That was an odd question

"I don't know, why?"

"Because I don't want to leave my beautiful house"


"Your joking right Adam?"

He didn't say anything

"Adam we have to live in the dorms, we can have someone look over the house, we don't have to sell it"

"I am not selling my house"

I rolled my eyes and didn't speak the rest of the way

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