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“I wanna learn how to do that” Brittany said. She woke up around 5; which was an hour ago. She was watching a movie about a girl doing gymnastic. She seemed really interested in the movie.

“Really?” I was laying behind her, reading one of my magazines.

“It looks cool” She took a glance at me then back at the TV.

“How about I sign you up for gymnastics tomorrow after school?” I grab my laptop and opened it.


“I don’t know, I have to search for that” I went on Google Chrome when it opened up. She just nodded. I remember doing gymnastics when I was around 6. I only did for 2 months then I quit. It was too much. I started looking up for gymnastic classes. When I found one, I wrote down the address. “Well,” I put my laptop to sleep. “I’m going downstairs. You can come whenever you want” I got down from the bed.

“I’m scared to go downstairs” She said.


“You’re the only one that likes me” She said, quietly.

Aww. “We all love you, Brittany” I said. “Just come downstairs, you’ll see”

She hesitate before closing the TV. She followed me down the stairs. She hid behind my legs when we got to the living room; where everybody talking, joking around and stuff.

“Hello” I said as they all looked at me.

“Aw, who’s this?” Jacob said, getting up and walked up towards me. Brittany showed her face a little. “She’s so cute”

“See, they like you. No need to be shy” I told her.

“What’s her name?” Craig asked.


2 Months Later

“We should go to the beach” Ray said to me. It’s 9 in the morning. I don’t know why, but ever since Brittany came, I’ve been waking up early in the morning. It’s also Thanksgiving break.

“That would be fun” I sat on the island.

“What time you wanna go?” He ask, sitting in front of me on the island eating his bowl of cereal.

I shrug. “I don’t know, depends on what the others say. And if we’re going you have to drop me off at Wal-Mart before we leave.”


“Because we need more towels, Brittany needs a bathing suit, and a bunch of other stuff”

“How about I drop you off right now?”

“Hi” A low voice said behind me.

“Morning’, Brittany” Ray said.

“Hey,” I said. “Wanna go to Wal-Mart with me?”

She nodded. “Sure”

“Okay,” I looked at Ray. “Let me just go put some appropriate clothes on” I was still on my PJs. It was a short and tank top. I grab Brittany’s hand and we walked up the stairs to my room.

“Put your clothes on” We bought her a few clothes the past 2 months. I put on a floral dress and I put on some flip flops. She put on a black skirt with a white shirt that said CALI FOR NIA. Yeah, I bought her that. I thought it was so cute. She put on her sandals. When we were done, we went downstairs.

“Let’s go” I told ray. He was now wearing a basketball short and a wife beater. He drove us to Wal-Mart.

I looked for bathing suit for Brittany while Ray was buying snacks and water bottles. “Do you like this one?” I ask her, lifting a green one piece swimsuit. She shook her head. “How about you help me look? If you see anything you like just let me see it”

She nodded and she started looking for the perfect swimsuit. Few minutes later, she held up a bathing suit. “I want this one” She showed it to me.

“Okay, now, help me look for my brother”

When we found Ray, he had a bunch of stuff in the cart. Ooh, I wonder how much they’re gonna cost. We went to the line so we can check the items out. When we did, we drove home.

When we got home, we only took out the bathing suit and the extra stuff I bought. We left all the towels and snacks in the trunk. What’s the point of putting them inside? When we got inside, I plop on the couch. I was exhausted.

I grab my phone and called Chres. Brittany lay on the couch and put her head on my lap. I played with her hair. I love doing that.

He picked up in the fifth ring, right when I was about to hang up.

“Waddup” He said, in his sleepy voice. Lord, Jesus!

“Hey,” I spoke. “You asleep?”

“Yeah,” He said, lowly. He can barely talk.

“Well, wake up. We’re going to the beach”

“Early this morning?” His voice got a little clearer. “The water’s gonna be cold”

“Just please, get up” I said. “I don’t wanna go without you”

I heard, what I think his bed moving. He’s finally fully awake. “Fine, I’m coming”

“Okay. Bye, babe” I said.

“Bye” He said before I hung up.

I look down at Brittany. “Go get ready” She nodded before going to my room. I looked at Ray who was looking at me. “What?”

“Babe?” He raised his eyebrows.

“Yeah,” I got up from the couch.

“Boyfriend?” He ask.

“Yup” I said before jogging up the stairs to my room. I never told him he’s my boyfriend. I thought he knew by now. We made it so obvious.

I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. When I was done, Brittany went in there. I put my 2 piece swimsuit and I put some denim short on top of it (To the side). Brittany came out of the bathroom, I helped her with the swimsuit and I helped her put some clothes on. We walk downstairs. I saw Chres sitting on the couch and he was on his phone doing something.

I sat down next to him and kissed his cheek. “Sorry if I woke you up”

“Its fine” He rubbed his face.

Dani came downstairs. “Goodmorning Chres, Ciara, Brittany”

“Morning” We said in unison.

“Alright, let’s go” Ray said, jogging down the stairs.

We went outside and we saw Destiny, Jacob, Melody and Craig. Craig had a camera in his hand. Ooh, thank goodness, ‘cause I wasn’t even thinking of bringing one. I gave them a hug. We all got in separate cars. All of us couldn’t fit in one car. Melody went with Craig. Destiny went with Jacob. Ray, Tori, Danielle, and Tequan rode together. Since Chres brought his car, I went with him and Brittany. My car was the only car in the driveway.

“Tell me about your family, you don’t talk about them much”

“What do you wanna know?” He ask, focusing on the road.

“Anything. Like, where’s your parents?”

“They’re here. My mom is home, she’s off today. My dad went to work; he’s a doctor”

“Any brothers and sisters?”

“I have an older brother, Sean; he’s in Juilliard in New York. He’s coming for Christmas”

“Really? I wanna go there”


I turn on the radio and Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus start playing. Of course, I sang.

We clawed

We chained our hearts in vain

We jumped, never asking why

We kissed, I fell under your spell of love

No one could deny

Don’t you ever say

“I just walked away, I will always want you”

I can never lie, running for my life

I will always want you…

I came in like a wrecking ball!

I never hit so hard in love

All I wanted was to break you off

All you ever did was wr-eck eck me!

Yeah, you wr-eck eck me…

I stopped singing when I didn’t know the rest of the lyrics. 

Chres chuckle. “I thought you said you’ll never sing again”

“It’s a part of me. Of course, I won’t stop. I guess I’m just gonna stop performing”

“You don’t have to stop performing just because of  what happened at the dance, Ciara”

“Not only that, I don’t have my necklace anymore”

“Doesn’t mean anything. Maybe you should perform without the necklace and see how it goes”

“No, thank you”

“You gonna have to do it anyway, If you’re planning on going to Juilliard”

“I didn’t know you could sing” Brittany said behind me. I forgot she was here.

“Yeah,” I look at the window. “We’re here”

He parked the car. We got out of the car. Chres grab my hand and Brittany walked in front of us. We were all here.

“Aw, don’t you guys look like a happy family” Melody said, walking toward us.

Chres and I laughed. We put the towels on the sand next to the snacks. I lay in one of the towels and I grab a bag of hot fries and started eating it. Chres sat on a chair behind me with Brittany on his lap eating Doritos.

I watched as Ray, Tori, Dani, and Tequan go in the water. We laughed as Danielle quickly got out of the water.

“Ahh, the fucking water is cold” She said.

“I told you” Chres said to me.

“I wanna go in the water” Brittany said.

“I’ll go with her” Chres said getting up. He put the rest of the Doritos next to me. He took off his white shirt. Lord knows this boy have been going to the gym. Brittany took off her shorts. They ran in the water.

“Are you going in there with them?” Craig ask, sitting next to me.

“Yeah, when I’m done eating this chip”

“Okay,” Craig said, before snapping a picture of me.

I gasp. “Craig!”

“What?” He said, laughing. I grab the camera from his hand. I looked at the picture. It’s not that bad.

“Babe, I’m going in the water” Melody said.

Craig got up. He interlock his hand with hers. They walk toward the water. I grab the camera and started taking pictures of them or the others in the water.

I got up and took off my short. I walk toward the water and got in.

“About time you come in” Chres said wrapping his arms around my waist.

I chuckle slightly. “I was taking pictures of you guys” I look around. “Where’s Brittany?”

“With Melody” He pointed to the side.

I look over and saw her with Melody and Craig. “And she said we looked like a happy family” I giggle.

“You act like you’re her mom”

“Well, her mom died. So, I guess” I looked at Chres. I randomly wrap my arms around his neck and kissed him. He deepened the kiss. Man, do I love kissing this boy!

We heard a flash. They took a picture if us, didn’t they? I pulled away and shot Ray a glare for taking the picture.

He laughed and everybody came in. Ray took pictures of us. 

After that, we play with the beach ball I bought.

When it was around 6, we went home. I haven’t been to the beach in years. Today, I’m glad I went. We decided to go to a restaurant. I took a shower and put my clothes on. Brittany was downstairs already dressed. I went downstairs.

“Where’s Chres?” I ask Brittany.

“I don’t know,” She shrug.

We walk outside. I felt a pair of hands covered my eyes. I try to take them off but that person was too strong. It’s Chres’.

“Guess who?” He said.

I smirk. “Is it Chris Brown?”

He took his hands off my eyes and I turned around. “Really?”

I pecked his lips. “Yup”

We all got in separate cars in drove to the restaurant. We find a table to sit. We ordered our food.

“What happened to Justice? I haven’t seen her since that day Ciara beat her ass” Destiny giggled.

“I see her every day. She does modeling too” Melody said. “She got her bandage off” Melody is a model. She told me she’s been modeling for 2 years.

The waitress came with our food. We started eating. We haven’t eaten any real food since this morning. Man, was this food good!

“Slow down, Ciara” Tequan chuckle, looking at me.

I laugh and slowed down. When we were done eating, they put on a slow song.

Chres got up and held his hand out to me. “Dance with me” I knew this was coming.

I grab his hand and stood up. He led me to the dance floor. Thank God we weren’t the only one out there. He wrap his arms around my hip and I wrap my arms around his neck and we started dancing. I smile at him. He leaned down and kissed me.

Would you believe me if I said I’m in love…?

All I Ever Wanted | Chresanto A. |Where stories live. Discover now