Chapter 24

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Tarah POV

We all got to our rooms and I handed Bentley to Adam with his bag and he walked into his room. We were lucky that our rooms are right across from each other

We walked into our room and it had 3 big beds with a crib

"How sweet, they even put a crib in our room"

I placed my bags next to the bed with the crib and placed Leah down

"Tarah, what are you going to do with the twins during practice?"

"The lady at the desk said that Eden Hall has a good daycare program, so I think I'm gonna check that out"

"Well you might want to now, because we got practice in an hour"

I grabbed my hockey gear and got Leah dressed

I picked Leah up and grabbed our extra room key

"I will see you guys at practice"

I waved goodbye and walked to Adam's room

I knocked once and Charlie opened the door

"Hey you guys know we have practice in an hour"

Charlie shook his head yes and let me in

"Adam we need to take Leah and Bentley down to this new daycare program they have"

Adam looked at me with an odd look

Adam picked Bentley up with his diaper bag

"See you guys at practice" said Adam walking out the door

"Tarah, what if this daycare doesn't work out?"

"Adam don't worry, you're going to make me worry"

We finally arrived and there was a lot of children

We walked to the front desk

"May I help you?" said a short brunette

"Hi, I was wondering if I could enroll my twins into daycare"

She smiled and liked our a clip board

"These are just some questions about how long your children will be staying and other medical things like that"

I smiled and took the clip board and sat in an open seat while Adam was holding the twins

10 minutes later I was finally done

I got up and walked back to the front desk

The lady grabbed the clip board from me and smiled

"So you play Hockey?"

"Yeah! We are the new JV hockey team"

She smiled

"Alright so you can come around this door and drop the twins off"

I grabbed Leah and Adam had Bentley. We walked through the door and there was a lot of kids there age

"Alright Leah and Bentley, let's get you out" She said taking Leah out of her car seat

My eyes started to tear

"We better go before I cry" I said laughing

I gave Bentley and Leah a kiss on the check and we walked out

"I hope everything goes good"

Adam grabbed my hand

"Don't worry, they will be just fine"


We all met in the locker room and waited for varsity to get out

"How was dropping of the twins" said Connie tying her shoes

"It was hard, my first time leaving them"

I grabbed my stick and we walked out. The rink was huge

We walked on the ice and Varsity skates over to us

"Well isn't it captain ducky" said the captain of the varsity team

"Get your hands off him" said Fulton pushing his stick off of Charlie

"Ohhh look, a Bash Brother...I'm so scared" said a guy name Cole

We all glared at him

"Come on men break it up" said there coach

They all skated away

We skated out

"Well what do you say Cowboy, round up?" said Charlie looking at Dwayne

"Charlie shouldn't we wait for coach before we mess around"

"This is how we practice...Duck hockey Connie, got to get it use of it"

I saw Connie roll her eyes

"Well come on Cowboy, hit it"

"Yeeehawww, round um up doggies" said Dwayne chasing after us

We all skated away from Dwayne and he kept roping everyone but Charlie and I

"Look at Charlie I'm coming" said Dwayne chasing after him

Finally Dwayne roped Charlie and he fell on the ground

We all cheered until we heard a whistle

A tall guy skated towards Charlie and Charlie looked up

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