♡True Love♡

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It’s been a week and a half since school opened. Chris became a close friend of mine. Chresanto and I flirt more and more every day. I’m just here waiting the day he finally ask me to be his girlfriend. I mean, I’m hoping. Melody and Destiny became my best friends. Including Danielle, Of course. The ‘Back To School’ dance is in three days. I haven’t even gone shopping for it yet. I finally decided to perform with girls in front of a million students. I’m willing to take that chance.  We’ve been practicing.

Today, Ray and Chres practically forced Dani and I to go on this dance studio with them. I’m not the best at dancing. But, I have some moves. I’m completely nervous. I’m not use to dance in front of people. There’s a first time for everything, right?

“Come on, Ci” Ray said. “You have to learn this choreography”

“I’m trying. I told you it’s gonna take more practice for me to learn this dance” I ran my through my hair and sigh.

After two more of trying, I finally got the hang of it. It wasn’t as hard as I thought I would be. I replayed the song and started the dance over. When I was done, I turned around. I was the only one dancing. Ugh, I thought they were dancing with me. Instead, they just sat on the floor watching me.

“Are you guys serious?” I roll my eyes.

“You’re gonna be a pretty good dancer if you keep practicing” Dani said.

“Now, it’s your turn. Come on,” I helped her up. She started the song over and started dancing while I sat on the floor next to Chresanto. I lay my head on his shoulder. I watched Dani. She’s a pretty good dancer. I guess it’s the family. Ray’s got some pretty sick moves. Him and Chresanto, They’re really good.
“You were great” Chresanto kiss my temple. I smile.

“Well, how was I?” Dani ask, fanning herself. Yeah, it’s pretty hot in here. Especially, we were making a lot of movements.

“You were great, girl” I smile at her.

“Thanks” She said.

“I wanna go home. I have a Teen Wolf  Marathon to watch.” I said, grabbing my bag.

“Aw, Really? We were planning on going to the movies” Dani said.

I shook my head. “Well, I guess I’m gonna have to take a rain check. I can’t miss this marathon.”

“No, you’re not. You coming to the movies with us” Chres said.

“No, I’m not”

“Yes, you are”

“You can’t make me” I said, rolling my neck.

“We’ll see”

“You two are…something” Ray shook his head.

“Let’s go” Danielle said before walking out the door. We all got up and went to Ray’s car. When we got home, the first thing I did was take a shower. I turned to shower on and stepped in. I was hot as hell.

After I was done taking a shower, I put my clothes on. I walk downstairs to the living room and turn the TV on MTV. The marathon was just starting; great timing. As you can see, I have an obsession with Teen Wolf.  Chres plop down the couch next to me. I took a quick glance at him and back to the TV. He looked like he also got out of the shower.

“Did you hear what I said?” Chres said, shaking me.

I came back to reality. I was so focused on the TV. “What?” I ask, my eyes still on the screen. Chres grab the remote out of my hand and close the TV. “Chres?!” I yelled, trying to take the remote out his hand. But, he was stronger than me.

“I said, we leave in two hours”

“Okay. Can I have the remote now?”

“Nope” He said, popping the ‘P’.

I got up and walk toward the TV. I look for the power button. What the fuck? What kind of  TV  is this? It has no fucking buttons!  I groan and walk back to the couch.

“Nice try.” He smirk.

“Chres, please..” I begged.

“I’ll give it to you if you go to the movies”

“But, I don’t wanna go”

“Well, then I guess you not gonna watch TV”

“Fine! I’ll go! Now give it back” I hold out my hand and he gave it to me. I turn the TV back on. Ugh, now I miss most of the episode. Okay… maybe I’m overreacting. But, seriously…

“I told you I was gonna make you go”

“Shut up” I pushed his face away. I heard him chuckle and he lay on his stomach with his head on my lap. I ran my hand through his little soft curly hair. Lord, when is this boy gonna be mine?

After watching so many episodes, I look down at my lap. He was still sleeping. He look so cute. I took my phone out and took a picture of him. I posted it on instagram.

@__LovinqqYouu __: This nigga is knocked out on my lap. Ain’t he cute? @Spiffy_tho.

Few minutes later, I heard him move. I look down to see his eyes open. He got up and sat correctly.

He rubbed his eyes. “Yo, what time is it?”

I look down at my phone. “6:43 PM”

He yawned and nodded.  “So, you’ve been sitting here watching this all day?”

I nod. “I thought we were gonna leave in two hours, its past two hours”

“I don’t know, I guess Ray changed his mind. We may go around 8”

I chuckle. “You may wanna check your Instagram”

“Why?” He took out his phone and opened IG. I watched his expression as he look at the picture and the caption I wrote. “What the? When was this?”

“Few minute ago”

He shook his head. “Delete it, please”


“Why not?”

“Because, it’s cute. You see how many likes it got; 1,131” Yeah, I have an amount of followers.

He chuckle. “Whatever” He roll his eyes playfully.

I got up and went to the kitchen. I open the fridge and grab stuff so I can make a sandwich. I felt somebody’s arm around my waist. I already knew it was Chresanto. I turn around.

“Make me one too” He said.

“You right here. You can make one yourself”

He leaned in and kissed my lips. “Now will you make me one?”

I smile. “No”

“Come on,”

“Why am I so nice?” I turned back around and made two sandwiches. When I was done, I gave him his.

“You only did it because I kissed you” He took a bite.

“Yeah, keep thinking that, babes” I pat his cheek.

He chuckle softly. “Thanks, by the way”

I smile and sat on the island. He took a seat next to me. “You know, we should go to Florida one day.”

“We? As in, me and you” He smirk.

“Hell no” I roll my eyes playfully. “All of us”

“I was joking. I knew it was all of us” He chuckle. “When do you wanna go?”

“I don’t know, when we have break”

“Well, we have to talk to Ray and them about it” He said and I nod.
“Let’s go,” Ray said, jogging down the stairs.

“Wait,” I ran upstairs to the bathroom. I washed my face and went to my room. I put on some eyeliner and mascara. After, I put on some pink lipstick. I took my hair out of that bun I made earlier and let it down my back. I went back downstairs.

“Really? That’s why you had us on hold?” Ray shook his head. “For makeup?”

I smile. “Yup! I needed to wash my face anyway”

He chuckle and shook his head again. “Whatever, let’s go”

We went outside. We all couldn’t fit inside Ray’s car so, Chresanto, that Justice Chick, Tequan and Danielle were in my car. I was driving, Chresanto was in the passenger seat and Tequan, Danielle, and Justice sat in the back. Then, the rest of them went with either Ray’s or Craig’s car. I was the last on to get out the driveway. I needed to follow the guys; I have no idea where we going.

I heard Justice sigh loudly. “Damn, girl. Could you drive faster?” She said, with much attitude. My speed limit was 70. What she talkin’ about?

“Nigga, I am not afraid to stop the car and let yo’ ugly ass out. So, shut the fuck up!” I snapped at her and roll my eyes. I heard Danielle and Tequan laugh. Yes, I can be ratchet.

“Chill,” Chresanto chuckle. I roll my eyes, again.

“Foreal,” I started. “She can’t even drive a fucking car and she’s telling me to drive faster”

“Girl, you don’t-”

“Shut up!!” I yelled. I was so mad, I pushed the brake so hard on a red light, and we all jerked forward. I can’t stand when people are having attitude with me for no reason. This girl is even lucky I was nice enough to drive her to the fucking movie theater. Lucky us, none of us got hit since we were all wearing seatbelts.

“Damn, girl!” Dani exclaimed.

I ran my hand through my hair and sigh out of frustration. I drove as soon as the light turned green. “Sorry about that, guys. I’m just so annoyed”

“It’s okay. Just focus on the road.” Tequan said. I turned left and we were at the movies. I found a parking and parked. Everyone unbuckled their seatbelts and said ‘Thank You’.

“Oh, by the way, you might not wanna do that again. You don’t wanna end up dead like you’re parents, do you?” Justice said, before everyone got out. She looked at me and smirk.

That really hit me hard. I stayed in the car, while everyone got out. As soon as they did and they closed the doors, I locked them and put the windows up so they wouldn’t question me. I leaned back in the seat and close my eyes. I sigh. The things people say just to hurt you. I lean my head forward and lean my forehead against the steer wheel. I heard them knock on the window; I just ignored them. I kept my eyes closed trying not to make the tears fall. But, one slipped. It rolled down my cheeks. I quickly wiped it away.

How did she know? That’s all that’s running through my mind.


I took a deep breath before walking out the car. Chres was still here. I thought he left. I thought all of them left.

“You didn’t have to stand out here waiting for me” I said, quietly. We started walking toward the building.

“I wanted to make sure you’re okay”

“I look okay, don’t I?” I said, rolling my eyes.

“No, not 3 minutes ago”

“I just wanted to be alone for a few minutes”

“Are you okay, now?” He grab my hand and interlocked it with his.

I look down at our hand and nod. Wow, just him holding my hand already make me feel better. He leaned and kissed my cheek.

We got inside and they started interrogating me. “Yes, I’m fine”

We bought tickets so we can go watch ‘Red Dawn’. As the previews started, Chres and I went to buy the snacks and stuff.

He wrapped his strong arms around my waist. I held his hand as he kissed my cheek.

“Why won’t you two go out already?” We turned around to be meet by Danielle. She smile.

I roll my eyes playfully. “What do you want?”

“Nothing, I just didn’t wanna watch the long ass previews.” Chres’ arms tighten around my waist. “So, are you two gonna kiss, or what?”

I got out of his grip and turned to face her. “Really?”

She smile. “Yeah, I wanna see you two kiss” Chres shook his head and laugh slightly.

“You wanna see us kiss?” I raised my eyebrows and she nod. “Okay” I grab Chresanto in the back of his neck and press my lips to his. I ran my hand through his short curly hair. We kissed for a few more seconds. I pulled away and smile at him. “Happy?” I turn around and look at Danielle.

She laughed and nod. “You two are so cute.”

I turn around and Chresanto wrap his arms around my waist again. We moved up in the line when it was finally our turn. Dani went ahead and bought the snack. So, Chresanto and I just stood behind her. I felt my phone vibrated. I reached in my pockets and look down at it.

‘Hey, wanna go to the dance with me? Sorry I didn’t ask you in person, I didn’t have time. :/ ’ –Chris

I knew Chresanto saw it. Of course he would see it since he’s standing behind me and his was over my shoulder. He was tall and I’m only 5’5. I felt him tense up a bit. I didn’t know what to send back. 

‘Uh, sure and its okay’ –Ci

“I’m done. Let’s go” Dani said. We took some stuff out of her hands and helped her. We went back inside.

“You guys took so long” Jacob said as soon as he saw us.

“There was a long line” Chres said.

“Yeah, and they were too busy kissing and acting like love birds.” Danielle giggle.

“Girl, if you don’t shut up,” I glared at her.

We went to our seats and watch the movie. Hours later, when the movie ended, we went outside. I was falling asleep while I was walking. I almost fell but someone caught me. I knew exactly who it is.

“She’s tired” I heard Chresanto say. He picked me up in bridal style and that’s when I fell asleep in his arms…

True Love ~P!nk
~Ciara's skating oufit is on the side~ 

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