♡Heart Broken♡

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There's only a 2 or 3 chapters left. And yes there will be a sequel. But, um, I found out a way to make the Slideshow for the characters. Click the external link on the side and you'll see it. And Sean, Chres' brother, is on the side. >>
Enjoy !


Today is the day I meet Chresanto’s parents and brother. To be honest, I’m really nervous. I mean, What if they don’t like me? What if they don’t think I’m good enough for Chresanto?

“I’m nervous, Chres” I said, as he open the door of his house with his key.

“Don’t be. I promise, they’ll like you” He opened the door and grab my hand. We walked in and was met by this beautiful lady. She was medium height, caramel skin, and black hair that stopped past her shoulders. That’s Chres’ mom?

“She’s so pretty” I whisper to Chres and he chuckled.

“Hey, mom” Chres said, kissing her cheek. “This is Ciara, my girlfriend”

“Hello, Ciara.” She said, hugging me. “Nice to finally meet you”

I hugged her back. “Hi, Mrs. August. It’s nice to meet you too”

“You are a beautiful young lady” She smiled.

I smile back at her. “Thanks”

“Where’s dad?” Chres ask.

“He went to buy something. He’ll be back in 25 minutes”

“Well, we’re going upstairs” Chres said, leading me up the stairs. We went to his brother’s room. He had a fine brother. Ooh, Lord.

“Hi, I’m Ciara” I shook his hand.

“Sean,” He flashed me a smile. “You look more beautiful in person”

I blushed slightly. “Thanks”

Chresanto cleared his throat. “We’re leaving now” He grab my hand and we went to his room. His wallpapers were dark blue and he’s room was neat. I lay in his bed after kicking off my shoes.

He lay down next to me and I laid my head on his chest. He started playing with my hair. “You never told me you had a fine brother” I said.

He chuckled. “Why would I say that?”

I shrug. “Is it the whole family?”

“I don’t know” He grab the remote off of his nightstand and opened the TV in front of us. “What do you wanna watch?”

I shrug. “Doesn’t matter”

He put it Criminal Minds. We watched a full episode. The door opened and this man looked at us.

Chres’ attention went towardsthe door. “Oh, hey dad”

“Who’s this?” He ask, looking at me.

I got up from his bed and went to his dad. “I’m Ciara, his girlfriend” I shook his hand, politely.

He smile. “Nice to finally meet you”

“The feeling’s mutual” I smile back at him.

He left the room and I turned around. He looked at me and smirked. “I told you they would like you”

I smile. “I guess,” I went back on the bed.

Chres drove me back home. We picked up Brittany from Gymnastic practice on our way there. We walk inside. Ray and Tori was in the living room. Tori stood up as soon as she saw me.

“Your mails came” She said.

“Oh my gosh! Really?” I exclaimed, ecstatically. She gave me two envelops. One of them said Juilliard University and the other said UCF University.

I opened the Juilliard one first. I started reading it. Then, I suddenly frown.

We are deeply sorry but you are rejected…

I turned and looked at Chres. “They r-rejected m-me” I stammered, my voice cracking.

“Open the other one” Ray said, looking at me.

I opened the UCF one. They accepted me. But, I wanted to go to Juilliard with Chres. 

“I’m gonna be in Florida” Chres embraced me. I didn’t know what to do at this point. I didn’t wanna cry. That’s all I did last week. I’m tired of it. “I’m sorry” I mumble, and buried my face in chest.

He kissed my hair. “It’s okay”

I look up at him. “It’s not okay, Chres. We’re gonna be separated for years. I can’t do that”

He leaned down and kissed me. “We’re gonna be just fine” He said, before kissing my nose.

“I hope so” I look over to Tori and Ray. “Did you two get in the same college?”

Ray shook his head. “No, I’m going to Juilliard with Chres. She’s going to be in Boston”

I sigh. “I don’t wanna talk about this anymore”

We played video games to kind of get our mines of the college news. That didn’t work. To me, at least.

“Haven’t talked to you in a long time” I said, giving Christopher a hug. I’m spending the day with him. We thought we needed to catch up on some stuff. I sat in front of him.

“How are things going?” He ask.

“Bad.” I sigh heavily. “Chres and I aren’t going to the same college”

“Didn’t you two break up?”

“It was a misunderstanding, Chris. We’re back together.” I said.

“I’m surprised he didn’t fight the guy” He chuckled slightly.

I nodded in agreement. “The guy was drunk. What did he know?”

“You told me Justice set it up”

“I think she did,” I said, “Let’s stop talking about me. What’s been going on with you?”

“Well, I’m doing pretty good” He said, looking around.

I look down at my phone and checked the time. “We have a lot of spare time. I wanna go to the carnival or something”

He shrug. “If that’s where you wanna go, then let’s go”

He drove to the carnival; which was about a 15 minute drive. He payed for our tickets; after I told him he didn’t have to pay mine. We rode rides, we ate, we had fun and he won me a big white teddy bear with a red hear in the middle that says I Love You. I had a lot of stuffed animals in my hand. I’m planning on giving them to Brittany.

“I’m tired” I said.  

“Want me to take you home?” He ask. I nodded. He drove me home.

“Today was fun. Thanks” I said, before getting down the car.

“My pleasure,” He smiled at me.

I smile. “Bye, Chris” 

“Goodnight” He said.

I nodded. “You too” I waved before walking towards the door. He drove away. I opened the front door and walk in.

“Where were you?” Dani asked, when she saw me walked in.

“I went to the carnival with Christopher” I said.

“Did you bring me anything?” She grin.


“I want that big teddy bear, though” She said, reaching for it.

I pulled it back. “No, he won that for me”

“I was wondering when you’d get home” Ray said, jogging down the stairs with Chres behind him. “Where did you get that?” He ask, referring to the big white teddy bear.

How many people am I gonna have to explain this to? “I went to the Carnival with Chris and he won me this teddy bear. The others I won them.”

“Why didn’t you-”

“No more questions, please” I interrupted Ray. “I’m tired”

“By the way, Brittany went somewhere with mom” Dani said.

I nodded. “Goodnight”

I went upstairs to my room. I put down all the stuff I had in my hand somewhere around the room. When I was done, I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and took a shower.

I put on my pajamas and lay on my bed. There was a knock on the door. “It’s open” I semi-yelled.  The door opened and Chres walked in. He lay next to me. I looked at him. “Do you think it will work out?”

He look down at me. “Do I think what will work out?”

I shrug, slightly. “Us, going to different colleges”

“It should work out” He said, stroking my cheek with his thumb.

I don’t do well with long distance relationship. Even if I’ve never been in a long distance relationship. But, I just don’t think it’s gonna work for me.  “I hope so”

“Stop doubting”

I sigh. “I’m not, Chres” I said before getting up and walk to my dresser to look for a hair tie. When I found one, I put my hair in a bun. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

“I’m about to go home” He said.

“You’re not staying?” I ask, turning around. 

He shook his head. “No, I have to go home”

I wrap my arm around his neck. I pulled his head down and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around my hips and pulled me closer.

“I’m here” Brittany said. We pulled away and looked at her. “Sorry”

I laugh slightly. “It’s okay. Go take a shower,” She nodded and went to the bathroom.

“Goodnight, I love you” Chres said, turning his attention back to me.

I pecked his lips. “I love you too”

“Bye” He said, before walking out the door. I went back to my bed and waited for Brittany to finish taking a shower and stuff so I can close the lights. When she was done, she got in the bed. I close the lights and went to sleep.

“I’m going to Valencia” Chris said to me in 7th period.

“Where is that at?” I cocked my head to the side.

“Guess.” He smirked.

“Arizona?” I ask. He shook his head. “Baltimore?”

“Nope” He said, popping the ‘p’. Every State I named, he said no.
“Okay, I give up. Where?”

“Florida” He smiled.

“Really?!” I screamed. Everybody turned and looked at me; even the teacher.

“Um, Ciara,” She started. “Do you wanna tell me what I just said?”

“Yeah,” I nodded. “You said, “Do you wanna tell me what I just said?”” I know I’m getting myself in trouble. But, what else was I suppose to do? The students laughed slightly.

“No,” She shook her head and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Before that”

I looked at Chris; hoping he would help me out. But, it was obvious that he didn’t know. We both weren’t paying attention. I hate when teachers do that. I immediately got annoyed.

I kissed my teeth. “Man, I don’t know. Wasn’t it obvious that I wasn’t listening to what you were saying?”

“Excuse me?” She raised her eyebrows.

“You heard me” I rolled my eyes. I can be very rude and stubborn. Especially when I’m annoyed.

“Chill,” Chris said.

Then, she got distraught. “Office. Now.” She pointed towards the door.

I rolled my eyes, again. “Whatever.” I look at Chris. “We’ll talk later”

I grab my handbag and walk out the door. She didn’t really think I was going to the office, was she? I started wondering around. We have like 35 minutes before we leave, I didn’t see the point of me going to the office. I stopped walking when I heard two familiar voices. It was Chres and Justice.

“She won’t found out. I promise,” I heard Justice say.

After she said that, the talking stopped. So, I thought Justice left or something. I turn around the corner and I literally dropped all the stuff that was in my hand. I’m glad my phone was in my back pocket. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Chresanto and Justice…kissing?! I was in complete shock.

“I can’t believe you, Chres!” I yelled. They both turned and looked at me. It was just last night he said he loved me and now he was cheating on me? I’m trying my best not to burst out crying. But, I’m not sure I’m doing a great job.

“Ciara…” Chres said, trying to figure out something to tell me. “I-I didn’t mean-”

I held my hand up. “It’s whatever, Chres. I’m done. We’re over” I turned around and was about to walk away but he grab my wrist and turned me around. “What?!” 

“Babe, please. I-I love you” He said.

Tears fell out of my eyes. My heart was aching. “You were k-kissing her, C-Chres” I stammered.

“I know,” He sighed. “I didn’t know what I was thinking. I just…” He couldn’t even finish his sentence.

I wipe some tears from my cheeks. “We’re done, Chres” I turn around and walk out to the parking lot. I got in my car and drove home. When I got home, I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I sat on the floor and brought my knees to my chest and started crying.

I can’t believe this. I felt like pulling my hair out. I didn’t know love hurts this much. I got up and look at myself in the mirror. My mascara and eyeliner was running. Then, my phone vibrated. I look down at it.

“He’s mine now, bitch ;)”-J

I bit my lip as tears kept falling from my eyes. My eyes wondered around the bathroom. I spot a razor. I ran my hands through my hair. I promised I wasn’t gonna do it no more. But, right now, I just couldn’t help myself. I grabbed it and sat back on the floor. I stared at it for a few seconds. Then, I pressed it against my skin. I winced at the pain. But, I just couldn’t stop myself. I kept going.

“Ciara, open the door” Ray said, banging on the door.

“Can you leave me alone, please?” I said, staring at my bloody wrists.

“I know what you doing in there,” He said. “I don’t want you to hurt yourself”

I sniffed. “I’m already hurt, Ray. He cheated on me”

I heard him sigh. “Okay, but, can you please just open the door?”

I forced myself to get up. I opened the door. Ray, Dani, Chres, and Tori were out there. I wanted to be alone.

“Ciara, I’m sorry” Chres grabbing my hand, staring at my wrists. He shook his head. “I’m really sorry”

I snatch my hand away. “Don’t talk to me. Don’t look at me. Don’t text or call me. Don’t touch me.” I yelled.

I turned around and walk in my room. I slammed the door. I didn’t even care anymore. I sat on my bed and stared at my laptop. I grabbed it and played the song that I was feeling right now. I haven’t sung ever since my throat healed.

You were all that I wanted

I fell in love with all of your heart and your soul

From that moment couldn't imagine

You ever hurting me or mistreating my love

I should have known

Rivers of tear drops

These sharp pains in my heart

If this was the way that you loved

You never should have loved me...

 Craig walk in my room and I turned around. He sat next to me. “You okay?”

I nodded. “Yeah, I guess”

“You know, he didn’t mean to hurt you. He loves you, Ciara”

I face palmed myself. “I know. But, out of all the girls, why her? Why Justice?”

“I’m sure there’s a reason behind this.”

“She told him I wouldn’t find out, Craig. I’m sure he meant to kiss her” I look at Craig. “Did he still have feelings for her?”

He shrugged. “Why don’t you ask him?”

“I don’t wanna talk to him, Prod. I’m actually glad we’re not going to the same college”

“You don’t mean that”

“Yes, I do” I lay my head on his shoulders. “Did you ever cheat on Melody?”

He nodded. “Twice”

“How did you two got back together?” I inquired.

“You don’t just fall out of love, Ci. We still loved each other. It did take a lot for her to forgive me but we got back together”

I nodded. He’s right. You don’t just fall out of love. Even if I still love Chresanto, I don’t know how long it’s gonna take me to forgive him.

“Well,” He said, getting up. “I have to go. I just came to see if you were okay”

I nodded and smiled. “Thanks.”

He chuckled. “Don’t lock yourself up in here for 5 days.”

I laugh slightly. “I won’t. I promise,”

He leaned down and kissed my cheek. “See you tomorrow”

I smile. “Bye”

He left my room. I fall back on my bed and lay on my back. I don’t even know what to do with myself now. I lift my hand up and look at wrist. I sigh. The door opened and Brittany and Dani walked in.

“Hey, Ciara” Brittany said, as she put her book bag on the chair near my bed. I waved at her. “What’s wrong?” She tilted her head to the side.

“Her and Chresanto isn’t together anymore,” Dani explained.

She gasped. “Why?”

“Long story” Dani replied again before laying down next to me. “Are you okay?”

I nodded. “Yeah. I just don’t take break ups easily”

“Nobody does.” She said, playing with the tip of my hair.

“You have no idea what I’ve been through. When my ex boyfriends broke up with me, they did it in the worst way possible” I explained. “Especially, Jason

“Who’s that?” She furrowed her eyebrows.

“My ex” I replied. I look towards the door and Brittany wasn’t there.

“Come on, let’s go eat” She said, getting up.  

“Is Chres down there?” I ask, getting up from the bed.

She nodded. “He’s playing video games with Ray and Jacob”

We walk downstairs. I didn’t know what to expect. But, I thought Chresanto was gonna come up to me and start apologizing and shit. But, he didn’t. He kept focusing on his game. He didn’t even take a quick glance at me or something. He just ignored me.

I mean, I know I told him to do that. But, I don’t know, I think I regret saying that. We walk in the kitchen and we started making something for us to eat.

I walk in Ray’s room after he told me to come in. I sat on his chair. “What’s up?” He said. He was lying on his bed, playing subway surfers on his phone.

“Did he talk about me?” I ask, playing with my nails.

“He did.”

I look up at him. “What did he say?”

“He said, that he still love you and he’s gonna do everything he can to get back together with you” Ray said, looking at me.

“That’s it?”

He nodded and continued to look at me. I’m guessing he’s trying to read me or something. “You don’t like him ignoring you, do you?” He ask, before turning back to his phone.

I shook my head. “No. It’s hard. But, I told him to” I ran my hand through my hair. “I don’t know what to do”

“You have two choices. Either get back together with him now or wait for him to do what he’s gonna do for you to get back together with him”

I sigh. “I think I’ll rather wait. I’m not taking him back that easily. Especially he kissed Justice

“Well, yeah. You guys are separating for college anyway”

“So, it might take years?” I ask and he nodded.

Maybe, it’s for the best. We were gonna have a long distance relationship anyway…

I'm posting the next chapter next week. I'm still working on it c:

By The Way, The time is changing on Sunday, November 03, 2013. It's gonna go 1 hour back. Lol, just wanted to inform you guys! c:

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