Chapter TWO: Before the Trip

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~Vongola Mansion,Sicily,Italy~

"Agata,Alonso,essere sicuri che tutto è pronto per il viaggio sul friday.I non vogliono gli studenti a sentirsi a disagio. (be sure that everything is ready for the trip on friday.I dont want the students to feel uncomfortable.)"--Timoteo,the Vongola Nono said to his Head Maiden & Head Butler

"Si,Maestro.Abbiamo capito tutto. (Yes,Master. We understand completely)"-- Agata & Alonso

"Grazie.You sono respingere.(Thank you.You are dismiss.)"--Timoteo

Just as Alonso,the Head Butler,head out of his Master's Office,Timoteo called out for him again.

"Invia Per Menandro qui. Voglio parlare con lui.(Send For Menandro here. I want to talk to him.)"--Timoteo said in monotone voice

", in una sola volta. (Yes,at once)"--Alonso

"Grazie ancora una volta, Alonso.(Thank you once again,Alonso)"--Timoteo

"piacere è mio, Vongola IX.(Pleasure is mine,Vongola Ninth)"--Alonso

Timoteo smiled and wave the butler away. Coyote,his right hand man look at him with worry on his face.

"Hey,are you really serious,Teo?"--Coyote

"What is it,Coyo?"--Timoteo

"Dont play coy,now. Im sure you planned this all by yourself."--Coyote

"Sharp as usual.Yes,I plan to keep it a secret.But you found out at some point."--Timoteo

"Of course.You're my bestfriend,I know you longer than anyone.You're life-or-death plans are included in.Not to mention this one.But ,is this really okay? Planning a class trip all of a sudden..Is there some special reason?"--Coyote

"None...I just want to suprise my grandson..AND his classmates..Besides,I want to meet them and see how they treat my little tuna fish."--Timoteo

"~gulp~ I know it's more than that."--Coyote

"Dont be like that,Coyo.Everything will be fine...Just fine. "--Timoteo said while chuckling evily.

'This is bad.Teo's sadistic side had emerge once more.His Intuition told him something that he didn't like.What the hell? I'd just pray for the safety of those poor souls that will soon go to hell.'--Coyote

"Be prepared,Junior Class 1-A ...Reborn,I know you're hiding.Come out now. I have work for you."--Timoteo

"Excellent use of Hyper Intuition as always,Ninth."--Reborn

"Hn.Anyway,I want you to deliver this to Tsunayoshi...In a suprising way..."--Timoteo said

"I understand,Ninth. I'll excuse myself now."--Reborn said with a sadistic smirk.

Just then Brow Nie Jr. the Sun Guardian of Timoteo was about to enter the room but he saw something he shouldn't have.

' Oh my God,Kuro Teo is awake.I can imagine his methods of sadistic torturing to the coming students. Im sorry,Tsunayoshi..But your kind grandfather is no more.'--Brow Nie

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