Chapter SEVEN:The Tour and the First Generation (Part 2)

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Now,that the Group A is over,let's take a peek on Group B

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Now,that the Group A is over,let's take a peek on Group B..

"Normal Dialog"
'Italian thoughts'

~The Wine Cellar ~

"WHOA. This room is freaking huge!! And all of these wine are top-class!!"--Ryo Loren,the Im-gonna-be-a-sommelier-someday boy.

"Yes,you're right. This wine cellar have the collection of wine of each Vongola Boss. But the Decimo's collection aren't counted yet,because he's forbidden to drink some at a young age."--Althea ,the tour maid said

"That make sense,considering these empty racks."--Shin Nakamori,one of the average boys said.

"So you kept all of the ancient wines here? Even though they're beginning to rot?"-- Yuri

"Of course,for keepsake."--Althea

"They're most Italian wines..Only average from the other countries."--Takeo Sato,the best actor of the class said.

"Yes.Most of the Vongola Bosses were Italian. The First Vongola Boss, was a Italian but after he stepped down,he move to Japan and learned Japanese under the name of Ieyasu."--Althea


"Now I believe we must move now. There's a lot more waiting."--Althea

Althea lead the group to a series of rooms.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I present you the Study Room of every Vongola Boss!!"--Althea


Asari Ugetsu rub the back of his head as he put down his katana and connect himself to Yamamoto.

"Yamamoto,what's the ruckus about?"--Asari

"Ugetsu! Nope,nothing. It's just that my classmates are pretty shock to see the Study Room."--Yamamoto

"Ah,so that's why..could you explain why your classmates are here?"--Asari

"Oh,Nono invited the whole class to go here under the modus operandi class trip. Of course,Tsuna was shocked at first and gone against it,but in the end he went along. Right now,we're having a tour around the Mansion and like I said earlier my classmates are pretty shock to see the Study Room."--Yamamoto

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