Chapter 23

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Tarah POV

I waked to the car and Adam showed up shortly after

"You okay?" he said getting into the car

I didn't answer

He started the car and we drove home

We got home and the group chat went off

(T-Tarah, A-Adam, Ch-Charlie, C-Connie, G-Guy, F-Fulton, P-Portman, Gb-Goldberg, J-Julie, R-Russ, Av-Averman, L-Luis, K-Kenny, D-Dwayne)

Ch-Did you guys here the news?

All-no, what?????

T-Charlie don't tell them!

Ch- I can tell them if I wanted to because they are part of the team

C-What's up Charlie?

Ch-Coach isn't going to be our coach this year...


Gb-You have got to be kidding

C-He can't leave us!!

T-Guys calm down, everything is going to be okay

Ch-How are we suppose to believe that!

T-Charlie, don't start!

A-Guys stop! emergency team meeting now! Park lake!

I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed the twins

I pulled my phone out and texted Coach

T-You probably want to come talk to us...park lake now!

CB-On my way?

I put my phone back in my pocket and put the twins in the car

Adam got in and we drove away


We arrived and everyone was already there

It wasn't that cold out so I placed Bentley and Leah on the bench while they ate

Adam and I walked onto the ice and everyone was talking all at once

"Guys!! Listen!!" I screamed

They all stopped and looked at me

"We're is Portman?" asked Charlie

"Found out Bombay bailed and he bailed too, what good is one Bash Brother, what am I Mr Bash the Bash man?"

"Fulton we can figure things out"

"Who makes you boss" asked Charlie

"I do!" I looked behind me and standing there was Coach

He walked onto the ice

"Hi team"

"We ain't your team anymore, your bailing" said Russ

"Guys, you will always be my team, just because I'm leaving doesn't mean I'm done with you! I got a really good job and I have to accept it!"

I saw Charlie roll his eyes

"Charlie, don't roll your eyes on me" said Coach

Charlie's cheeks got red

"You guys better be good to this Coach, he is one of the best!"

Charlie skated off

"Charlie, get back here son!" said Coach yelling

Charlie didn't stop he just kept skating

Everyone slowly skated away and Coach was the only one left

"We have to pack, for tomorrow" said Adam grabbing my hand

I looked back at coach and he was looking at me, I turned around and got into the car

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