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I woke up, the sun shining through my windows. I got out of bed and found my way to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and took a shower. I took longer than usual.  I got out and head to my room. I put my clothes on and put my hair in a messy bun. (To the side). I wear alot of Crop Tops. Its pretty much all I have in my closet. I guess because of my belly button peircing, I like it when it shows.

I went downstairs to the kitchen. I made myself breakfast. Pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, and orange juiceHmm, my favorite. That was the first thing my mom taught me how to make. That brings me back from last night. Whatever. I sat on the table. Then, one of Ray's friend came down, sitting across me from the table.

" 'Morning" He said, with a smile.

"Hello" I said, shyly.

"Where's my breakfast? You didn't make me some?"

"First, I didn't know you were here. Second, I was told that my cooking is not the best, so I figure it would be best if I just stop cooking for you guys"

"I think your food was great yesterday, She was just over reacting" He said.

"Hmm," I say "I still didn't catch your name"

"Chresanto, Chres, Roc, whatever" He shrugged.

"Roc? Why Roc?"

"Because..I'm smooth with the ladies" He smirk.

I chuckle. "Right.."

"Im serious" He laughed.

"I didn't say you weren't"

"So, you gonna make me breakfast or not?"

"Nope" I said, drinking my orande juice.

"But, Im hungry though"

"Go out and get yourself something to eat" I said, getting up and go to the kitchen.

I walk towards the sink and put my dishes in it. Then, I started washing them and the ones that was already in there.

I guess he followed me 'cause he came behind me and put his hands around my waist and lay his chin on my shoulder. I love when boys do that, something about it drives me insane. But, I barely know Chres. 

"I'll go if you go with me" He said.

I turn around getting out of his grip. "No" I said.

"Come on, I don't wanna go out there alone" He whined.

Oh, God. "Fine, lets go"

I took my hair out of that messy bun I made earlier and let it down. We walk outside and I followed him to his black Cadillac car. It was nice and clean. He opened the passenger door for me and I got in. He went around and got in the driver's seat.

"So.." I started "Where we going?"



I turn up the radio. The song 'Dope' by Tyga was on. I starting singing/Rapping.

"Dope, all my shit dope" I sang.

"Girl, what you know about Tyga" Chres said, looking at me.

"You'll be suprise how much I know about him" I said and He chuckle.

We pull up at IHOP and park. We got down and went inside. We ordered our food and drinks. I didn't order food, Chres did. I only got a Sprite, since I already ate. Chres got a plate of pancake platter and Pepsi. 

:.: 10 Minutes later :.:

We pay for our food and head out to the car. 

"Thanks" He said, as soon as we got in the car.

"For what?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"For coming with me"

Duhh, I knew that. "Oh, you welcome"

5 minutes of driving, we finally got to the house. He parked in the driveway and we got down. I opened the front door and get in as Chres followed behind me.

"Where were you guys?" Ray ask.

"We went to IHOP to eat breakfast" Chres answered.

I went up to my room as he walk toward the living room.

:.: Later That Day :.:

I went downstairs as soon as I hear Mrs.Smith's voice. She was in the kitchen making a sandwich. I walk in the living room, sitting in a couch away from everybody. Then, Mrs.Smith came in and sat across me.

"I have to talk to you" I said.

"I have to talk to you too" She look at me."But, you first"

I sigh. "I don't wanna live here anymore, I wanna leave tomorrow"

"About time.." I heard Danielle say under her breath. I just rolled my eyes.

"That's the thing" She said "You can't leave"

"Why not"

"Your grandmother died today at the hospital"

"What do you mean she died? She was never sick"

She sigh. "She had stage 4 lung cancer and only had 2 months to live. And, you don't have to be sick to die, Ciara"

I look down. I was speechless. Then, these words came across my mind. "You need someone to take care of you. Im to old, Im not strong enough"

I can't believe she didn't tell me. I tear fell on my cheek. I got up and went straight to my room. I sat on my bed for a while. Then, I got up and walk to the large balcony that connected my room. I stood there looking a the pitch black sky with the beautiful stars. 

"Why is eveyone I love keep dying"  

"Fuck my life.." I said

What do you think? It took me a while to write this, At least I wrote it!
Listen to the song to the side. Its really good. It helped me write this chapter for some reasons..

R.I.P Jeanne Thompson (Her Grandma)

Happy B-day Princeton!



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