Chapter 32

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Tarah POV

"Mr and Mrs Banks?"

I stood up quickly and Adam raced over to us

"How's my son!?" said Adam

"He is doing fine, surgery went really well. If your father didn't bring him to us as soon as he did Bentley didn't have a chance"

I hugged Adam tight and we both let out some tears

"When can we see him?"

"Right now if you would like"

The whole team got up and the doctor shook his head

"We can't have all of you in there all at once, sorry I can only take four"

I didn't know who I was going to take, of course my dad but I would have to choose between Charlie and Connie

"Adam I can't pick between Charlie and Connie"

"Doc can we please bring one more?"

He thought for a moment

"I guess"

I walked over to Connie and Charlie

"Guys want to come with?"

They both nodded and we walked to Bentleys room

Bentley was asleep in a small white bed in a big blue room, he looked pale and had IV's in his arm

I covered my mouth and rushed over to him, I held his hand and started to cry. Adam was on the other side holding his other hand

I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and it was Charlie, he had tears in his eyes

"He should be okay, he has to stay for a couple nights just in case but after that he should be back to normal" said the Doctor

Adam got up and shook his hand

"Thank you so much Doc"

Doctor walked out of the room and the room was silent

Bombay was standing by the window, I got up and walked over to him


He turned around and his eyes were puffy and red

"Dad, what's wrong everything is okay, Bentley is alright!"

"Tarah, what if I didn't make him here on time. If one thing would of stopped me Bentley wouldn't be here right now"

"Dad, you can't think of it like that, you did what you were suppose to do and Bentley is okay! Thank you for saving my baby" I said crying into a hug

We hugged for a while until we heard a noise. I turned around and Bentley was waking up, I rushed over to the bed and he opened his eyes

"Hi baby" I said squeezing his hand

He looked at me and gave a slight smile

"Mama" he said slowly

I smiled with tears in my eyes

"Hi baby, it's mama. How are you feeling?"

His smiled went away and he touched around his stomach area

"Does your tummy hurt?"

He nodded with a little fuss

"Charlie, can you go get the doctor please?"

He nodded and walked out

"It's alright sweetie, uncle Charlie went to get the doctor"

He turned his head to Adam and gave him a slight smile

"Da-da" he said cooing

Adam smiled and looked at Bombay

"He started to say those words when you uh didn't have time to see them"

Adam's smile went away

"But now your here Adam, so don't worry about it"

The doctor walked in and Charlie was behind him

"How's my favorite patient?"

Bentley touched his stomach again and the doctor pulled out some medicine

"This will take away his pain"

He poured some into a cup and handed it to me

"Bentley, can you drink this?"

He shook his head no and covered his mouth

"Come on baby, this will make your tummy feel better"

He looked at it and finally opened his mouth, I watched him drink it and you could tell his stomach was feeling better because he had the brightest smile on his face

The doctor let more of the team in and they were so happy to see Bentley, Goldberg and Averman had balloons and Dwayne had a stuff horse which made Bentley happy. Fulton and Portman bought Bentley his own bandanna to wear on his head which made him look like Portman. Julie, Luis, Russ and Kenny all brought in flowers. Guy and Connie brought balloons, toys and flowers which kept Bentley busy.

"Hey T, we are gonna head back to the dorms, we haven't slept since the other day" said Connie

"No problem, thank you all so much for staying, it means a lot to Adam and I and even Bentley. I'll let you guys know if anything else happens and when we get home"

Connie have Bentley a kiss and everyone left except for Charlie who was holding Leah

"Charlie you can go if you want too, you don't have to stay"

"I want to stay" he said tickling Leah

"Uh alright"


It has been a couple days since Bentleys surgery, he is feeling a lot better and is able to walk around, he is eating normal and doing better than the doctor expected. Adam and Charlie were at practice, I should of went but Coach told me to stay and so I did. Bombay was on his phone when the doctor came in

"Alright Mrs Banks, Bentley can finally go home"

He placed Bentley on his lap and took the IV out. I switched him into some clothes. Bombay but all the gifts we got from the team into the car

"Thank you so much Doctor" I said

"My pleasure, if you need anything just give me a call"

He gave Bentley a kiss on the forehead and we said our good byes. It was nice to have my Bentley back in his car seat.

We got back to the dorm and I finally decided to take Leah and Bentley back, Bombay was going away on business and I just want my babies back

"You can just place all the gifts over there"

Bombay placed Bentleys gifts in the corner

"I'll see you in a couple weeks" he said hugging me

"Just keep in contact with me" I said hugging back

"I sure will" he walked towards the door

"Bye twins!" he said waving

"Bye-bye" said Leah waving

Bentley was waving to, he just couldn't get the words out

"Bye dad, thanks again for everything"

He waved bye and walked out. I sat on the bed and looked at the twins

"Should we go see Daddy?"

The twins smiled

"Should we go see Auntie Connie and Uncle Charlie?"

They both giggled

"Alright let's go"

I pushed the stroller out of the room and locked the door behind me and we walked to practice

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