Chapter FOURTEEN: Future's adventures in the Past

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"Whoa,this town is sure ancient to the bone. Most of the buildings and stores here had been replaced by newer stores in the future."--17 year old Tsuna

"Really? You've been here before in the future? In Italy?"--14 year old Tsuna

"Yes..a lot..I often take a walk here with my Guardians and do a little shopping for supplies or whatever caught my interest. Not to mention that half of my life and being lives here."--17 year old Tsuna

"Ehh..Having said that,means that I will go to Italy in the future too?!!!"--14 year old Tsuna

"Yep,you'll go visit again this place in the future. Not a few times,though. You'll go to this town a lot."--24 year old Tsuna

"What's that supposed to mean?!! And did he read my mind?!!!"--14 year old Tsuna

The Tsuna Triples are currently walking the streets of the town near the Mansion. After some more discussions about the Past and the Future's timelines and the effects of the Time Bullet,Giotto gave them permission to go around the town and familiarize themselves which they did.

Now,they're inside a Cafe,eating sweets. And 14 year old Tsuna is in the washroom for a moment.

"But the one who shot you,17 year old me, is very annoying for my opinion. I'm in a middle of something so interesting to watch,then I poof out in a wrong timing."--24 year old Tsuna said with his brows furrowed

"You bet. Beniamino is his name. That bastard is a boss of one of our rival famiglias. I trust that you know about the three alliances?"--17 year old Tsuna

"Yeah,what about them?"--24 year old Tsuna

"Well,the Tenebre Alliance launch a surprise attack in the Mansion in my time. And,the freaking Boss of the alliance held some of my comrades captive so I have to go and play their game or else my captive comrades will not see the sun at dawn. And during that time,the bastard Beniamino shot us."--17 year old Tsuna

"Hmm..Beniamino huh? Which family does he belong to?"--24 year old Tsuna

"Oh,the Rocco Family."--17 year old Tsuna

"I knew it."--24 year old Tsuna said as he took a sip of his cappuccino coffee

17 year old Tsuna just stare at his adult version with a curious expression.

"The Rocco Famiglia was known as the "Tempo di Tortanitore" or Time Turner in the Mafia. Their main weapons are made only for purposes that involves Time. Examples are, an ancient European pocket watch,a locket,a staff,a ring,a belt, an amethyst stone,a chain necklace,a gun and the Time Bullets. All of them can take anyone to the Past or Future if used. They only have had few battle weapons. In the future,they're already extinct. And their weapons are now in an unknown place."--24 year old Tsuna

"Hmm..Time Turner huh? That name is pretty pathetic. And,seriously? They only consider weapons that involves Time?! I can't believe that a famiglia like that is in the Mafia."--17 year old Tsuna

"Crazy,right?"--24 year old Tsuna

"Mostly."--17 year old Tsuna

Finally,14 year old Tsuna came holding a tray of gelato (Italian word for Ice cream). He handed one to each of his older versions.

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